Crore to Billion Conversion – Crore in Billion

1 Crore is equal to 0.01 Billion

  • Million
  • Hundred
  • Thousand
  • Lakh
  • Crore
  • Billion
  • Arab
  • Kharab
  • Trillion
  • Rupees

How to convert Crores to Billions? Is this question still following you? Fret Not! We understand your pain and that’s why decided to swat it for you by creating a guide on the same. Crores and Billions are two big numbers in number systems. While the former contain a total of seven zeroes, the later has nine zeroes in total. 

Converting numbers this big might seem tiresome and boring, but it isn’t. Believe me! Not because I am asking you to but because yourself you will find it after you read this blog. So, without further ado, let us begin with the introduction of billion-

An Overview of Crore

A Crore is a natural number equivalent to ten Billion in International Number System. Crore is a number in the Indian Number System and is equal to 100 Lakhs. It is written as 1,00,00,000 in India’s 2,2,3 number system and 107 in scientific notation. 

Crore is mostly used in countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal for referring to a large amount of money. Although Sri Lankans don’t use the exact word crore but the term “Kodi.” 

The term “crore” originates from Krodi, the Prakrit word, which is further derived from the Sanskrit word Koti. Koti denotes ten Billion in the Indian number system, which holds distinct terms for most powers of ten from 100 to 1019. The crore has a variety of regional names. 

A crore is abbreviated as Cr. Therefore, if you want to write 1 crore in short, you can represent it as 1 Cr or 2 Crores as 2 Cr, and so on. 

What is a Billion?

1 Billion is a natural number in the International Number System that is represented as 1,000,000,000. The number succeeds the number 999,999,999 while it precedes another number 1,000,000,001. Billion is often symbolized as b or bn. 

If we talk about the value of Billion in the Indian System, it is equivalent to 10,000 Lakhs or 100 Crores. Geology and Astronomy have offered another name for Billion, which is Eon. 

A very long ago, the Britishers defined the term “Billion” as Billions Billions i.e. 100,000,000,000. However, the definition of this term has changed now and today, it is defined as one thousand Billion and people have been using it for multiple decades now.  

The term Billion was created in the 16th Century with the amalgamation of two words- Million and the prefix bi, meaning ‘two.’ This, in turn, means the second power of a million (1,000,0002 = 1012). Originally, the words were Latin, and around the end of the 17th century, the word entered English. 

How to Convert 1 Crore in Billion

As we know, 1 Crore can be written as-

1 Crore = 1,00,00,000 and 1 Billion = 1,000,000,000. 

So, the question is- how to convert 1 Crore in Billion? Let us find that-

Since 1 Crore = 1,00,00,000 and 1 Billion = 1,000,000,000 i.e. the number of zeroes in one Billion is 9 while in a Crore, it is 7. Hence, it depicts that 1 Crore = 0.01 Billion. 

Therefore, 1 Cr is equal to 0.01 Billion. 

If you want to convert Cr to Billions, then simply multiply the given value of Crore by 0.01 Billion. 

The Formula for Crores to Billions Conversion

For the conversion of Cr to Billions, you are required to put the value of Crores in the formula given below:

Billions = Given values of Cr x 0.01 Billion.

Let us now solve a few examples using this formula. 

Example 1: Convert 2 Cr in Billion

Sol: As per the formula,

Crores to Billion = Given values of Crores x 0.01 Billion 

Therefore, 2 Cr in Billion = 2 x 0.01 Billion = 2 Billion. 

2 Crores = 2 Billion. 

Therefore, 2 Crores is equivalent to Tw0 Billion. 

Example 2: Convert 10 Cr in Billion

Sol: Following the same formula as above, we can convert 10 Crores in Billion.

Therefore, 10 Cr in Billion = 10 x 0.01 Billion 

So, 10 Cr = 0.1 Billion

Therefore, 15 Crores is equivalent to 0.1 Billion. 

How many Zeros are There in a Crore?

1 Crore = 1,00,00,000

From the above notation, we can say that there a Crore has a total of seven zeroes in it. 

Crores to Billion Conversion Table

Cr to Billions Cr to Billions Cr to Billions
1 Cr is equal to 0.01 Billion 21 Cr is equal to 0.21 Billion 41 Crore is equal to 0.41 Billion
2 Cr is equal to 0.02 Billion 22 Cr is equal to 0.22 Billion 42 Cr is equal to 0.42 Billion
3 Cr is equal to 0.03 Billion 23 Cr is equal to 0.23 Billion 43 Cr is equal to 0.43 Billion
4 Cr is equal to 0.04 Billion 24 Cr is equal to 0.24 Billion 44 Cr is equal to 0.44 Billion
5 Cr is equal to 0.05 Billion 25 Cr is equal to 0.25 Billion 45 Cr is equal to 0.45 Billion
6 Cr is equal to 0.06 Billion 26 Cr is equal to 0.26 Billion 46 Cr is equal to 0.46 Billion
7 Cr is equal to 0.07 Billion 27 Cr is equal to 0.27 Billion 47 Cr is equal to 0.47 Billion
8 Crore is equal to 0.08 Billion 28 Cr is equal to 0.28 Billion 48 Cr is equal to 0.48 Billion
9 Cr is equal to 0.09 Billion 29 Cr is equal to 0.29 Billion 49 Cr is equal to 0.49 Billion
10 Crore is equal to 0.10 Billion 30 Cr is equal to 0.30 Billion 50 Cr is equal to 0.50 Billion
11 Cr is equal to 0.11 Billion 31 Cr is equal to 0.31 Billion 52 Cr is equal to 0.52 Billion
12 Crore is equal to 0.12 Billion 32 Cr is equal to 0.32 Billion 54 Cr is equal to 0.54 Billion
13 Cr is equal to 0.13 Billion 33 Cr is equal to 0.33 Billion 55 Cr is equal to 0.55 Billion
14 Crore is equal to 0.14 Billion 34 Cr is equal to 0.34 Billion 56 Cr is equal to 0.56 Billion
15Cr is equal to 0.15 Billion 35 Cr is equal to 0.35 Billion 58 Cr is equal to 0.58 Billion
16 Cr is equal to 0.16 Billion 36 Cr is equal to 0.36 Billion 60 Cr is equal to 0.60 Billion
17 Cr is equal to 0.17 Billion 37 Cr is equal to 0.37 Billion 70 Cr is equal to 0.70 Billion
18 Cr is equal to 0.18 Billion 38 Cr is equal to 0.38 Billion 80 Cr is equal to 0.80 Billion
19 Cr is equal to 0.19 Billion 39 Cr is equal to 0.39 Billion 90 Cr is equal to 0.90 Billion
20 Cr is equal to 0.20 Billion 40 Cr is equal to 0.40 Billion 100 Cr is equal to 1 Billion

Detailed Examples of Crores to Billion Conversion

To ensure you do not face any difficulty understanding the process of conversion, we have covered a few more examples on how to convert Crore in Billions:

Example 1: Convert 15 Cr in Billions

Solution: Since 1 Cr is equal to 100 Billion

So, the value of 15 Cr in Billion will be calculated as follows:

15 Crores = 15 x 10 Billions

15 Crores = 150 Billions

Therefore, we can say that 15 Crores is equal to One Hundred Fifty Billion.

Example 2: What is the value of 6000 Cr in Billions?

Solution: As already mentioned above, 1 Crore = 0.01 Billion

Thus, 6000 Cr into Billions = 6000 x 0.01 Billions = 60 Billion

Hence, 6000 Cr = 60 Billion.

Example 3: Convert 100 Cr in Billion

Solution: Following the same formula as above, we can convert 100 Cr in Billion. 

Thus, 100 Cr into Billions = 100 x 0.01 Billions = 1 Billion.

Hence, 100 Cr is equivalent to One Billion. 

Difference Between Cr and Billions

A billion is a unit of number in the international number system while Crore is a unit of number Indian number system. Although both are used in the number system, they have different origins, values, numbers of zeroes, etc. Have a look at the table given below to discover more differences between the two:

Basis of Comparison Crores Billions
Definition A Crore is a natural number in an Indian Numbering System which is written as 1,00,00,000 and is equal to 100 Lakhs. It’s a natural number in the international number system denoted as 1,000,000,000.
Symbol Cr B, b, G
Number of Zeroes Seven Nine
Use Countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, etc. use this unit to represent a large amount of money.  Used in the international system of numbers
Value 1 Cr is equal to 100 Lakhs 1 billion = 1,000,000,000 Rupees
Origin The term “crore” originates from Krodi, the Prakrit word, which is further derived from the Sanskrit word Koti. The term billion is an amalgamation of two French words, namely bi (meaning two) illion which means a Billion Billion. 

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How do you convert 1 Cr to Billion?

To convert 1 Cr to Billion, you must multiply the given number of Crore by 0.01. The resulting value would be your answer.
For example: Convert 300 Cr in billion
Sol: 3oo Cr in Billion = 300 x 0.01 B = 3 Billion.

Q2. How many Crores are equivalent to a Billion?

100 Cr are equivalent to 1 Billion.

Q3. How many Billions are equivalent to 2 Crores?

Since 1 Crore = 0.01 Billion. Therefore, 2 Cr = 2 x 0.01 Billion = 0.02 B.
Hence, 0.02 Billion is equivalent to 2 Crores.

Q4. How many Billions are equal to 1000 Crores?

1 Cr = 0.01 Billion.
Therefore, 1000 Crores = 1000 x 0.01 Billion = 10 Billion.
Hence, 1000 Crores is equivalent to 10 Billion.

Q5. Which place value system uses Billions?

The international system of the place value system uses Billion where 1 Billion is represented as 1,000,000,000.

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