Drafting Legal letters/ Notice

A legal notice is a formal notification to a person or entity advising them of your intention to pursue legal action against them. The legal notice is essentially the necessity that a party be informed enough about the legal processes that influence their rights, duties, or obligations. To put it another way, it is a method of warning persons or organisations about a subject that the courts mandate.

There are a variety of reasons why legal letters are written. Instead of a lawsuit, they can be used to enable negotiations or resolve a problem between two people or groups. Legal letters must be professional, accurate, and brief by their very nature. They should properly transmit a message and leave no ambiguity in the recipient’s mind.

In the end, writing a good legal letter takes time and work. It also necessitates the ability to enforce it. Not only should well-written legal letter offer terms, but it should also emphasise that the terms are legally binding. In this article, we’ll look at several types of legal letters and how to write one.

When writing your legal letter, keep the following rules in mind.

1. Address the letter properly- Include the recipient’s full name and address in the letter. If you’re writing to a firm or organisation, you can address them as ‘Dear Sir or Madam.’

2. Provided the letter’s purpose- Explain why you’re sending the letter. Give specifics about your case, including dates and names of any persons involved.

3. Include and cite any attachments- Include and cite any attachments to your legal letter. Make a point of mentioning them in the opening paragraph so that the reader can go over them first.

4. Make a call to action- What do you want the reader to do? Is it necessary for them to make a payment? Or do you want to go to court? Declare your objectives and set a deadline for achieving them.

5. Cite any applicable laws or regulations in your legal letter. Make sure you explain how they shaped the letter you wrote.

6. Proofread your letter- A message with errors may not have the same impact as one with no errors. Correct any spelling or grammar errors, sign, and submit your mail.

Legal letters are usually one page long. This may lead to the misconception that they are simple to draft. A legal letter should be brief, but not at the expense of crucial details. It should convey all of the intended information in a straightforward and exact manner. In most cases, a professional legal letter will include the following:

  • An agreement- The terms of the agreement, as well as sufficient proof that it was executed.
  • What clauses were agreed upon in the agreement’s terms? What are the parties’ responsibilities or demands?
  • The enforcement period is a set of dates by which the conditions of the agreement must be fulfilled.
  • Failure to comply has serious implications.
  • Letter of Demand/Civil Demand Letter/Demand Letter for Payment
  • Complaint letters
  • Application letters
  • Proposal letters
  • Letters of intent
  • Letters of inquiry/requesting information
  • Settlement letters
  • Cease and desist letters
  • Letters to schools or universities
  • Letters of objection/challenging or contesting a determination
  • Letters proposing terms and conditions
  • Letters to government agencies/departments
  • Letters Responding to Others’ Assertions
  • Letters to businesses
  • Letters to employers/employees
  • Letters to courts/judges
  • Letters to opposing lawyers
  • Letters to your lawyer (to better manage the relationship)
  • Letters to financial institutions
  • Letters documenting an occurrence or event

4. How do I write and send a demand letter?

A demand letter is written at the start of the legal procedure in which a case is brought to court. It outlines your case as the plaintiff (the one who has been wronged) and seeks to sue the defendant. Plaintiffs submit demand letters to outline the defendant’s wrongdoing, the redress sought by the defendant, and their intention to take the case to court.

  • Your letter should be typed.
  • Review the essential points in a concise manner. Give specific details in the order in which they occurred.
  • Be courteous. Do not make personal attacks on the opposing party. The more you assault, the more likely the opposing side will retaliate in the same fashion. This lowers your chances of successfully resolving the conflict.
  • When you’re writing, keep your end aim in mind. 
  • The letter should entice the opposite party to conduct a business-like study of the dispute and consider issues like:

 – What are the chances of me losing?

 – What are the chances of me losing?

 – How long will the defence take?

 – Do I want the dispute to be determined in front of the public?

  • Make sure you get exactly what you desire. If you desire Rs 20,000, for example, don’t waste any time. Make a request for it and explain how you came up with this figure.
  • Set a deadline for the other party to react to your letter. The average wait time is seven to 10 days.
  • Finish the letter by indicating that if the other party does not comply with your demand, you will seek legal action as soon as possible.
  • Make and keep duplicates of everything. Before sending each letter, make a copy of it.
  • Send your letter by regular and certified mail with a return receipt request to ensure it is received. If the recipient refuses to sign the receipt, send it by ordinary mail with tracking/delivery confirmation. All post office receipts should be copied.

You can use the return receipt and proof of delivery to refute any claim that the other party did not receive the demand letter if you end up in small claims court.

5. Ways to close a formal letter

Depending on the letter you’re sending, this concluding statement should be positive and thankful. In most cases, anything along the lines of “Appreciate your prompt response” or “Thank you in advance” will suffice.

This is the most comprehensive list of legal letter closing remarks available. Somewhere, you’d like to come across as more professional and serious.


“Warm regards”


“Best regards”

“Thank you so much.”

“Thank you”

6. No objection certificate format

A No Objection Certificate is a document that an individual, organisation, or institute issues to state that they have no objections to the information included in the certificate. Employment agencies, educational institutions, visa authorities, mortgage businesses, construction firms, and other organisations frequently seek to confirm that they have no objections to a contract or agreement with the individual or organisation in question. It is a legal document that authorises a person or organisation to carry out a specific task.

A No Objection Certificate can be used for several things. Some of the most common reasons for which a NOC may be issued or obtained are listed below:

  • For education and training (by an employee or student)
  • Visas and immigration
  • For banking
  • An employer may issue a leave of absence to allow an employee to work in a different department, work different shifts, or amend the terms of their contract.
  • Form of no objection certificate for property can be used for a property’s remodelling or reconstruction.

The filing of a legal notice marks the start of a new chapter in your legal battle. As a result, it is significant in a variety of ways:

  • By delivering legal notice, the sender might make it known that they intend to file a lawsuit to resolve the matter. The opposing party may respond quickly to avoid court proceedings.
  • With the assistance of an Advocate, a person can readily articulate his grievance in a legal notice.
  • The recipient of the legal notice, the opposing party, is allowed to resolve the dispute amicably.
  • It serves as a reminder to the recipient of the legal notice of the actions that have caused a problem for the sender, whether intentionally or inadvertently.
  • A legal notice is exclusively used in civil matters and is filed under Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. As an intimation, a legal notification has the following information:
  • A precise explanation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the grievance for which action is to be taken.
  • The grieved party is looking for alternatives/relief.

A detailed description of the aggrieved party’s problems and what might be done to fix the situation should be included. If the grievance is mutually agreed upon, the last paragraph of the Legal notice should give a clear summary of how relief might be obtained/problem remedied.

If both parties are ready to compromise on the issue, a well-crafted legal notice can act as a mediator between them and assist them in resolving the matter outside of court.

A legal notice, despite its simplicity, necessitates clarity and correctness, as well as the use of precise language to ensure that the message conveyed is correct. A legal expert or agent can assist in drafting the legal notice following the law and wording it appropriately for a particular issue.


  1. The first stage is to create a legal notice addressed to the opposing party and sent through registered mail with the issue, the relief sought, and a specific time frame (say, 30 to 60 days) to resolve the matter.
  2. After you’ve submitted the notice, keep a copy of the receipt you received. This could be useful if you need to file a legal lawsuit.
  3. Before filing a court case, you must wait for a certain amount of time.
  4. The person or entity to whom the legal notice is sent now has the days mentioned above to respond to the notice or agree to an out-of-court settlement.

Even if the other party does not respond to the legal notice, it is necessary for the person to whom the legal notice is addressed to respond within the specified time frame. If a notification is not responded to, one may be at a disadvantage for failing to respect the law, giving the opposing party an unfair advantage in court.

Legal notice can also be delivered personally. Before sending a legal notice to the opposite party, one can draft it and authorise it. However, because the wording of a legal notice is critical if the matter goes to court, and identifying the law under which you have raised the claim is vital, having a lawyer create copies of the legal notice will benefit you.

The format for legal letter or demand letter format is:


{Recipient’s name}


{City, Zip Code, State}

RE: Legal Letter for {Purpose of Letter}

Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. {Last name}

I am writing this letter to {state purpose of the letter}. Pursuant to {specific law} that states {state the law}, I would like to request {state your request}. You will find attached a copy of the agreement. Feel free to consult with your legal counsel before signing it.

As stipulated in the agreement, you have {amount of time} from {date} to respond to this letter. Failure to do so or provide a good reason for the failure could lead to {appropriate repercussions}.

Please send a copy of the agreement once signed and contact me at {contact information} for any further questions.

Thank you for your compliance.


{Your name}

{Job title}


The different types of legal notice are as follows:

  • Actual notice
  • Constructive notice
  • Funding Opportunity Announcement
  • Judicial notice
  • Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (administrative law)
  • Previous notice (parliamentary procedure)
  • Public notice
  • Resign

A legal notice may be sent to a person or an entity for a variety of reasons. Here are a few examples:

  • Notice to the employer for unpaid wages, violations of the employment agreement, and wrongful termination, among other things.
  • The employee is presented with a notice by the employer for violating any provisions stated in the employment contract, sexually harassing a coworker, violating the company’s HR standards, abruptly leaving the job without prior notice, and so on.
  • For personal matters like divorce, child custody, inheritance disputes, and so on, a notice to a family member is required.
  • When a check bounces, a notice is issued against the issuer. In the event of a cheque bounce, a legal notice must be sent to the issuer of the cheque within 30 days of the date of the cheque bounce.
  • Property disputes, such as ownership disputes, mortgages, eviction of occupants, and so on.
  • Manufacturers should be aware that they can file a complaint if they get bad products or provide poor services, among other things.

A notice must be served on the government in situations of suits against it, according to section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Section 80 expressly specifies that no lawsuit may be filed in court unless and until the Government has been served with a notice.

If the opposing party is a government or public officer, it must serve a legal notice before launching a complaint under Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. However, it is common practice for Advocates to serve legal notice before filing all civil proceedings. However, serving a legal notice is not required in all civil proceedings, except when an action is filed against the government or a public servant. It is legally submitted by the party planning to sue.

The purpose of this is to make the opposite party aware that the sender of the notification is making every attempt to resolve the issue at hand. It also lends credence to the sender’s storey by explicitly stating all of the receiver’s liabilities.

If a cheque bounces, the legal notice must be served within 30 days after the day the cheque bounced, according to Section 138 of The Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881. If the money is not returned within 15 days of service of the notice, a legal suit might be brought.

Although legal notice is not required in all circumstances, lawyers often do so in the hopes of resolving the disagreement without the need for a court hearing. Serving a legal notice is a technique to establish the sender’s intentions and provide the recipient with one last chance to reach an agreement on the matter at hand without the need for protracted judicial proceedings.

A legal notice is exclusively used in civil matters and is filed under Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. As an intimation, a legal notification has the following information:

  • A precise explanation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the grievance for which action is to be taken.
  • The grieving party is looking for alternatives/relief.
  • For solving the relief/problem, with an overview of the facts and possible solutions.
  • A detailed description of the aggrieved party’s problem and what might be done to fix the problem should be included. If the grievance is mutually agreed upon, the last past of the Legal notice should give a full summary of how relief might be obtained/problem remedied.

If both parties are ready to compromise on the issue, a well-crafted legal notice can act as a mediator between them and assist them in resolving the matter outside of court.

The following elements must be included in a legal notification format:

  • Name and details required
  • Description
  • The address of the sender of the notice
  • Characteristics of the influence
  • The monetary remedy sought by the notice’s sender
  • The essence of the legal grounds for the requested remedy

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

1. How do I write a legal notice letter?

A legal notice is essentially a notice sent on behalf of a client by an attorney. A person doesn’t need to send a legal notice through an advocate; they can send a legal notice without the help of an advocate.
The facts, issue, and relief are the key aspects of a legal notice, and any communication between the parties must be clearly and specifically disclosed. Before sending the legal notification, both the sender and the lawyer should sign it.

2. How many types of legal notices are there?

A legal concept that a party be aware of legal proceedings impacting their rights, obligations, or duties is described by the legal notion of notice. Public notice (or legal notice), actual notice, constructive notice, and implied notice are some types of legal notices.

3. How do I check my legal notice?

Legal notices play a critical role in legal proceedings, and so they should never be treated lightly or avoided since refusing to accept them serves no purpose, and refusing to accept them provides the other party reason to accuse you of evil intentions. Use the services of a knowledgeable and experienced business attorney. All legal notices are issued under certain legal provisions, thus the next step is to determine which provision of law the notice was issued under. This will provide information on the notice’s legal terms as well as the next steps to take.

4. What happens if you ignore legal notice?

If a legal notice is received, then it must be responded to. In terms of the repercussions, if the notice is not responded to. The individual who is being sued has the right to sue the other party.

5. What is the next step after legal notice?

After you’ve submitted the notice, keep a copy of the receipt you received. This could be useful if you need to file a legal lawsuit. Before filing a court case, you must wait for a certain amount of time.

6. How does a legal notice look like?

A legal notice should include all of the case’s relevant information. The name and address of the recipient should be included. The person might send the legal notification himself or through his lawyer. The reason for filing the lawsuit must be included in the legal notice.

7. How much does it cost to send a legal notice?

The cost of drafting and sending a legal notice document to someone through or from a veteran’s office often ranges from Rs 2500/- to Rs 7500/-. However, the cost will vary depending on the case. For example, if a legal notice is to be delivered in response to a simple check bounce, the services will be as low as Rs 500/-, whereas creating sophisticated case issues would be more expensive.
A bonus advice to save money here is to write a draught yourself and go to the lawyer to serve the notice through him. This will save you money on drafting and reduce the cost from Rs 7500/- to as low as Rs 4000/-. This legal notification will be referred to as the document if the subject is later litigated. As a result, creating a legal notice or responding to one should be done by an experienced lawyer in the case of a significant situation.

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