3D Visualization Simplify the art of property selling with interactive

Last Updated: July 8, 2021

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Selling a house is akin to selling a story, isn’t it! The good thing is people love stories and that doesn’t change when they are on a quest for property buying. Glossy pictures in property brochures and an attractive price can lure a homebuyer towards a property listing, but it’s a well-documented narration through 3D visualization that can ignite an onlooker’s imagination about themselves living there and be the perfect hook to reel in a buyer.

3D architecture visualizations are the latest hi-tech tools that have emerged on to the real estate scene with the eruption of the pandemic. Real estate developers are upping their game to stay ahead of the curve by ditching analogue real estate processes that stretched property buying cycles and adopting 3D visualization architecture to showcase their property inventory in an interactive visual format and make property buying decisions faster.

In fact, post covid, millions of dollars have been pumped into 3D architectural rendering services, looking at the immense potential this technology possesses. Looking at the pace at which 3D architectural rendering tech is getting adopted by real estate companies, the 3D rendering and visualization market will reach $4,068 million by 2025.

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3D Visualization refers to the technique that is used for creating images and animations through 3D software to communicate a message. The term 3D visualization is used in a synonymous manner with 3D rendering, computer generated imagery (CGI), 3D graphics, and so on. They all refer to the same process by which graphical imagery is creating by employing 3D software.

With the help of 3D architectural rendering software, real estate architects and designers can create photorealistic images of buildings, interiors and property surroundings and also enable modes like 3D night mode visualization to help homebuyers view the property differently. 3D artists can also add shadows, lighting textures and particle effects with the software to achieve a higher degree of realism in the images and hold the attention of homebuyers for a much longer time. 

3D Visualization services are of three types.

1.3D Interior Visualization:
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This type of 3D product visualization incorporates the creation of a photorealistic image of the interiors of the property. Interior visualization comes into play when you want to picturize a property interior with all the furnishings, lightings, shadows, colors and decors, to understand whether you will feel comfortable and cozy when you live in the flesh in that space. In a nutshell, 3D interior visualization brings a barren property interior into life though 3D software so that homeowners can make renovations and changes in the interior design.

2.3D Exterior Visualization:

As the name suggests, 3D exterior visualization shows how the exterior of a building, and its immediate surroundings will look like once the project gets closer to reality. This 3D visualization type is used extensively by real estate developers to create an accurate, life-like representation of a property using appropriate dimensions to help homebuyers understand the structure of a building along with its surroundings.

3.3D Animation:

3D animation is a visualization of a space in motion. 3D walkthroughs and virtual property tours come under 3D animation where users can see a space from different angles, walk through the entire property- interiors and exteriors, and have a proper idea about the building in a more realistic fashion than a 2D image. The tour/ walkthroughs are created through 3D visualizations, where images are processed, and 3D panoramas are built which are then assembled to make a full 3D tour. The tours come with spatial sounds and in-built virtual assistant. With the help of 3D animation, buildings can be animated at different daytimes, thus providing a reliable analysis of the sunlight exposure and shaded areas. Property designers can also change the materials used in the building and animate different construction phases to arrive at the right decision before the project breaks ground.

3D Visualization are needed by 3D artists, architects and contemporary designers who are well-versed with 3D technology viz. rendering, modelling, computer-generated imagery, and graphics. Previously used in areas like gaming, films, manufacturing, automobile, marketing, and education, 3D architectural visualization services have taken real estate by storm of late. Real estate architects are steadily becoming conversant with 3D tech tools, creating 3D models of various projects even before construction starts. This visual representation showcases a building in its entirety, its interiors, exteriors and how it influences the surroundings, thus providing homebuyers with a clear idea about the viability of the project and how they can use the property.

Architects use 3D visualization services to show off their professional skills without having to wait for their first project to get over. Since 3D tech is foolproof, efficient, reliable and cost-effective, customers can entrust architects with designing a building and at the same time expect high-quality results from them. Finally, 3D visualizations help architects to provide initial ideas to their clients before they kick-off a major architectural visualization project.

Interior Designers:
Interior designers proficient in AR and 3D tech are in high demand since they can create photorealistic visualizations of interiors which helps customers to get an idea of how the interior design of their dream house will look like and whether it will suit their tastes and preferences. Moreover, with 3D visualizations, interior designers can help their clients feel a bonding with their apartment right from the design stage.

Property Developers:
3D visualizations allow pre-selling of pre-construction properties at a designated price without a brick being laid. This has attracted property developers to tap this new gen technology and showcase photorealistic visualizations of their projects without worrying about brochures or advertising them at property expos. These visualizations guarantee quick sales
since they can be easily shared with clients, which increases the credibility of the developer and makes his brand strong, professional and trustworthy. 

3D Visualization has become a buzzword post-pandemic in the real estate sphere. Previously, marketing a property that isn’t present in the flesh was a tough nut to crack for realtors. Thankfully, with the advent of 3D visualization, real estate companies can showcase an immersive view of the property to customers within minutes and also get all essential information needed for completion of the project. Let’s see why real estate companies are veering towards 3D visualization.

· Visualization of pre-construction properties: By fashioning an accurate 3D representation of a property, realtors can bring a conceptual property into life. This will not only enable them to get a good understanding of the property, but also deduce the weaknesses and strengths of the building plan, leading to revision of drawings and designs to iron out the infirmities. This will lead to safer and accurate construction and increase the future value of the project.

· Highlight beneficial property landmarks: With the help of 3D visualization of a property, realtors can accurately depict all nearby landmarks such as schools, hospitals, entertainment hubs, bus stops, parks and other features with aerial routes to provide locational awareness of the project and attract clients towards it, leading to faster decision making.

· Forge an emotional bonding with clients: It goes without saying that homebuyers won’t be piqued by glossy brochures and 2D pictures of properties when they think of booking a home. They won’t be swayed by something intangible. This is where 3D visualization whips up the magic. With the help of photorealistic renders, clients can view the interiors of a property with furniture, lightings, fittings, curtains and other home décor, to gain a detailed sense of the warmth and coziness. Elements such as sunlight, rain, shadows can be added in the exteriors too, thereby allowing customers to reimagine their future homes in just a few minutes.

· Boost realtor’s marketing campaign: Believe it or not, the power of 3D visualization is immense. The experience that a homebuyer gets from taking a 3D walkthrough of a property is akin to nothing when compared to property brochures and photographs. While taking a virtual tour, homebuyers undergo a rush of emotions since they are able to enter their future homes virtually and get a feel of its interiors, much before the property is built. This exercise fortifies the homebuyer with a ring of assurance and eggs him/her to sign the deal.

· Proper justification of property price:  Photos and sketches of a property cannot depict the features, amenities, luxury quotient, and landscape of the property in a manner that allows a homebuyer to have a proper justification of the price of the property. With 3D visualization, prospects can ascertain the architecture of the property, visualize the interiors and see the quality of amenities on offer, thus allowing them to rationalize the value they are paying for. This will also lead to faster selling of pre-construction properties.

3D visualization involves creation of a photo-realistic building concepts using 3D software to provide clients with an accurate 3D visualization of the building design. After the creation of 3D models, the artist adds an array of advanced features like shadows, lighting, textures and particle effects, to achieve a high level of detail in the 3D rendering and make them look like as realistic as possible. Let us look at the steps that are used to create a 3D visualization of a property.

· Culling information & understanding client needs: In order to realize a 3D visualization of a property, it is absolutely necessary to get a sound brief from the client. With the help of architectural drawings, plans, and reference images supplied by the clients, the 3D artist creates a visual picture of the 3D representation and decide on the camera angles according to the 2D plans finalized by the client.

· Creating the 3D model: After the inputs are received, the 3D artist kickstarts on creating the 3D model using a specialized modelling software, turning the concept into reality in a matter of hours. The end product is a facsimile of the physical structure, the only difference being, it exists digitally.

· Designing the interiors and adding textures: To make the 3D model as realistic as possible, the designer brings out his artistic bent of mind and adds accents and textures to the walls, floors and ceilings. In addition, he drops the curtains, furniture and electrical fittings into designated places as selected by the client to give the interior a furnished look, so that the customer gets a wholesome impression of how the interior will look like.

· Replicating real world lighting: The 3D artist now harps on the most sensitive part of the design exercise-to place the lights at relevant places, replicate the sun rays that will enter the space and create the shadows, to mimic a real-world ambience.

· Rendering: This process incorporates the creation of 2D images from the process mentioned above. It is similar to taking a photo in reality. Usually, it takes a few minutes to several days to make a render depending upon the scale of the project, the complexity of the scene and the quality needed.

· Finetuning the final output: Once the render is complete, the final output is presented to the client to get his feedback. According to the suggestions received, the 3D artist revises the scene and makes the changes to the lightings, textures and the scenery. It is then sent to the client in a desired resolution and in a specific format and size.

3D Visualization and 3D Rendering are used in almost the same vein nowadays. While both the terms may seem similar to each other, they are completely different in actuality.

3D visualization is the process where the technical and artistic competence of the 3D artist is required. It encompasses the design of the product, the process of which includes ideation, concept design, sketching, market research, manufacturability analysis, modelling and prototyping. While going on with this tough challenge, the 3D artist has to take into account the aesthetics of the product, the functionality and the user experience. Designing a product is a complex exercise and requires deft skill and technical acumen of the artist to give justice to such a work. This is where 3D visualization comes into play, where designers used high-end 3D software like AutoCAD is used to develop the 3D model of a product, using information such as materials, textures, colors, and results from usage simulations. The result is a visually appealing image of the product. The file format used here depends on the software being used to make the model. The end product though can be reused, modified and used multiple times for rendering.

3D Rendering on the other hand, isn’t that detailed and immersive like 3D Visualization, but it is technically much sophisticated. To do the process of 3D rendering, you need a 3D model first. Once the model gets the green light, the designer works on the aesthetics, by adjusting the effects, shuffling the camera positions and adding lights, shadows and textures into the model to make it life-like. In a nutshell, 3D rendering is the creation of photorealistic images of 3D models that can be shared in common formats like JPG or PNG. 

Real estate is undergoing a reincarnation of late with the explosion of robust tech advancements like 3D visualization, which real estate experts opine will reshape the industry’s future and make it bulletproof against subsequent upcoming market forces.   Realtors are veering towards 3D tech to stay relevant in a pandemic situation, taking the help of 3D architectural rendering services to enhance their marketing campaigns, receive more inquiries from prospective homebuyers, reduce friction in the sales process, give customers a better homebuying experience and sell homes faster. Moreover, 3D product visualization will help real estate architects makes their workflows smoother, speed up construction with the development of rapid prototyping, make property models more realistic and immersive and help iron out blueprint and construction errors.

The response from homebuyers about this hi-tech way of experiencing real estate is exuberant too. The concept of 3D walkthroughs that give a realistic sense of the building personality in a meaningful, visual and technically rich format triggers an instant response from customers and guides them towards meaningful decision making. This will remain the mainstay of real estate marketing and will shape the industry for the better. 


  • Q: 1. How can 3D visualization benefit my business?
    With 3D visualization, you can save a lot of time and money by getting an early feedback in the process. It will help real estate developers, architects and interior designers to showcase their products and even sell them even before they are launched. For example, a builder can sell apartments to future homeowners, without the project breaking ground.
  • Q: 2. What is the price of 3D visualization?
    A: 3D visualization costs vary from project to project. It depends on the scale of the project, the quality of 3D tech used, the amount of details involved to make the product more realistic and the amount of time taken by the 3D artist to make the project. The price goes up when more details and time is involved in the expedition. 
  • Q: 3. Is 3D Visualization expensive?
    A: 3D visualization charges depend on the complexity of the project. However, if the quality of the project is top-notch, the returns are great too. 3D artists that focus on providing good quality 3D images with all the minute details intact, charge higher rates. 
  • Q: 4. What do I need to provide for a 3D visualization?
    A: For a foolproof 3D visualization project, the client must provide detailed descriptions about the project with necessary references so that the 3D artist gets a clear idea on which he will embark on. The reference materials can include drawings, images, descriptions, and 3D models.
  • Q: 5. How long will it take to get a delivery of a 3D visualization?
    A: Any 3D visualization project delivery depends on the type, scope, size and complexity of the project. The expertise of the 3D artist and the TAT also plays a stellar role in delivery of the project. 
  • Q: 6. How can I use 3D visualization to improve my business?
    One can hire a 3D artist and get his suggestions on how your product can be advertised beneficially to boost your business. He/she can take feedback from customers too on how the visual image can be improved. Today, 3D visualization is used by various sectors to improve the visualization of their products, impress potential customers, convince investors and take businesses to new heights.
  • Q: 7. What is a 3D Virtual Reality Tour?
    A 3D Virtual Reality Tour is an immersive and highly engaging way of showcasing a space to a prospect. Virtual tours are not only used by property developers to help market or sell a residential or commercial property, but also in various other industries like automobiles and retail. 3D virtual tours are easily shareable and can run in any browser and work on any device. The cinematic video consists of an array of 360-degree equirectangular panoramic images that are connected and provide the user the ability to move from one space to another and look in any direction he/she likes. The end result is a visually appealing and immersive home tour that gives the user a rich feel and enables him to make a well-informed decision. 3D Virtual tours come with different view-modes and a digital floor plan too.
  • Q: 8. What are the three types of Virtual Reality?
    The three types of virtual reality used in different sectors are non-immersive, semi-immersive and fully-immersive simulations. 
  • Q: 9. What are the examples of Virtual Reality?
    Virtual Reality is applied across a range of fields like military for battlefield simulations, flight simulations, vehicle simulation, virtual bootcamp etc. It is used in sports by coaches and players to train more efficiently, improve their technique and also as a training aid to measure an athlete’s performance. VR is used in education to simulate different learning environments such as tours of museums, solar systems and going back in time. In fashion, VR is used to amplify product selling by allowing customers to try on their products virtually. 
  • Q: 10. What is the purpose of Virtual Reality?
    A: Virtual reality is used to create an immersive, spatial environment and teleport the user into that environment at any time and place. It allows us to cross boundaries that are humanely impossible and unimaginable and experience the feeling of being present in person in that ambience.
  • Q: 11. How does Virtual Reality work?
    The process of starting a Virtual Reality simulation actually begins with wearing a VR device such as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive to create a virtual environment which comes with motion-tracking features. Once the headset is placed on the user’s head and adjusted to the peripheral vision, the motion control feature takes over and control the immersive experience. The scene shifts with the motion of the user’s head, allowing him to interact with it wholeheartedly. 
  • Q: 12. How much does Virtual Reality cost?
    Virtual reality devices are expensive for most people and customers have to shell out a lot of money upfront to experience it. However, virtual reality is fast gaining currency of late and a lot of hardware and software offerings are in the pipeline that will boost VR growth and pull down costs. Companies such as Samsung and Sony are trying to bring VR tech in smartphones, which will make virtual reality cheaper and can be enjoyed by masses.
  • Q: 13. Is VR good for the eyes?
    VR headsets use two small LCD monitors which are projected at each eye, creating an illusory effect as you look into it. However, the proximity of the screens to the eyes, may cause eye strain if you immerse yourself into this ocular experience. While they may not be any deterioration in eyesight, people have complained about nausea, dry irritable eyes, and headaches. 
  • Q: 14. Is Virtual Reality safe?
    It has been proved that Virtual Reality can wreak a good amount of havoc on adult vision and can cause disorientation called virtual reality sickness. Kids who love virtual reality experiences can be at a greater risk for developing nearsightedness and digital eye strain. However, the good news is that a lot of R&D is going on to make virtual reality eye friendly. Some studies have shown that virtual reality headsets could make our eyes stronger as they have to adjust to maintain binocular vision. 

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