Metric conversions are not a cakewalk and it requires a proper formula and concentrated calculations to get the precise result. Otherwise, you will end up making mistakes and be fooled by the person on another side. But we ask you not to worry because we are here with a guide to teach you how to convert 1 Guntha to Square Feet in the most efficient and simplest way. So, sit tight and start reading!
Converting 1 Guntha to Square Feet
As you know, measurement units for land will naturally vary from one State to another. Square Yards, Square Feet, Acres, Square Meters, Hectares, and Guntha are all commonly used units of measurements. As seen earlier, 1 Guntha will work out to approximately 1,089 sq. ft. This is one measurement unit that is majorly used in Northern India for the measurement of agricultural land in most scenarios.
Now that you know how to convert 1 Guntha to Square Feet or 1 gunta in sq feet, you will be able to do your own calculations while buying/selling land. The Guntha measurement will come into play whenever you are looking at purchasing land in various parts of India. Estimating the size of the land is important in order to estimate the overall costs of construction, fencing, and related costs if you are a buyer. If you are a seller, knowing the Guntha to square feet measurement will help you work out the price at which you should sell the land.
There are several online calculators available for the conversion of measurement units in case you wish to save on time and energy alike. However, with regular practice on your part and extensive knowledge of the topic at hand, you can expect increased proficiency in the future. This knowledge is also vital if you are planning to venture into the field of real estate in the future.
Relationship between 1 Gunta in Square Feet
You should know how to convert 1 Guntha to square feet or 1 Gunta in square feet as the colloquial form goes. 1 Guntha to sq ft is the commonest relationship metric available in this regard.
1 Guntha is equivalent to 1,089 square feet. 1 square foot is equivalent to 0.00091827 Guntha. This is the common model that you should use for conversion purposes.
Gunta to sq ft Formula & Example
The formula for conversion of 1 Guntha to square feet is quite simple. It is given below:
1 Guntha = 1,089 square feet.
This formula can be used to convert any number of Gunthas to their actual value in square feet.
While 1 Square Feet = 0.000918 Guntha.
This will help you convert any number of square feet into Guntha.
Let us understand the relationship between Gunta and Sq Ft with the help of a few examples.
Example 1: Convert 10 Gunthas into Square Feet
10 Gunthas = 10*1089 = 10890 square feet.
Example 2: Convert 2 Gunta in Square Feet
2 Gunta = 2*1089 = 2168 square feet.
Example 3: Convert 5 Guntha to square feet
5 Guntha = 5*1089 = 5445 square feet.
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Difference Between Guntha and Square Feet
While both are land measuring units, they differ slightly from each other on a few grounds as described below:
Basis of Comparison |
Guntha |
Square Feet |
Symbol |
Gunta/Guntha |
Sq. ft, ft2 |
Definition |
It’s is a measurement for total area. It is mostly used for measuring the size of a land parcel. |
It is an imperial unit of the U.S conventional unit of area and is used worldwide. |
Applicability |
It is mainly applicable for measuring the size of any land parcel or plot. |
It’s mainly applicable for measuring apartment spaces, size of rooms, etc. |
Size |
1 Guntha = 1,089 square feet. This implies that 1 Guntha is bigger than a square foot. |
1 sq ft = 0.000918 Guntha. This implies that a square foot is smaller than a Guntha. |
Use |
It is used predominantly in India and several other countries such as Pakistan, etc. |
It is used worldwide. |
Guntha to Square Feet Conversion Table
Here is a conversion table for Gunta to sq feet that you should take a closer look at.
Here is the list of consecutive figures with four decimal places available.
Guntha | Square Feet | Gunta to Square Feet |
1 guntha | 1089.00000005 sq ft | 1 guntha is equal to 1089.00000005 square feet |
2 guntha | 2178.0000001 sq ft | 2 guntha is equal to 2178.0000001 square feet |
3 guntha | 3267.00000015 sq ft | 3 guntha is equal to 3267.00000015 square feet |
4 guntha | 4356.0000002 sq ft | 4 guntha is equal to 4356.0000002 square feet |
5 guntha | 5445.00000025 sq ft | 5 guntha is equal to 5445.00000025 square feet |
6 guntha | 6534.0000003 sq ft | 6 guntha is equal to 6534.0000003 square feet |
7 guntha | 7623.00000035 sq ft | 7 guntha is equal to 7623.00000035 square feet |
8 guntha | 8712.0000004 sq ft | 8 guntha is equal to 8712.0000004 square feet |
9 guntha | 9801.00000045 sq ft | 9 guntha is equal to 9801.00000045 square feet |
10 guntha | 10890.0000005 sq ft | 10 guntha is equal to 10890.0000005 square feet |
11 guntha | 11979.00000055 sq ft | 11 guntha is equal to 11979.00000055 square feet |
12 guntha | 13068.0000006 sq ft | 12 guntha is equal to 13068.0000006 square feet |
13 guntha | 14157.00000065 sq ft | 13 guntha is equal to 14157.00000065 square feet |
14 guntha | 15246.0000007 sq ft | 14 guntha is equal to 15246.0000007 square feet |
15 guntha | 16335.00000075 sq ft | 15 guntha is equal to 16335.00000075 square feet |
16 guntha | 17424.0000008 sq ft | 16 guntha is equal to 17424.0000008 square feet |
17 guntha | 18513.00000085 sq ft | 17 guntha is equal to 18513.00000085 square feet |
18 guntha | 19602.0000009 sq ft | 18 guntha is equal to 19602.0000009 square feet |
19 guntha | 20691.00000095 sq ft | 19 guntha is equal to 20691.00000095 square feet |
20 guntha | 21780.000001 sq ft | 20 guntha is equal to 21780.000001 square feet |
21 guntha | 22869.00000105 sq ft | 21 guntha is equal to 22869.00000105 square feet |
22 guntha | 23958.0000011 sq ft | 22 guntha is equal to 23958.0000011 square feet |
23 guntha | 25047.00000115 sq ft | 23 guntha is equal to 25047.00000115 square feet |
24 guntha | 26136.0000012 sq ft | 24 guntha is equal to 26136.0000012 square feet |
25 guntha | 27225.00000125 sq ft | 25 guntha is equal to 27225.00000125 square feet |
26 guntha | 28314.0000013 sq ft | 26 guntha is equal to 28314.0000013 square feet |
27 guntha | 29403.00000135 sq ft | 27 guntha is equal to 29403.00000135 square feet |
28 guntha | 30492.0000014 sq ft | 28 guntha is equal to 30492.0000014 square feet |
29 guntha | 31581.00000145 sq ft | 29 guntha is equal to 31581.00000145 square feet |
30 guntha | 32670.0000015 sq ft | 30 guntha is equal to 32670.0000015 square feet |
31 guntha | 33759.00000155 sq ft | 31 guntha is equal to 33759.00000155 square feet |
32 guntha | 34848.0000016 sq ft | 32 guntha is equal to 34848.0000016 square feet |
33 guntha | 35937.00000165 sq ft | 33 guntha is equal to 35937.00000165 square feet |
34 guntha | 37026.0000017 sq ft | 34 guntha is equal to 37026.0000017 square feet |
35 guntha | 38115.00000175 sq ft | 35 guntha is equal to 38115.00000175 square feet |
36 guntha | 39204.0000018 sq ft | 36 guntha is equal to 39204.0000018 square feet |
37 guntha | 40293.00000185 sq ft | 37 guntha is equal to 40293.00000185 square feet |
38 guntha | 41382.0000019 sq ft | 38 guntha is equal to 41382.0000019 square feet |
39 guntha | 42471.00000195 sq ft | 39 guntha is equal to 42471.00000195 square feet |
40 guntha | 43560.000002 sq ft | 40 guntha is equal to 43560.000002 square feet |
41 guntha | 44649.00000205 sq ft | 41 guntha is equal to 44649.00000205 square feet |
42 guntha | 45738.0000021 sq ft | 42 guntha is equal to 45738.0000021 square feet |
43 guntha | 46827.00000215 sq ft | 43 guntha is equal to 46827.00000215 square feet |
44 guntha | 47916.0000022 sq ft | 44 guntha is equal to 47916.0000022 square feet |
45 guntha | 49005.00000225 sq ft | 45 guntha is equal to 49005.00000225 square feet |
46 guntha | 50094.0000023 sq ft | 46 guntha is equal to 50094.0000023 square feet |
47 guntha | 51183.00000235 sq ft | 47 guntha is equal to 51183.00000235 square feet |
48 guntha | 52272.0000024 sq ft | 48 guntha is equal to 52272.0000024 square feet |
49 guntha | 53361.00000245 sq ft | 49 guntha is equal to 53361.00000245 square feet |
50 guntha | 54450.0000025 sq ft | 50 guntha is equal to 54450.0000025 square feet |
51 guntha | 55539.00000255 sq ft | 51 guntha is equal to 55539.00000255 square feet |
52 guntha | 56628.0000026 sq ft | 52 guntha is equal to 56628.0000026 square feet |
53 guntha | 57717.00000265 sq ft | 53 guntha is equal to 57717.00000265 square feet |
54 guntha | 58806.0000027 sq ft | 54 guntha is equal to 58806.0000027 square feet |
55 guntha | 59895.00000275 sq ft | 55 guntha is equal to 59895.00000275 square feet |
56 guntha | 60984.0000028 sq ft | 56 guntha is equal to 60984.0000028 square feet |
57 guntha | 62073.00000285 sq ft | 57 guntha is equal to 62073.00000285 square feet |
58 guntha | 63162.0000029 sq ft | 58 guntha is equal to 63162.0000029 square feet |
59 guntha | 64251.00000295 sq ft | 59 guntha is equal to 64251.00000295 square feet |
60 guntha | 65340.000003 sq ft | 60 guntha is equal to 65340.000003 square feet |
61 guntha | 66429.00000305 sq ft | 61 guntha is equal to 66429.00000305 square feet |
62 guntha | 67518.0000031 sq ft | 62 guntha is equal to 67518.0000031 square feet |
63 guntha | 68607.00000315 sq ft | 63 guntha is equal to 68607.00000315 square feet |
64 guntha | 69696.0000032 sq ft | 64 guntha is equal to 69696.0000032 square feet |
65 guntha | 70785.00000325 sq ft | 65 guntha is equal to 70785.00000325 square feet |
66 guntha | 71874.0000033 sq ft | 66 guntha is equal to 71874.0000033 square feet |
67 guntha | 72963.00000335 sq ft | 67 guntha is equal to 72963.00000335 square feet |
68 guntha | 74052.0000034 sq ft | 68 guntha is equal to 74052.0000034 square feet |
69 guntha | 75141.00000345 sq ft | 69 guntha is equal to 75141.00000345 square feet |
70 guntha | 76230.0000035 sq ft | 70 guntha is equal to 76230.0000035 square feet |
71 guntha | 77319.00000355 sq ft | 71 guntha is equal to 77319.00000355 square feet |
72 guntha | 78408.0000036 sq ft | 72 guntha is equal to 78408.0000036 square feet |
73 guntha | 79497.00000365 sq ft | 73 guntha is equal to 79497.00000365 square feet |
74 guntha | 80586.0000037 sq ft | 74 guntha is equal to 80586.0000037 square feet |
75 guntha | 81675.00000375 sq ft | 75 guntha is equal to 81675.00000375 square feet |
76 guntha | 82764.0000038 sq ft | 76 guntha is equal to 82764.0000038 square feet |
77 guntha | 83853.00000385 sq ft | 77 guntha is equal to 83853.00000385 square feet |
78 guntha | 84942.0000039 sq ft | 78 guntha is equal to 84942.0000039 square feet |
79 guntha | 86031.00000395 sq ft | 79 guntha is equal to 86031.00000395 square feet |
80 guntha | 87120.000004 sq ft | 80 guntha is equal to 87120.000004 square feet |
81 guntha | 88209.00000405 sq ft | 81 guntha is equal to 88209.00000405 square feet |
82 guntha | 89298.0000041 sq ft | 82 guntha is equal to 89298.0000041 square feet |
83 guntha | 90387.00000415 sq ft | 83 guntha is equal to 90387.00000415 square feet |
84 guntha | 91476.0000042 sq ft | 84 guntha is equal to 91476.0000042 square feet |
85 guntha | 92565.00000425 sq ft | 85 guntha is equal to 92565.00000425 square feet |
86 guntha | 93654.0000043 sq ft | 86 guntha is equal to 93654.0000043 square feet |
87 guntha | 94743.00000435 sq ft | 87 guntha is equal to 94743.00000435 square feet |
88 guntha | 95832.0000044 sq ft | 88 guntha is equal to 95832.0000044 square feet |
89 guntha | 96921.00000445 sq ft | 89 guntha is equal to 96921.00000445 square feet |
90 guntha | 98010.0000045 sq ft | 90 guntha is equal to 98010.0000045 square feet |
91 guntha | 99099.00000455 sq ft | 91 guntha is equal to 99099.00000455 square feet |
92 guntha | 100188.0000046 sq ft | 92 guntha is equal to 100188.0000046 square feet |
93 guntha | 101277.00000465 sq ft | 93 guntha is equal to 101277.00000465 square feet |
94 guntha | 102366.0000047 sq ft | 94 guntha is equal to 102366.0000047 square feet |
95 guntha | 103455.00000475 sq ft | 95 guntha is equal to 103455.00000475 square feet |
96 guntha | 104544.0000048 sq ft | 96 guntha is equal to 104544.0000048 square feet |
97 guntha | 105633.00000485 sq ft | 97 guntha is equal to 105633.00000485 square feet |
98 guntha | 106722.0000049 sq ft | 98 guntha is equal to 106722.0000049 square feet |
99 guntha | 107811.00000495 sq ft | 99 guntha is equal to 107811.00000495 square feet |
100 guntha | 108900.000005 sq ft | 100 guntha is equal to 108900.000005 square feet |
What is Guntha?
Before learning how to convert 1 Guntha to square feet, you should know that Guntha or Gunta (as it is also called) is a measurement for total area. This is one unit that is mostly used for measuring the size of a land parcel.
In India, for instance, 1 Guntha works out to 1,089 sq. ft, i.e. 33 ft (10 m) x 33 ft (10 m). 1 Guntha is also equal to 120.999 square yards or 101.1714 square meters or even 16 Annas. 1 Anna is equivalent to 7.5624 square yards or 6.3232 square meters. 40 Gunthas will make 1 acre.
Current Use of Guntha
Guntha or Gunta, as it is also known colloquially at times, is used for measuring land area. It is used predominantly in India and several other countries such as Pakistan, etc.
It is usually helpful whenever you are looking to measure the size of any land parcel or plot. Several States and regions throughout India use this local measurement method for land. Hence, it is vital to know more about the same and the conversion to square feet in order to work out the correct dimensions, sizes and suitable buying or selling prices accordingly.
What is Square Foot?
Square foot is one of the most commonly used units of measurement across the globe. Square foot is the customary area unit majorly used in the United States and also across India and several other countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Canada, Bangladesh and even the UK (United Kingdom). It is mostly known as the area for a square with 1-foot sides.
1 square foot works out to 144 square inches or 1/9 square yard as you should know while it is also equivalent to 0.09290304 square meters. An acre works out to approximately 43, 560 square feet.
Current Use of Square Foot
Square Foot or Square Feet come into play as the primary measurement unit for land area whenever someone is searching for any house, plot or office space along with an apartment.
This form of measurement is the common denominator for land or flat area. Dimensions are usually covered with a laser device which is the latest mechanism along with several other tools for understanding and working out the sizes of all spaces including apartments.
Realty industries, businesses and other developers often help in measuring straight corner-to-corner spaces. You can also deduct those areas which exceed measurements at an end-to-end level. Square Foot is thus an integral part of the real estate industry, not just in India, but throughout the world across several nations.
FAQs :
How to calculate 1 Guntha to Square Foot?
1 Guntha or Gunta will be equivalent to 1,089 square feet. This is the standard calculation framework.
How many square feet are there in 1 Guntha?
There are 1,089 square feet contained in 1 Guntha.
What is the formula for conversion between Guntha and Square Feet?
1 Guntha is 1,089 square feet and hence the formula will be- Guntha * 1089 = Sq. Ft.
What are Square Foot and Guntha used for?
Guntha is used as a unit for measuring land in India and neighboring countries. It is majorly used for land parcels or plots. Square Foot is the universally accepted area measurement unit for homes, apartments, office spaces and more.
How are Square Foot and Acre Connected?
The acre is another universally accepted land area measurement unit worldwide. 1 acre is equivalent to 43,560 square feet.
How can I calculate 1 Guntha?
1 Square foot = 0.000918 Guntha.
Therefore, to calculate 1 Guntha, you need to divide 1 square foot by 0.000918 Guntha.
1 Guntha = 1/0.000918 Guntha = 1089.32 Guntha.
What is the size of one Gunta?
One Gunta = 1,089 sq. ft.
How much is 2 Gunta in square feet?
2 Gunta = 2178.0000001 sq ft.
How many sq ft is 30×40?
30 x 40 sq ft = 1200 sq ft of area.