Acknowledge the Power of Feng Shui Dragon Statues

Feng Shui Dragon

Have you ever been wondering why dragons are highly appreciated in Chinese folklore? According to ancient Chinese mythology, dragons can change negative energy into positive one. This imaginary mythical creature is believed to represent wealth, success and good fortune. 

Furthermore, surrounding yourself with a feng shui dragon can bring immense luck, fortune, and professional success. Continue reading to learn more about placing your feng shui dragon to achieve abundance. 

The Significance and Symbolism of Dragons in Feng Shui

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the dragon symbolises good luck and protection charm. It also represents yang (masculine) energy. Feng shui dragon statues are placed in a home or workplace to enhance the flow of financial abundance, success and prosperity. As per Chinese folklore, a dragon once changed the wind flow to help a rabbit, and later it prompted rain to nourish a village. 

This is why the Chinese highly regard this majestic mythical creature and acknowledge it as brave and kind. In feng shui, the dragon is portrayed as a bearded snake with four legs connected with the earth element and the east direction. Thus, placing it in the right place will bring you immense prosperity and good fortune. 

Feng Shui Dragon Statue Placement and Arrangement

Feng Shui Dragon figurines can be placed in various places to attract specific sorts of energies. 

Let us find out some of the most effective options to place the feng shui dragon statues and paintings: 

  • One can place a feng shui dragon statue in the north direction of their workplace to attract success. Additionally, keeping your work desk in the north direction, while placing a red feng shui dragon figurine behind it, will bring more productivity and creativity. 
  • Placing a feng shui dragon statue facing the south direction of one’s house can bring absolute peace and harmony. Furthermore, placing a jade dragon statue in the east direction will attract health and abundance. 
  • To attract happiness and joy, place a feng shui dragon figurine in the west direction. It will also protect the children of the family. 
  • One can place the dragon statue near any waterbody in their home, it will balance the water element. 
  • Placing a feng shui dragon with a red phoenix statue in the bedroom will bring a blissful married life. 
  • Placing a pair of feng shui dragons can activate the protection charm. It will also bring good luck. 

Types of Feng Shui Dragon Statues

Various types of feng shui dragon statues are made with different materials and attract different energy. 

Feng Shui Dragon with Stone:

One of the most popular types of feng shui dragons is found holding a crystal. This specific type is believed to bring hope and positivity to the surroundings. 

Feng Shui Dragon with Pearl:

A feng shui dragon holding a pearl inside its mouth or under its claw is sort of a common sight in a Chinese household. Pearl symbolizes prosperity, strength and knowledge. Nevertheless, these statues attract similar energies. 

Golden Dragon: 

Golden feng shui dragon statues symbolise financial abundance. One can place it in their workplace to attract more wealth energies. 

Red Feng Shui Dragon Statue: 

The red feng shui dragon represents knowledge, wisdom and creativity. They also symbolize bravery and passion. Wearing one of these will undoubtedly bring major positivity into one’s life. 

Benefits of Feng Shui Dragon Statues 

Placing feng shui dragons in the right direction of your surroundings has many benefits. Let’s find out!

Feng Shui Dragon Statues for Protection and Strength

Placing a pair of feng shui dragons at the entrance of your home will protect the surrounding and its people. One can also wear a dragon pendant, this will bring inner strength and protect him or her from any fatal danger. 

Using Feng Shui Dragon Statues for Wealth and Prosperity

Placing a golden dragon statue at your workplace will bring financial abundance and prosperity. This type of dragon figurine can also be used as a present for someone you wish great prosperity. 

Feng Shui Dragon Statues for Love and Relationship

According to Chinese mythology, the dragon is the yang (masculine) opposite of the red phoenix, which is yin (feminine) energy. The two also represent the imperial family: the phoenix is linked to the spirit of the empress, while the dragon stands for the emperor. Place a dragon and a phoenix side by side to awaken the energy of love. It can be kept in your bedroom to encourage a happy marriage.

Enhancing Career Success and Advancement with Feng Shui Dragon Statues

Placing a wooden dragon in the office will enhance successful career growth. According to feng shui, the wood element can bring wealth and abundance. 

Feng Shui Dragon Statue Care and Maintenance

It is very important not to place the statue in the bathroom or storeroom. It will drain all the positive energy. One must respect the figurine and handle it with great care and humility. Avoid stepping on any dragon on a feng shui rug or carpet. 

Keep it clean and dust-free to maintain an uninterrupted flow of energy. And most of all, believe in it wholeheartedly. 

Combining Feng Shui Dragon Statues with Other Feng Shui Elements

While selecting your dragon symbol, being well aware of the feng shui elements is very important. 

Earth Element: 

Feng shui dragon made with bronze will bring in the earth element, which helps the family’s well-being and protection. 

Metal Element: 

Placing a white porcelain dragon figure will attract metal elements, bringing the person joy and happiness. 

Water Element:

Feng shui dragon made with glass or a colour scheme of black and grey will generate water element. This type of dragon is used to bring in wealth and wisdom.

Wood Element: 

Feng shui dragons with wood elements are used to bring in abundance and knowledge.

Fire Element: 

Red feng shui dragons are believed to bring in the fire element, which usually helps in professional success and attracts inspiration. 

Feng Shui Dragon Statues as Gifts

Let’s find out how feng shui dragons are to be interpreted as gifts: 

  • If someone gives a feng shui dragon statue as a gift, it is supposedly believed that they are wishing you good luck and increasing wealth energy. Gifting a feng shui dragon with a phoenix will help with love-related issues. 
  • If someone presents you with a red feng shui dragon, they wish you greater knowledge and success in your professional life. 


To conclude, dragons are a great choice for your home according to feng shui. It will energise your entire place and will unquestionably bring joy and happiness. It is believed that feng shui dragons protect the kids and bless the keeper with wealth, abundance, and good luck. 

Avoid these three things while placing a feng shui dragon at your home: 

  • Do not place it in the bathroom to avoid draining the positive energies.
  • Avoid stepping on any feng shui dragon on a carpet or rug.
  • Choose your feng shui dragon in accordance with the size of your living space.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Are dragons good Feng Shui?

According to Chinese mythology, dragons are believed to be the symbol of good luck and prosperity. Thus, feng shui dragons are a brilliant choice for your home and workspace. 

What is the dragon in Feng Shui?

Feng shui dragon symbolises good luck, prosperity and protection. 

Where should I put my Feng Shui dragon?

You can keep your feng shui dragon at the entrance of your home to guard your surroundings against evil. 

Also, you can pair a feng shui dragon with a red phoenix and place it in your bedroom to have a blessed married life.

Which zodiac are good for the dragon?

The zodiac monkey and rat are the best matches for the dragon. 

Shreya Roy Being a writer, Shreya believes in conquering the world with words. Heliophile for winters and chionophile for summers. She loves to sit in silence for hours and her inner-self gets absolutely flabbergasted while looking up in the night sky.
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