Paint your Home with Feng Shui Colours and Elements

Feng Shui Colours

We all know that colour psychology is real. What that means is different colours can dramatically change a person’s mood. Moreover, regular people like you and me might not realise this, but these colours control our emotions. Also, with the advent of the internet, the world has transformed into a global village. This has resulted in cultural exchange on a worldwide scale. 

Nowadays, you can incorporate different colour schemes from different cultures around the globe. One such example is how many people use Feng Shui Colours that have been predominant in Chinese households to enhance their home’s energy and harmony. That is why a lot of people study every part of their room before painting it. If you also want to experiment with these colours you can read some ideas that might inspire you. 

What Exactly are Feng Shui Colours?

Feng Shui Colours symbolise five primary colours: earth, water, fire, wood and metal. The red colour signifies action along with creativity. Similarly, the green colour oozes a relaxing effect. All these elements have both creative and destructive cycles. Just like the food cycle, all these elements are co-dependent on each other. Some colours possess vibrance, some are fierce, and some add richness to their surroundings. These Feng Shui colours can even bring life to any space. The key objective of the feng shui colours is to usher balance and harmony among the elements, just like the yin and yang philosophy in the Chinese tradition.  

Significance of Colours in Feng Shui 

Colour is important in Feng Shui as it adds vibrance and tonality to the space. The Chi gathers the energy and disperses it back into the environment. These colours also play a vital role in the Taoist cosmological schools of thought. All these different colours have different perspectives. Therefore, you can associate these colours with their elements and get a different outlook altogether.

For example, white can have different meanings like emptiness, winter, clarity and peace. Similarly, black colour represents dark themes, depth and wisdom. And the resulting colours formed by these colours like mixing red and white, will give you a pink shade with different meanings. These would be partnership, love and softness. This gives the customers a wide range of options that they can explore to enhance their home’s peace and harmony. 

How to Incorporate Feng Shui Colours and its Five Elements?

You should select the right fit Depending on the mood and setting you want to set up for your space. Different organisations conduct proper research before choosing the Feng Shui colour for their business. For example : 

  • Red/Yellow/Orange Colours and Fire Element – Restaurants, sports centres and retail industries use this colour to symbolize power, courage and passion.
  • Blue Colour and Water and Wood Element – Certain tones of blue like deeper tones, depict water elements. At the same time, lighter shades indicate the wood element used in various spas, daycare and healing centres.
  • Soft Browns/Orange Colours and Earth Elements –  These colours are associated with earth elements and are predominantly used in agricultural and real estate businesses.

Tips for Choosing Feng Shui Colours in the Home 

Feng Shui colours are fit apt for personal spaces like home as well. Just like the professional setting, these colours make a place home. Home is where you want a personalised experience for yourself. That is why choosing the right paint is extremely important. But it is also a very tedious task even though you know what theme you want for your home. But with so many options available, it becomes a big hassle. This is because it will add a flow and seamless transition as you move from one room to another. Here are some suggestions:

  • Size of the Room – You can opt for white to showcase peace and creativity. Also, this colour makes your rooms look more spacious. This is best for Indian households that are mostly smaller spaces.
  • Select the Colour According to Your Home Furniture – This is an extremely cost-effective method as you can choose the colour according to the furniture you have already purchased.
  • Keeping the Lighting in Mind – The amount and type of light changes the colour’s tone. So, according to the lighting in your home, you should choose the right colour for yourself.   
  • The Hit and Trial Method: This is the best method for people who want to experiment and use unconventional colours. 

Let us look into the options you can use

  • Feng Shui Living Room Colors

A living room is where you spend time with your family, reconnect with old friends and relatives. Therefore, you can choose the earth, metal or wood elements colours. This will depend on your furniture, wall hangings, lighting etc. From classic white to greys to brown shades, the sky’s the limit for this area.

  • Feng Shui Bedroom colors

The best colours for the bedroom would be white, peach, pink, earthy yellow and other soothing tones. These colours would set a relaxing mood in the space. With these Feng Shui colours, it would be easier to rest and rejuvenate. 

  • feng shui kitchen colors

Since you already have the fire energy in the kitchen, you should opt for lighter shades. This is because dark colours like black would be way too overwhelming. Hence, metal element colours are best suited for the kitchen.

  • feng shui bathroom colors

Usually, people opt for tiles in the bathroom to avoid dampness. But you can still opt for colours like white, blue, and green in this area. With new modern bathroom spaces, you can incorporate these colours to give it a classy and sleek look.

  • Feng Shui Home Office colors

Metal element colours such as white and grey would give your home office a stupendous look. Since black is associated with one’s professional life, you can go for this colour along with some hints of brown.

  • Feng Shui Dining Room colors

The dining room is where you and your family gather and have food. It is good to paint the space with earthy elements, eg, green, brown, etc.  

  • Feng Shui Entryway colors

They say the first impression is the last. And the entryway is where a person enters your home. Some good suggestions to make a lasting impression on the entrance are red, green, blue, and brown. 

Alternate Ways to Incorporate the Feng Shui Colours

Apart from just painting the walls, you can also use the Feng Shui colours in other ways. These could be through cabinets, wall hangings, couches, curtains, furniture showpieces, etc. This will give you plenty of opportunities to explore various elements through these Feng Shui colours. In fact, these will even complement the colours in the background, for instance, the walls.  

Combinations that Create Balance and Harmony

Ideally, most people want the colours to accentuate harmony. When put together, certain Feng Shui colours help create balance and harmony. These are : 

  • Yellow and Red – Since red is a powerful colour, it tends to overpower the other elements in its surroundings. Pairing it with yellow reduces its intensity. Applying this combination in spaces like the living room will bring out the best of these earth element colours.
  • Green and Blue – When used together, certain colours of different elements complement each other. Using these wood and water elements is visually pleasing. 
  • Purple and Blue – These two earth and water elements colours bring out favourable results. Purple is considered the colour of royalty and blue is probably one of the most popular Feng Shui colours. The combination of this class and mass is a favourite among a lot of people.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the lucky colour in a house in feng shui?

Azure Blue, apple green pearl white, fiery red and imperial yellow are the lucky Feng Shui.

What are the lucky colours inside the house?

Red, green, purple, and golden are the lucky colours you can use inside the house.

What colours bring positive energy?

Yellow, orange, and peach colours bring positive energy. 

Which colour has the strongest energy?

Red colour has the strongest energy among the Feng Shui colours. 

What are the 4 positive colours?

Blue, green, red and white are 4 positive colours in Feng Shui. 

Abhay Sharma A content writer by profession, Abhay writes with a flair of finding the right words to capture the feeling and emotion behind any brand story. With a background in journalism he has written various blogs and articles. He likes playing badminton and binge-watching new movies/series. He is a music enthusiast and has also learnt to play the Casio. He believes that it's important to write compelling and engaging write-ups in order to captivate reader's attention.
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