Sumit Mondal Content Analyst at Square Yards


541 Stories by Sumit Mondal

Real Estate is the #1 asset class for investors right…

Ask any naysayer whether it’s the right time to invest and he will utter a big NO. The time now is ominous and the...

Defaulting on home loans? Here’s what happens next and how…

Buying a home is not a piece of cake unless you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Let’s face it! Homebuyers...

A rainbow of opportunities has ushered into the real estate sector, despite lockdown challenges
A rainbow of opportunities has ushered into the real estate…

It is hard to imagine that something as tiny as a virus, can take on the world, wreck its existing order, and alter business...

Investing in Gurgaon? Take this walkthrough before inking a deal

If there is one city that takes the cake for being the most futuristic and has the potential to be a global city, it’s...

Work from Home is the Shot in the Arm Affordable…

Why do we live in cramped spaces, built in unhygienic and overcrowded neighbourhoods that are bursting at the seams? Why do we sacrifice our...

Reverse Migration has Set Off a Whole New Event Chain…

Recovering from an unprecedented pandemic induced lockdown, the Indian real estate sector is slowly getting back on track, starting with credible developers with a...

Home Sales Online
Could the Lockdown have Tipped the Scale Towards Online Home…

The wise who have roamed the streets long enough believe that when market conditions are bad and a black swan event is well underway,...

How technology drives the sales funnel in Real Estate?

Real estate sales today are all about data, teamwork and harnessing the right technological tools. The property industry had for long thrived on colossal...

Importance of Circle Rates for homebuyers and its tax implication

Most first-time homebuyers are not aware of circle rates and how it is going to impact them. How the circle rate is different from...

Reformatory steps taken for the real estate sector in the…

Modi 2.0 government in its first year took multiple long term initiatives to boost growth trajectory. Post first term of the Modi led-government, the...

Real estate agents are moving towards reskilling to survive

The real estate sector being technology averse is moving fast to adapt to a new normal of doing business. Coronavirus induced lockdown has changed...

A Complete Guide to Property Registration in India

Buying a home is one of the most significant milestones in a person’s life; a dream-come-true feat, isn’t it! After all, you have spent...

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