Shweta Agarwal

  Shweta Agarwal lets her pen dance to its own tunes. Torn between work and play, she finds solace in sleep. She is the proud author of her poetry book ‘ Hues of Pink ’and loves musical instruments. Currently, being sinister involves turning people deaf by practising the violin. Shweta is a Kanpuriyan with a strange love for the word ‘Kantaap’ and can chew your ears off by talking about minions.


26 Stories by Shweta Agarwal

Major Infrastructure Projects Reshaping Pune’s Real Estate
Major Infrastructure Projects Reshaping Pune’s Real Estate

Pune has been on steady growth since 2006, but the growth accelerated with the incoming of the IT and infrastructure companies. COVID-19 has hit...

AnyROR @ Anywhere Land Record Gujarat
Anyror Gujarat 2025: Check Rural Land Records & 7/12 Online

The Revenue Department of Gujarat has launched a website – AnyROR Gujarat on the e-dhara platform. This website allows you to get a hold...

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