Sarvagya Munde

  A content writer incapable of brevity, Sarvagya believes that the world appears as a magic eye poster. More probable to be chanced upon watching movies and holding discussions on their brilliance, Sarvagya is a cinephile. She prefers to use them to expand her imagination and exist in multiple worlds at once. Her personality, ideas and thoughts are all an amalgamation of the latest series she’s watched or whichever song lyric hit a vein just right.


22 Stories by Sarvagya Munde

From a man who believed in the concept of ‘The greatest happiness for the greatest number’, a man who was taxidermied, came a structural...
0 4 min read
Delhi, the pulsating heart of India, is a melting pot of culture, tradition, and modernity. Amidst its historic alleys and sprawling urban landscapes, the...
0 3 min read
You can enter a room that could be the most beautiful and tasteful presentation of the world’s most carefully selected aesthetic that makes sense....
0 7 min read
Circle Rate, the minimum rate set by the government for the sale or transfer of property, serves as a crucial benchmark for real estate...
0 8 min read
On Monday, March 11, 2024, Just before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Union Government announced the implementation details for the Citizenship Amendment Act...
0 2 min read
Pune, known as the “Oxford of the East” and the cultural capital of Maharashtra, boasts a rich tapestry of history, nature, and modernity. With...
0 5 min read
Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, is renowned, much like the rest of India, for its picturesque beauty and rich history. Beyond lush...
0 15 min read
Like a diamond in the rough, a well-done, tastefully picked, and elegantly decorated granite floor design simply trumps all odds. Strolling into a room...
0 6 min read
Someone’s Silicon Valley and someone else’s cyber hub. Bangalore, a city for hustlers and yet a pensioner’s paradise, is not for beginners. Residential areas...
0 6 min read
While the glitz of metros like Mumbai and Delhi continues to dominate the urban narrative, a parallel story of growth and development unfolds across...
0 4 min read
The significance of a Union budget for the nation cannot be overstated. Budget 2024 represented a pivotal moment for India’s economy, and when better...
0 3 min read
Kotak ActivMoney is a brilliant new savvy feature that will help you make more with your savings account. The feature helps you transform the...
0 6 min read
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