CAD to USD: Canadian Dollar to US Dollar Online

Converting currencies such as CAD to USD could be an intricate job. However, if you are planning a trip to a foreign country, then you must know how similar or different their currency is to yours. This will help you in planning your expenditure and other things accordingly.

Don’t scratch your head in case you are already doing it because we are going to introduce the easiest formula to convert CAD to USD. Besides, we have covered a few examples to make the conversion process fairly simple for you.

So, without any further ado, let’s start with the concept of CAD.

Overview of CAD(Canadian Dollar)

CAD is the currency symbol or the currency abbreviation which is used to denote the Canadian Dollar. One Canadian Dollar is 100 cents. It is described as C$ to differentiate it from the other currencies, which are dominated by Dollars like the US Dollar. The French name for CAD is Dollar Canadian.

The Canadian Dollar shares a total of 2% of all the global reserves and is the 5th most kept reserve currency, just behind the US Dollar, the Euro, the Yen and the Pound Sterling. The Central Banks consider CAD a reliable currency because of its strong position as Sovereign, economic soundness and stability of its political, legal and economic systems. 

History of CAD(Canadian Dollar)

The province of Canada adopted the Canadian Pound in 1841, and the 1851 pound sterling was introduced. The gold standard was introduced in Canada in 1853, and the decimal coinage was introduced in 1858. The Canadian Dollars were first used in 1858 after the Canadian Pound was replaced by the official Canadian coins. The Canadian Dollar was fixed as per the US Dollar at par with the gold standard system of one Dollar equivalent to 23.22 grains of gold. 

The Uniform Currency Act was passed in 1871, which replaced the various currencies in the province with one Canadian Dollar. CAD was first introduced to float in 1950. It was pegged again for a short period from 1962 to 1970. After 1970 the Canadian Dollar became a floating currency.

Overview of USD(US Dollar)

The USD, known as the United States Dollar, is the official currency of the United States of America. It is equal to 100 cents and is represented by the symbol US$ or simply $. However, US$ could be more reliable as it can easily differentiate itself from other Dollar currencies.

The United States Dollar is known as the benchmark currency and is the most popularly used currency across the globe.

Additionally, it is considered as the official currency in various territories outside of the United States, whereas several others use it alongside their own as an unofficial currency.

History of USD(US Dollar)

The Dollar was officially adopted as the United State’s monetary unit in 1785. Prior to that, it was launched at par with the Spanish-American Silver Dollar (also known as Spanish peso). The Spanish-American Silver Dollar was produced from the rich silver mine output of Spanish America, minted in Mexico City, Potosí (Bolivia), Lima (Peru) and elsewhere. 

CAD to USD Forecast

Given below is the CAD to USD forecast until December 2023.

Month Open Low-High Close Mo,% Total,%
Jan 0.792 0.779-0.803 0.791 -0.1% -0.1%
Feb 0.791 0.776-0.799 0.787 -0.5% -0.6%
Mar 0.787 0.785-0.809 0.797 1.3% 0.7%
Apr 0.797 0.762-0.797 0.773 -3.0% -2.4%
May 0.773 0.773-0.804 0.792 2.5% 0.0%
Jun 0.792 0.776-0.800 0.788 -0.5% -0.5%
Jul 0.788 0.767-0.790 0.778 -1.3% -1.7%
Aug 0.778 0.763-0.786 0.774 -0.5% -2.2%
Sep 0.774 0.742-0.774 0.753 -2.7% -4.9%
Oct 0.753 0.753-0.779 0.767 1.9% -3.1%
Nov 0.767 0.767-0.796 0.784 2.2% -1.0%
Dec 0.784 0.783-0.807 0.795 1.4% 0.4%
Jan 0.795 0.787-0.811 0.799 0.5% 0.9%
Feb 0.799 0.783-0.807 0.795 -0.5% 0.4%
Mar 0.795 0.795-0.824 0.812 2.1% 2.6%
Apr 0.812 0.812-0.845 0.832 2.5% 5.1%
May 0.832 0.819-0.844 0.831 -0.1% 5.0%
Jun 0.831 0.802-0.831 0.814 -2.0% 2.8%
Jul 0.814 0.814-0.850 0.837 2.8% 5.7%
Aug 0.837 0.834-0.860 0.847 1.2% 7.0%
Sep 0.847 0.847-0.873 0.860 1.5% 8.6%
Oct 0.860 0.857-0.883 0.870 1.2% 9.9%
Nov 0.870 0.864-0.890 0.877 0.8% 10.8%
Dec 0.877 0.839-0.877 0.852 -2.9% 7.6%

Convert CAD to USD

Before you jump into converting CAD to USD, you must know the relation between the two. The relationship between them can be expressed as follows:

1 CAD = 0.80 USD, and

1 USD = 1.25 CAD

Now that we know how these currencies are related, we can now easily move on to the conversion process. 

Converting CAD to USD is fairly effortless and straightforward. All you need to do is multiply the value of CAD by 0.80. And Voila! You are done. The value that you will receive will be in USD.

The formula for converting CAD to USD can be expressed as follows:

USD = value of CAD x 0.80

We can use this formula for the conversion of CAD to USD. Let us understand the process better with the help of a few examples. 

Example 1: Convert 1000 CAD to USD

Sol: Putting the value of CAD in the above formula, we will get-

USD = 1000 x 0.80 = 800

Hence, 1000 CAD will be equivalent to 800 USD

Example 2: Convert 500 CAD to USD

Sol: Following the same process as above, we will get-

USD = 500 x 0.80 = 400.

Hence, 500 CAD is equivalent to 400 USD

Example 3: Convert 200 CAD to USD

Sol: 200 CAD in USD will be,

USD = 200 x 0.80 = 160

Hence, 200 CAD is equivalent to 160 USD

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Example 4: Convert 300 CAD to USD

Sol: Putting the value of CAD in the formula above, we will get

USD = 300 x 0.80 = 240 

Therefore, 300 CAD is equal to 240 USD. 


While both might have Dollars in their name, the currencies differ from each other in a few aspects. Some of them are as follows:

Differentiating Terms Canadian Dollars (CAD) United States Dollars (USD)
Symbol C$ US$
Definition CAD is the currency symbol or the currency abbreviation which is used to denote the Canadian Dollar. The USD, known as the United States Dollar, is the official currency of the United States of America.
Country Canada United States of America
Recognition The province of Canada adopted the Canadian Pound in 1841. The Dollar was officially adopted as the United State’s monetary unit in 1785.
Values 1 CAD = 0.80 US Dollars 1 USD = 1.25 CAD

CAD to USD Conversion Chart

CAD (Canadian Dollars) USD (US Dollar) CAD to USD
1 CAD 0.8 USD 1 CAD is equal to 0.8 USD
2 CAD 1.6 USD 2 CAD is equal to 1.6 USD
3 CAD 2.4 USD 3 CAD is equal to 2.4 USD
4 CAD 3.2 USD 4 CAD is equal to 3.2 USD
5 CAD 4 USD 5 CAD is equal to 4 USD
6 CAD 4.8 USD 6 CAD is equal to 4.8 USD
7 CAD 5.6 USD 7 CAD is equal to 5.6 USD
8 CAD 6.4 USD 8 CAD is equal to 6.4 USD
9 CAD 7.2 USD 9 CAD is equal to 7.2 USD
10 CAD 8 USD 10 CAD is equal to 8 USD
11 CAD 8.8 USD 11 CAD is equal to 8.8 USD
12 CAD 9.6 USD 12 CAD is equal to 9.6 USD
13 CAD 10.4 USD 13 CAD is equal to 10.4 USD
14 CAD 11.2 USD 14 CAD is equal to 11.2 USD
15 CAD 12 USD 15 CAD is equal to 12 USD
16 CAD 12.8 USD 16 CAD is equal to 12.8 USD
17 CAD 13.6 USD 17 CAD is equal to 13.6 USD
18 CAD 14.4 USD 18 CAD is equal to 14.4 USD
19 CAD 15.2 USD 19 CAD is equal to 15.2 USD
20 CAD 16 USD 20 CAD is equal to 16 USD
21 CAD 16.8 USD 21 CAD is equal to 16.8 USD
22 CAD 17.6 USD 22 CAD is equal to 17.6 USD
23 CAD 18.4 USD 23 CAD is equal to 18.4 USD
24 CAD 19.2 USD 24 CAD is equal to 19.2 USD
25 CAD 20 USD 25 CAD is equal to 20 USD
26 CAD 20.8 USD 26 CAD is equal to 20.8 USD
27 CAD 21.6 USD 27 CAD is equal to 21.6 USD
28 CAD 22.4 USD 28 CAD is equal to 22.4 USD
29 CAD 23.2 USD 29 CAD is equal to 23.2 USD
30 CAD 24 USD 30 CAD is equal to 24 USD
31 CAD 24.8 USD 31 CAD is equal to 24.8 USD
32 CAD 25.6 USD 32 CAD is equal to 25.6 USD
33 CAD 26.4 USD 33 CAD is equal to 26.4 USD
34 CAD 27.2 USD 34 CAD is equal to 27.2 USD
35 CAD 28 USD 35 CAD is equal to 28 USD
36 CAD 28.8 USD 36 CAD is equal to 28.8 USD
37 CAD 29.6 USD 37 CAD is equal to 29.6 USD
38 CAD 30.4 USD 38 CAD is equal to 30.4 USD
39 CAD 31.2 USD 39 CAD is equal to 31.2 USD
40 CAD 32 USD 40 CAD is equal to 32 USD
41 CAD 32.8 USD 41 CAD is equal to 32.8 USD
42 CAD 33.6 USD 42 CAD is equal to 33.6 USD
43 CAD 34.4 USD 43 CAD is equal to 34.4 USD
44 CAD 35.2 USD 44 CAD is equal to 35.2 USD
45 CAD 36 USD 45 CAD is equal to 36 USD
46 CAD 36.8 USD 46 CAD is equal to 36.8 USD
47 CAD 37.6 USD 47 CAD is equal to 37.6 USD
48 CAD 38.4 USD 48 CAD is equal to 38.4 USD
49 CAD 39.2 USD 49 CAD is equal to 39.2 USD
50 CAD 40 USD 50 CAD is equal to 40 USD
51 CAD 40.8 USD 51 CAD is equal to 40.8 USD
52 CAD 41.6 USD 52 CAD is equal to 41.6 USD
53 CAD 42.4 USD 53 CAD is equal to 42.4 USD
54 CAD 43.2 USD 54 CAD is equal to 43.2 USD
55 CAD 44 USD 55 CAD is equal to 44 USD
56 CAD 44.8 USD 56 CAD is equal to 44.8 USD
57 CAD 45.6 USD 57 CAD is equal to 45.6 USD
58 CAD 46.4 USD 58 CAD is equal to 46.4 USD
59 CAD 47.2 USD 59 CAD is equal to 47.2 USD
60 CAD 48 USD 60 CAD is equal to 48 USD
61 CAD 48.8 USD 61 CAD is equal to 48.8 USD
62 CAD 49.6 USD 62 CAD is equal to 49.6 USD
63 CAD 50.4 USD 63 CAD is equal to 50.4 USD
64 CAD 51.2 USD 64 CAD is equal to 51.2 USD
65 CAD 52 USD 65 CAD is equal to 52 USD
66 CAD 52.8 USD 66 CAD is equal to 52.8 USD
67 CAD 53.6 USD 67 CAD is equal to 53.6 USD
68 CAD 54.4 USD 68 CAD is equal to 54.4 USD
69 CAD 55.2 USD 69 CAD is equal to 55.2 USD
70 CAD 56 USD 70 CAD is equal to 56 USD
71 CAD 56.8 USD 71 CAD is equal to 56.8 USD
72 CAD 57.6 USD 72 CAD is equal to 57.6 USD
73 CAD 58.4 USD 73 CAD is equal to 58.4 USD
74 CAD 59.2 USD 74 CAD is equal to 59.2 USD
75 CAD 60 USD 75 CAD is equal to 60 USD
76 CAD 60.8 USD 76 CAD is equal to 60.8 USD
77 CAD 61.6 USD 77 CAD is equal to 61.6 USD
78 CAD 62.4 USD 78 CAD is equal to 62.4 USD
79 CAD 63.2 USD 79 CAD is equal to 63.2 USD
80 CAD 64 USD 80 CAD is equal to 64 USD
81 CAD 64.8 USD 81 CAD is equal to 64.8 USD
82 CAD 65.6 USD 82 CAD is equal to 65.6 USD
83 CAD 66.4 USD 83 CAD is equal to 66.4 USD
84 CAD 67.2 USD 84 CAD is equal to 67.2 USD
85 CAD 68 USD 85 CAD is equal to 68 USD
86 CAD 68.8 USD 86 CAD is equal to 68.8 USD
87 CAD 69.6 USD 87 CAD is equal to 69.6 USD
88 CAD 70.4 USD 88 CAD is equal to 70.4 USD
89 CAD 71.2 USD 89 CAD is equal to 71.2 USD
90 CAD 72 USD 90 CAD is equal to 72 USD
91 CAD 72.8 USD 91 CAD is equal to 72.8 USD
92 CAD 73.6 USD 92 CAD is equal to 73.6 USD
93 CAD 74.4 USD 93 CAD is equal to 74.4 USD
94 CAD 75.2 USD 94 CAD is equal to 75.2 USD
95 CAD 76 USD 95 CAD is equal to 76 USD
96 CAD 76.8 USD 96 CAD is equal to 76.8 USD
97 CAD 77.6 USD 97 CAD is equal to 77.6 USD
98 CAD 78.4 USD 98 CAD is equal to 78.4 USD
99 CAD 79.2 USD 99 CAD is equal to 79.2 USD
100 CAD 80 USD 100 CAD is equal to 80 USD

FAQ’s about CAD to USD Conversion

Q 1. What are 100 Canadian Dollars in US Dollars?

100 Canadian Dollars is equal to 79.9569 USD.

Q 2. When was the last time CAD was equal to USD?

The last time CAD reached parity with USD was on 20th September 2007 for the first time in 31 years. 

Q 3. How much is 1 US Dollar in Canada?

1 US Dollar is equal to 1.25 CAD.

Q 4. What was the average USD and CAD exchange rate in 2020?

The average USD and CAD exchange rate in 2020 was 0.7462 USD.

Q5. What is 100000 CAD to USD?

100000 CAD is equal to 80,000 US Dollars.

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