Stock & Shares

Big Data Technologies
Fathom the Scope of Big Data Technologies

Data is the fuel that drives digital technology in today’s world. The images, videos, tweets, comments, reviews, selfies, directions, online prices, status updates, emails...

Dec 30, 2021 . 5 min read
Bitcoin Latest News
Bitcoin: A Thing of the Past and Scope of the…

Over 668 million is the number of bitcoin transactions conducted since its launch! This one fact is enough to state bitcoin’s boom across the...

Dec 29, 2021 . 6 min read
Cryptocurrency Latest News and Trends
Cryptocurrency: A Trend In-demand Among Millennials | Coins and Latest…

What is the rage with cryptocurrency? Why is this crypto trend becoming the talk of the town? Are these questions hitting you at 3...

Dec 24, 2021 . 6 min read
What is Initial Public Offering
What is an Initial Public Offering? A Must Follow Guide…

Are you planning to invest in an IPO? Does the thought of share markets leave you in disarray? With the end of this year...

Dec 22, 2021 . 6 min read
BSE Stock Market Indices: Meaning and Importance

Most of us in our daily lives come across statistics like “60% of working women don’t have a house help” or “50% of teenagers...

Mar 5, 2022 . 3 min read
NSE Bulk Deals & NSE Block Deals: Different Deal Types…

NSE Bulk deals and NSE Block deals are two different types of deals on the stock exchange that every trader and investor must know....

Nov 23, 2021 . 5 min read
Beginner’s Guide for Intraday Trading

Intraday trading ain’t no cakewalk. You need the right tactics, a lot of research on stocks and market performance, and deep insight into how...

Mar 4, 2022 . 10 min read
Equity Shares
Equity Shares: Meaning, Features, Benefits, and Types

A company has two primary sources of capital to consider when seeking funding. It can raise money through equity, i.e. issuing shares, or it...

Feb 6, 2023 . 7 min read
NSE India – History, Responsibilities & Functions

NSE India- what is it? Every now and then, we keep hearing- today NSE went down by X%, BSE soared to Y%, and so...

Mar 7, 2022 . 11 min read
BSE India: Bombay Stock Exchange History, Responsibilities

BSE India – The Bombay Stock Exchange India was established in 1875. This is the largest and first security exchange firm in India. Located...

Mar 28, 2023 . 7 min read
Market Capitalization.
Market Capitalization: A dig Into The Complex Yet Intriguing Concept

What does the term “Market Capitalization” Mean? To evaluate the value of a company, there isn’t a better way than Market Capitalization because the...

Oct 14, 2021 . 14 min read
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