Real Estate Information

About Fertility, Property and Career!

In 2011 a very interesting report on how real estate prices are related to fertility came out. The report ‘House Prices and Birth Rates:...

Feb 16, 2023 . 1 min read
Selling Real Estate to Generation Y

In our last post we told you why you should be keeping a close tab on the Generation Y. Today we are going to...

Mar 13, 2023 . 1 min read
What the Generation Y wants and Why?

In the real estate industry we are seeing a trend where young professionals in the age group of 25-35, basically generation Y are investing...

Feb 28, 2023 . 1 min read
Will Our Smart Cities be Really Smart?

  The lifecycle of a human settlement is from a village to a town, to a city, to a metropolis, to a megapolis and...

Feb 16, 2023 . 2 min read
REITs Boon or Bane for India?

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a globally accepted investment product class for both institutional and retail investors into Realty sector. In layman terms,...

Sep 17, 2020 . 1 min read
Real Estate Consultant? Really?

  Real estate consulting has largely been a broker driven market and pretty much unorganized. A pan spitting & Gutka chewing broker on his...

Feb 28, 2023 . 54 sec read
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