
Expensive Locations in MMR
MMR offers luxurious homes at a cost of Rs 60K/Sq.…

The MMR real estate market has captured fluctuation in the past decade, thanks to the COVID conundrum that has led to an uncertain situation....

Feb 21, 2022 . 3 min read
Why buying a home in 2022 is an ideal New…

Post the pandemic, people have started valuing a home of their own more than ever. They are now more particular about the choices they...

Feb 21, 2022 . 3 min read
Yearender 2021: Analyzing Home Buying Trends

Touted as the year of market recovery, 2021 in retrospect had its own share of dips and surges when it comes to home buying...

Feb 21, 2022 . 1 min read
How residential market forces tailored its offerings in 2021?

The pandemic has changed our lives forever. The same goes for the expectations of buyers in the residential market segment. With the year-end around...

Aug 17, 2022 . 4 min read
10 Most Affordable Locations to Buy a House in India

When it comes to real estate purchases, affordability has always been a crucial factor for home buyers. However, this heightened with the onset of...

Feb 21, 2022 . 6 min read
Mira Road East Property Location
Mira Road East – Most Transacted Property Location of MMR

As one of the fastest developing suburbs of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), Mira Road East has been time and again witnessing a flux...

Feb 21, 2022 . 3 min read
Homes with flex rooms gain demand as property buyers eye…

Recording more than 50% quarterly increase in demand for modern flex room configurations such as 1.5 BHK, and about 100% for 2.5 and 3.5...

Feb 21, 2022 . 3 min read
Rental searches up by more than 40% in top Indian…

Reopening of offices and schools after a long hiatus of almost two years has encouraged people to take a leap and return to the...

Feb 21, 2022 . 3 min read
Hyderabad Real Estate Makes its Way to the Top in…

Hyderabad Real Estate market is making its comeback after a period of quiet during the pandemic. People are clearly interested in larger configurations, bigger...

Feb 21, 2022 . 2 min read
Hyderabad real estate on its way to ‘plotting’ a success…

Plotted developments accounted for about 64% of the total residential inventory in the Hyderabad real estate investment front during the Jul-Sep 2021 quarter. Most...

Feb 21, 2022 . 2 min read
India Residential Overview: Jul-Sep, 2021

Reflecting the rebounding real estate market across the top cities, the Jul-Sep quarter of 2021 fared quite well, restoring the faith of home buyers...

Feb 21, 2022 . 2 min read
Co-working spaces buck the expected COVID-induced sluggishness in MMR

With major players prioritizing technology-enabled contactless services, the Co-working sector in MMR registered an absorption of 0.19 million Sq. Ft. in the first quarter...

Feb 21, 2022 . 3 min read
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