Tamanna Shivhare

  https://www.squareyards.com An exceptional writer who can connect with her writing is what Tamanna always wanted to be. The journey of writing was simply a step to present her best self and thoughts to the world.Tamanna has a knack for reading blogs and finding more ways in which she can improve and add magic to her writing.


71 Stories by Tamanna Shivhare

Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation
GMC Gandhinagar: Municipal Corporation of Gandhinagar

Even before the Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation was even formed, the state was only apprised as the area capital like any state does for a...

Municipal Corporation of Delhi
MCD Delhi: Municipal Corporation of Delhi

Municipal Corporation of Delhi is an independent anatomy that includes four sectors in itself which are North Delhi Municipal Corporation, South Delhi Municipal Corporation,...

Best Society in jaipur
5 Best Society in Jaipur

You might think what is there in Jaipur for you to live in? The answer to this is its beautiful architecture which makes this...

stamp duty and registration in uttar pradesh
Stamp Duty and Registration Charges In Uttar Pradesh

One must pay stamp duty and property registration charges in Uttar Pradesh when buying or selling a property. Paying the stamp duty is important...

Stamp Duty and Registration Charges In Delhi

When you purchase a property in the national capital Delhi, it is mandatory for the home purchasers or the buyers to pay the stamp...

stamp duty and registration charges in west bengal
Stamp Duty and Registration Charges In West Bengal

Under section 3 of the Indian Stamp Act 1899, the state government mandates the collection of West Bengal stamp duty on property transactions. This...

UAN Activation and Registration
UAN Activation and Generate Universal Account Number Process

The UAN Activation process includes a  12-digit Identification Number or Universal Account Number which is assigned by EPFO (Employee Provident Fund Organization) to which...

1 Billion to Crore Conversion – 1 Billion in Crore

One billion is a naturally occurring number. A billion is equal to 1,000,000,000 in numbers. On a daily basis, we use tens, hundreds, thousands,...

Universal Account Number
Universal Account Number (UAN): A Complimentary Guide

Universal Account Number or UAN is a unique identification number assigned to all the salaried employees of the company who give away a fraction...

Acre to Square Yards – 1 Acre in Square Yards…

What is Acre? An acre is one of the oldest measurement units applicable throughout the entire world for the measurement of vast plots and...

Salman Khan House
Salman Khan House: A Humble Abode filled with Life

Salman Khan being one of the biggest stars that the Indian Cinema or Bollywood as we call it has ever produced.  There are no...

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