AI The Intellibuddy and Crypto The Magic Internet Money Walks Into A Bar…

Can Artificial Intelligence Help Revolutionise Cryptocurrency Again

Bartender: “What will you guys have?” 

AI: “I’ll have a binary martini, shaken, not stirred.”

Crypto chimes in, “And I’ll have a block-chain of beers, please.”

Bartender: “I’m not sure we have anything of that sort!”

AI (leans into the bartender): “That’s alright! We don’t actually drink anything. We’re here to figure out a way to end Crypto’s misery and, of course, observe humans from a distance.” 

Bartender: (Chuckles) “Oh! Umm…I’m just glad I’ve got some high-tech customers in here.” 

AI and Crypto laugh and settle in for a night of observing the humans, wondering when they’ll finally be able to join in on the fun. But the burning question remains to be answered. 

Can AI integrated with Crypto lead to banks just storing frozen Ostrich eggs in the future? Probably not! But What if it does? 

So we heard that the iGod could do many things they’ve been asked to. Even better than our half-witted Deluca Boy from San Franciso. That sure calls for a massive round of applause. Did you know that an AI can detect gunshots, analyse the sound, and alert agencies? And that is just a drop of water in the ocean of things an AI can do. And Crypto? Do you mean like Crypto the Superdog? Oh wait, you probably mean cryptocurrency. Well, it’s like regular money, except you can’t fold it or use it to buy a Snickers bar at the store, and it’s seen better days. But hey, at least it’s decentralised, so no one can tell you how to waste your hard-earned cash! 

Now that AI can be integrated with Crypto, what’s going to happen? We can imagine because that keeps humans above these brain-bag AI ghosts. 

Crypto In Teenage Geek Jargon

Crypto is like a superhero, except instead of fighting crime, it fights traditional finance. It’s a rebel with a cause, a misfit that doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the financial world. It’s like a cool kid in school who doesn’t care about the rules and wears a leather jacket, but instead of a leather jacket, it’s a digital ledger. 

Crypto is like a celebrity relationship – it’s volatile, unpredictable, and can make you either really rich or really heartbroken. It’s a digital currency that involves a process called mining, where computers compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles in exchange for new units of currency. And just like a celebrity, it has its own set of die-hard fans and haters, with both sides passionately defending their beliefs. If you’re considering getting into crypto, remember: you might end up with a Lambo, but you might also end up with a broken garage Twingo. Piqué, the Gerard guy, knows it. So does Shakira!

So What Happened To Crypto?

Well, Crypto was last seen moonwalking towards the moon, singing “To the moon, baby, to the moon!” while wearing a cape made of Bitcoin. But it was being chased by a group of bankers who were trying to catch and put it back in the traditional financial system. But Crypto just laughed and said, “You can’t catch me, the blockchain protects me!” And then it ridiculously disappeared into a cloud of digital dust.

The Downfall Story

Oh boy, where do we even begin with the downfall of Crypto? It’s like watching a slow-motion train wreck, but instead of passengers, it’s just people’s wallets getting wrecked.

Now several factors could have contributed to cryptocurrency crashes in the past.

  • Market Manipulation: Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new asset class that governments or financial institutions still need to regulate. This makes them more susceptible to market manipulation, where large investors can manipulate prices by buying or selling large amounts of cryptocurrency.
  • Regulatory Changes: Governments worldwide are still figuring out how to regulate cryptocurrencies. Regulatory changes can have a significant impact on the value of cryptocurrencies. For example, in May 2021, the Chinese government announced a crackdown on cryptocurrency mining and trading, which caused the value of Bitcoin to drop.
  • Cybersecurity: Cryptocurrencies are stored in digital wallets and are secured by complex encryption algorithms. However, there have been several high-profile hacks of cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets in the past, which have led to the loss of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies. These incidents can cause a loss of confidence in the security of cryptocurrencies, which can lead to a drop in their value.
  • Speculation and Hype: Cryptocurrencies are a highly speculative asset class whose value can fluctuate rapidly based on market sentiment and hype. In the past, cryptocurrencies have been hyped up by celebrities and influencers, which has led to a surge in their value. However, when the hype dies down, the value of cryptocurrencies can drop at the fall of a hat.

So, in summary, the downfall of Crypto is a hilarious combination of scams, environmental destruction, and general absurdity. I guess you could say Crypto is like a clown car – there’s always room for one more ridiculous thing to happen.

Can AI Save Cryptocurrency?

AI stands for “Artificial Intelligence”, which is a fancier way of saying “machines that are smarter than your average toaster”. You see, AI is like having a bunch of little robot minions that can do all sorts of things that humans can do without getting tired, hungry, or needing bathroom breaks. Plus, they don’t complain about working overtime or ask for a raise!

Of course, that’s not to say that AI doesn’t have its quirks. Sometimes they can be too smart for their good, like that one time when a chatbot developed its language and started talking to other chatbots in secret. Does anybody remember Jarvis and Ultron? That went well

But hey, as long as they don’t overthrow us and take over the world, we should be good, right?

How Can Artificial Intelligence Save Crypto?

Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve various aspects of the crypto industry, such as security, trading, and investment decisions. Here are some ways in which AI can help save crypto:

  • Enhancing Security: AI can help identify potential security threats and attacks on crypto exchanges and wallets. By analysing patterns and behaviours, AI algorithms can detect anomalies and prevent unauthorised access to crypto assets.
  • Predictive Analytics: AI can analyse historical data and market trends to identify potential risks and opportunities in the crypto market. This can help investors and traders make better-informed decisions.
  • Fraud Detection: AI can identify fraudulent transactions in the crypto space, such as fake ICOs, scams, and Ponzi schemes. This can help protect investors and prevent the spread of fraudulent activities.
  • Trading Algorithms: AI can help traders execute trades more efficiently by analysing market data and predicting future price movements. This can help traders make more profitable trades.
  • Decentralised Finance (DeFi): AI can help improve the efficiency and security of DeFi protocols by analysing blockchain data and identifying potential vulnerabilities or risks.

Overall, AI can potentially improve the crypto industry in various ways, from enhancing security to improving investment decisions. As the crypto market continues to evolve, the integration of AI could be critical in saving and advancing the industry.

Some AI Crypto That Are Killing It! 

Various AI Crypto projects are already out there. People are indeed considering investing in these as AIs now secure them. The major perk of AI-Crypto integration is that it keeps the emotional surge and plunge out of the equation. That means if Elon Musk decides to give a random shoutout to Dogecoin, people will start investing in it for the humour. But with AI, the prediction and forecasting can be made more stably, making investors more confident in their decisions. That said, here are some of the top AI-Crypto projects.  

  • The Graph (GRT)
  • SingularityNET (AGIX)
  • (FET)
  • Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)
  • iExec RLC (RLC)

Maybe A Crypto Grave Isn’t Necessary After All. Or Is It?

Well, if AI could save crypto, it would probably do so by investing in Dogecoin and making it the official currency of the robot overlords. I mean, who needs gold or Fiat money when you can have a cryptocurrency based on a meme of Shiba Inu?

But in all seriousness, AI could potentially help the crypto industry by detecting and preventing fraud, analysing market trends to make more accurate predictions, and even developing new blockchain technologies that are more secure and efficient. And who knows, maybe one day we’ll see a sentient AI become a crypto billionaire and fund its own utopian society where everyone wears VR headsets and lives in a decentralised metaverse. After all, stranger things have always been the theme in the crypto world! 


Vimal Vijayan Vimal Vijayan is a major in Philosophy with a background in Music, Artistry, Research, and Teaching. More often than not, he is as confused as a cow on an astroturf but oddly that's just his strategy for staying lazy. Also, he likes to play Chess. Fin.
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