Feng Shui Bells: How to Utilise Them for Good Luck

Feng Shui Bells

Feng shui bells are believed to attract positive energy and bright fortune. Do you also crave more bright fortune and positivity in your life? Want to welcome positive and welcoming energy into your home? Discover the benefits of feng shui bells and how to use them to promote positive energy flow in your living space.

What is the Use of Feng Shui Bells?

According to feng shui, bells are known to attract positive energy when placed in the right place. The voice of bells breaks up stagnant energy and draws good vibrations from the world, making them ideal for placement on the front door. The more often the bells are rung, the more they attract the universe’s attention and bring good fortune into your life.

What Does Feng Shui Bell Portray?

Feng shui bell for front door are believed to attract good luck from the universe. The bell of good luck could also be placed in a complete home to break stagnant energy and attract abundance. Feng shui bells can be coupled with other symbols or chosen for their specific meanings. They can also be used to cleanse negative energy with their sound.

Benefits of Feng Shui Bells

  • Feng shui bells circulate power and allure good chi.
  • Bells are used to draw attention, which infuses them with meaning.
  • They can be used as a feng shui cure to enhance attraction in different zones of your home.
  • Bells break the energy and help move it through your home, creating easy flow and abundance.
  • They can also bring it to your attention and help you exhibit your aspirations and alter your life.
  • Using feng shui bells is an easy and effective way to bring positive energy into your home.

Choosing the Right Feng Shui Bells for Your Home or Office

When choosing Feng Shui bells for your home or office, consider the materials given below. Choose bells that resonate with you and bring positive energy into your space.

  • Metallic Gong Style
  • Brass Wind Chime
  • Iron Wind Chimes
  • Stone Wind Chimes
  • Ying Yang Style
  • Wooden Wind Chimes
  • Huge Outdoor Chimes
  • The Silver Chimes
  • Designer Metal Bell
  • The Lucky Chime
  • The Octagonal Chime
  • The Calabash Chime
  • Ying Yang Series
  • The Bamboo Chime

Where to Hang Feng Shui Bells in Your House?

Feng shui bells can be used in various areas of your home, similar to how you would use feng shui bell wind chimes for feng shui fountains, to encourage the flow and attraction of energy.

There are two particular ways to use feng shui bells:

  • Hanging bells on the door
  • Hang them on the stairs.

Tips for Placing Feng Shui Bells on Your Main Entrance

The front door holds significant importance in feng shui, as it serves as the entry point for fresh chi to enter your house and circulate through your life. It is also the medium through which the cosmos sends new possibilities and strength into your life.

Placing feng shui bells on your main entrance will:

  • Placing feng shui bells on your front door can allure power from the whole world whenever you open the door.
  • The bells for front door can activate and help allure what you wish for in life.
  • By breaking up energy, the bells can encourage the smooth flow of energy into your house.

Bells can be hung from a wreath hanger or placed on the front door knob. The purpose is to make them tinkle each time you use your main door, so that they can attract positive vibes, strength, and wealth from the world!

For even greater impact, you can set a particular intention when placing bells on your main door. For instance, you could use bells to:

  • Use bells to attract new job opportunities or clients.
  • Allure good fortune in various aspects of your life.
  • Increase positive energy and good health in your home.
  • Allure helpful mentors, people, or protectors.
  • Draw in a lovable partner or enhance romance and love with your present partner.
  • Summon energy to boost creativity and finish pending projects.

Clearly state your desired intention to the universe when hanging the bells on your entrance, and you’ll notice that things begin to move quickly towards your desired outcome!

Tips for Feng Shui Hanging Bells on Your Staircase

  • Front doors opening directly onto stairwells can cause strength to move the stairs rather than circulate throughout the home.
  • Putting bells outside the stairwell can help break up the energy flow and redirect it around the stairwell.
  • Bells can also be used to attract energy to other levels of the home if there is poor circulation up or down the stairs.
  • To achieve this, hang the bells inside the stairwell, allowing energy to move through them.

Feng Shui Bells in Other Bagua Areas

You can use feng shui bells in the bagua area of your home where you want to draw attention or direct energy. As we discussed earlier, having a clear intention for the bells can enhance their effectiveness.

For instance, if you have an empty guest room located in the relationship and love area of your home, you can use bells to welcome a new romantic partner into your life.

  • Use feng shui bells to remove stagnant energy from a room during energetic cleansing.
  • Place the bells from the entrance handles of an unused room in the love and relationship area to attract a new partner.
  • Bells can also enhance metal elements in your house.
  • The element of metal is good for productivity, mental clarity, and logic.
  • Children, creativity, travel, and helpful people are the bagua regions dominated by the metal element.

Different Types of Bells for Feng Shui

Feng Shui Bells with Red Strings

Red is a popular choice for feng shui cures because it symbolises the fire component in feng shui. Feng shui bells with a scarlet thread are considerably more potent and attention-getting than usual! These bells on your main door can be especially useful for luring in new possibilities and vigour.

Feng Shui Bells with Coins

Feng shui bells with coins are frequently used to enhance the energy of wealth and abundance. You may improve the flow of abundant energy and bring prosperity to your entire household by hanging them on the main door.

Feng Shui Bells with Carp or Goldfish

In feng shui, goldfish are said to draw prosperity and money; hence, bells decorated with fish are frequently used to increase the energy of abundance. To encourage riches and abundance, place these bells outside your front entrance or in your yard’s wealth area.

are believed to attract positive energy and bright fortune. Do you also crave more bright fortune and positivity in your life? Want to welcome positive and welcoming energy into your home? Discover the benefits of feng shui bells and how to use them to promote positive energy flow in your living space.

What is the Use of Feng Shui Bells?

According to feng shui, bells are known to attract positive energy when placed in the right place. The voice of bells breaks up stagnant energy and draws good vibrations from the world, making them ideal for placement on the front door. The more often the bells are rung, the more they attract the universe’s attention and bring good fortune into your life.

What Does Feng Shui Bell Portray?

Feng shui bell for front door are believed to attract good luck from the universe. The bell of good luck could also be placed in a complete home to break stagnant energy and attract abundance. Feng shui bells can be coupled with other symbols or chosen for their specific meanings. They can also be used to cleanse negative energy with their sound.

Benefits of Feng Shui Bells

  • Feng shui bells circulate power and allure good chi.
  • Bells are used to draw attention, which infuses them with meaning.
  • They can be used as a feng shui cure to enhance attraction in different zones of your home.
  • Bells break the energy and help move it through your home, creating easy flow and abundance.
  • They can also bring it to your attention and help you exhibit your aspirations and alter your life.
  • Using feng shui bells is an easy and effective way to bring positive energy into your home.

Choosing the Right Feng Shui Bells for Your Home or Office

When choosing Feng Shui bells for your home or office, consider the materials given below. Choose bells that resonate with you and bring positive energy into your space.

  • Metallic Gong Style
  • Brass Wind Chime
  • Iron Wind Chimes
  • Stone Wind Chimes
  • Ying Yang Style
  • Wooden Wind Chimes
  • Huge Outdoor Chimes
  • The Silver Chimes
  • Designer Metal Bell
  • The Lucky Chime
  • The Octagonal Chime
  • The Calabash Chime
  • Ying Yang Series
  • The Bamboo Chime

Where to Hang Feng Shui Bells in Your House?

Feng shui bells can be used in various areas of your home, similar to how you would use feng shui bell wind chimes for feng shui fountains, to encourage the flow and attraction of energy.

There are two particular ways to use feng shui bells:

  • Hanging bells on the door
  • Hang them on the stairs.

Tips for Placing Feng Shui Bells on Your Main Entrance

The front door holds significant importance in feng shui, as it serves as the entry point for fresh chi to enter your house and circulate through your life. It is also the medium through which the cosmos sends new possibilities and strength into your life.

Placing feng shui bells on your main entrance will:

  • Placing feng shui bells on your front door can allure power from the whole world whenever you open the door.
  • The bells for front door can activate and help allure what you wish for in life.
  • By breaking up energy, the bells can encourage the smooth flow of energy into your house.

Bells can be hung from a wreath hanger or placed on the front door knob. The purpose is to make them tinkle each time you use your main door, so that they can attract positive vibes, strength, and wealth from the world!

For even greater impact, you can set a particular intention when placing bells on your main door. For instance, you could use bells to:

  • Use bells to attract new job opportunities or clients.
  • Allure good fortune in various aspects of your life.
  • Increase positive energy and good health in your home.
  • Allure helpful mentors, people, or protectors.
  • Draw in a lovable partner or enhance romance and love with your present partner.
  • Summon energy to boost creativity and finish pending projects.

Clearly state your desired intention to the universe when hanging the bells on your entrance, and you’ll notice that things begin to move quickly towards your desired outcome!

Tips for Feng Shui Hanging Bells on Your Staircase

  • Front doors opening directly onto stairwells can cause strength to move the stairs rather than circulate throughout the home.
  • Putting bells outside the stairwell can help break up the energy flow and redirect it around the stairwell.
  • Bells can also be used to attract energy to other levels of the home if there is poor circulation up or down the stairs.
  • To achieve this, hang the bells inside the stairwell, allowing energy to move through them.

Feng Shui Bells in Other Bagua Areas

You can use feng shui bells in the bagua area of your home where you want to draw attention or direct energy. As we discussed earlier, having a clear intention for the bells can enhance their effectiveness.

For instance, if you have an empty guest room located in the relationship and love area of your home, you can use bells to welcome a new romantic partner into your life.

  • Use feng shui bells to remove stagnant energy from a room during energetic cleansing.
  • Place the bells from the entrance handles of an unused room in the love and relationship area to attract a new partner.
  • Bells can also enhance metal elements in your house.
  • The element of metal is good for productivity, mental clarity, and logic.
  • Children, creativity, travel, and helpful people are the bagua regions dominated by the metal element.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Are bells an emblem of luck?

As per Feng Shui ideology, the ringing of the bells is believed to ward off negative energy and evil spirits, making them a symbol of good luck.

Can we hang bells in the house?

Bells are believed to dispel evil spirits, cast or remove spells, and channel positive energy to create harmony. For this reason, they are ideal for home altars and purging negative energy.

What is the importance of bells in the house?

According to belief, the sound of a bell can purify a space and dispel negative energy. Hanging bells in the appropriate direction can relieve Vastu dosha and promote harmony.

What do 3 bells symbolise?

Many believe that three brass bells have the power to dispel negative energy and attract good luck to your home and family.

Where should I put my bell for Feng Shui?

The most auspicious location to hang lucky bells is near the entrance, foyer, or main door of the house.

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