Smart City Bhubaneswar: Mission, Objective, Projects & Current Status

Bhubaneswar Smart City

Realising the considerable potential of Bhubaneswar city, the Ministry of Urban Development quickly included the city as one of the top contenders for the ongoing smart city project. Bhubaneswar city was one of the first choices of cities to be acknowledged as a Smart City. This trust was soon compensated when Bhubaneswar was featured in the top 20 global cities of the world. The result was based on a survey that UK-based researchers carried out. Consequently, Bhubaneswar Smart City was among the Smart City performance Index 2017, which also featured top-notch cities such as Singapore, San Francisco, London, and so on. 

Bhubaneswar Smart City Objectives

  • While maintaining a clean and sustainable environment, Bhubaneswar Smart City aims to provide the highest quality of livability to its residents. 
  • By utilising partnerships and ventures with Indian firms and foreign firms to improve the city’s economy and create job opportunities for its residents. 
  • To improve the overall quality of living by developing key areas such as housing for all, incorporating mixed land use, creating of leisure parks, utilising open spaces more effectively, bringing in more transportation varieties, adhering to good governance, and so on. 
  • Facilitating formal coordination with ministries, smart city proposals, and government schemes and enabling an efficient way to implement the programs to extend Bhubaneswar Smart City’s development. 

Bhubaneswar Smart City Projects

Project Name  Description Status
Social Equity Centers As part of the wellness initiative, the citizens who migrate to Bhubaneswar for labour work can use the social equity centre for shelter. The project aims to provide a sanitised and hygienic space for workers with meal facilities. Moreover, there is also a separate shelter facility for homeless people. Project that is still in Progress with an estimated 12 months time period of completion. 
Museum of Urban History A project considered the first-of-its-kind museum that aims to present the historical events on which the city of Bhubaneswar evolved. The museum features audio-visual showcases to represent how the city developed and how it stands among the other cities in Odisha.  Project is still in Progress
Integrated Public Service Centre (IPSC) The IPSC will be constructed to provide a facility for citizens pertaining to e-health care, library, and creche services. The project will be developed in an area of 1281 square meters with a projected cost of about INR 2.99 crores. The project is scheduled to be finished in an 11 months time period.  Project is still in Progress with an estimated 11 months time period of completion.
Integrated Improvement Infrastructure This Bhubaneswar Smart City project focus on three key areas, including water, energy, and sewage management via streetscape and public realm design, city gas distribution ducting, city fibre ducting, 24*7 water supply, water recycling project, decentralised STPs, smart water meter, and 24*7 energy supply.  The project is still in Progress with an estimated 36 months of completion.
ICOMC Building This project will be built for BMC offices and conference spaces where the gatherings pertaining to town planning. Moreover, upper levels of the building will be available for the Intelligent City Operations and Management Centre, cafeteria, library and gymnasium, BMC’s commissioner office, and rental spaces.  Project is still in Progress
Solar City Rooftop One of the environment-friendly projects initiated for the Bhubaneswar Smart City development is the solar city rooftop scheme. With this, the authorities aim to revamp the existing public and private buildings. This scheme will be supervised under the  Model Solar City scheme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.  Project is still in Progress
Miscellaneous Projects Some of the other projects being worked on under the area based development scheme includes Waste Lets Recycle project, Project Samman, Street Vendor Improvement project, Janpath Housing Redevelopment, and so on. 
Pan City Smart Solutions Bhubaneswar Smart City also incorporates various pan city smart solutions such as common payment system, traffic management system, public bicycle project, etc
Social Smartness Lastly, Bhubaneswar Smart City has also devised plans to develop its social quality index through projects such as Socially Smart Bhubaneswar, Project BUKC, and I Am Bhubaneswar. 

source: https://www[dot]bhubaneswar[dot]me

Bhubaneswar Smart City Map

Bhubaneswar-map smart city

source: http://spaenvis[dot]nic[dot]in/

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How to Log In to the Bhubaneswar Smart City Portal

Logging in or registering in the Bhubaneswar Smart City portal is straightforward. Users can follow the steps given below to register or login into the Bhubaneswar Smart City Portal. 

  • Go to the official website of the Bhubaneswar Smart City portal
  • For new users, click on the register button given on the top right of the interface. 
  • Provide information such as first name, middle name, and last name along with phone number, email ID, and a secure password. The portal will request to authenticate the provided phone number and email ID. 
  • A username and password will be assigned to the user, which they can use to log in later. 
  • Once the account is created, users can simply go to the official website and click on the login button on the top right of the interface. 
  • Users can provide their phone number and password to bypass the login gateway to access their dashboard. 

Bhubaneswar Smart City: Citizen Services

There is a myriad of citizen services available for the residents of Bhubaneswar. To make things smooth and easier, the authorities have set up a few service providers for the convenience of the citizens. These service providers include Bhubaneswar Development Authority, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC), Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited, and so on. Some of the Bhubaneswar Smart City citizen services are as listed below. 

  • Property Tax Services – With the Bhubaneswar Smart City portal, one can utilise property tax services for assistance in the computation of property and holding taxes for their residential unit or commercial property. One can use the provision to pay property tax, apply for an assessment, and check the status of their application. The service provider for this assistance is BMC. 
  • Building Plan Approval System – Users can also use the building plan approval system, which allows them to apply for a new house building plan, alter an existing building, and make related requests. The primary sources they can connect with include BDA and BMC.
  • Trade License – One can reach out to BMC for services pertaining to trade licenses, such as application requests, status tracking, correction of trade, license renewal, and so on. BMC takes queries related to trading licenses. 
  • Marriage Certificate – Apply for a marriage certificate for marriage registration to avail of government schemes and benefits through the BMC’s services. 
  • Grievance – One can also address their grievances through multiple channels, including BDA, BMC, BSCL, and CRUT. 
  • Kalyan Mandap Booking – Residents can book a venue to perform wedding rituals and ceremonies via BDA and BMC channels. 
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) and Permissions – To perform any activities under the rule of law, citizens can apply for a NOC and access permissions via BDA, BMC, BSCL, and CRUT.
  • Cesspool Booking – There are also provisions for the residents to book a cesspool for storing liquid and sewage waste. The permissions lie with BMC. 
  • RTI – If anyone applies for the Right to Information, BMC, BDA, and BSCL are liable to provide the individual with the necessary information asked for. 
  • Visitor Pass – Anyone who needs to meet with higher-level officials can apply for an appointment with BDA, BMC, BSCL, and CRUT.
  • Water Tank Booking – BMC also provides provisions for citizens to access water tanker facilities with prior booking via the portal. 
  • Mahayatra Vehicle Booking – One can also book the last ride for the deceased online with the BMC.

FAQ’s about Bhubaneswar Smart City

Q1. Is Bhubaneswar on the smart city list?

Bhubaneswar has been given the smart city tag by the government for incorporating digital communication systems and advanced technologies.

Q2. Why is Bhubaneswar called a smart city?

There are various reasons why Bhubaneswar was listed as a smart city. Perhaps the core reason behind this involves incorporating advanced technologies, master integrated system, and much more.

Q3. Is Bhubaneswar a metro city?

As of now, the metro rail facility does not practically fit into the city’s structure. At least not unit 2041, as officials aware of the matter said.

Vimal Vijayan Vimal Vijayan is a major in Philosophy with a background in Music, Artistry, Research, and Teaching. More often than not, he is as confused as a cow on an astroturf but oddly that's just his strategy for staying lazy. Also, he likes to play Chess. Fin.
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