Experience the Power of a Feng Shui Tortoise and Turtle

Feng Shui Tortoise

Believe it or not, both Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra recommend the tortoise and turtle as a powerful home décor item. Not only that, but Chinese Geomancy also supports the use of this long-living creature for bringing about harmony and peace within a family. However, a few rules must be followed to benefit from the power of a tortoise and turtle fully.

Both Feng Shui tortoise and turtle must be the correct type and made from the right material, and they must be placed in the right location and facing the right direction. If these criteria are not met, the Feng Shui turtle or tortoise could bring ill luck instead of the desired peace and balance.

Luckily, you can use our helpful guide to ensure your Feng Shui turtle and tortoise are set up correctly and bring the luck and harmony you desire.

Feng Shui for Turtle and Tortoise

The tortoise and turtle are key symbols of Feng Shui, embodying longevity and protection. Representing one of the four celestial guardians, i.e. The Green Dragon, The White Tiger and The Red Phoenix, the Black tortoise is believed to bring good luck to those who display it according to their intentions.

By carefully placing the tortoise or turtle in specific directions, one can utilise its power to bring in luck, success, and stability. The Feng Shui tortoise is a universal symbol of strength and perseverance, and its presence can bring peace and tranquillity to any space.

Moreover, when considering adding a Feng Shui tortoise or turtle to your home, it’s essential to understand the type of tortoise, its purpose, and its benefits. Start by asking yourself why you are drawn to getting a tortoise. Is it to bring good luck and health or to block bad energies?

Knowing your reason will help you decide on the type of Feng Shui turtle or tortoise that best fits your requirements.

Once you have determined why you want it, you can look into the available materials, such as resin, mud, metal, stone, and crystal. Each of these materials offers different benefits in terms of its ability to attract positive energy and block out negative energy.

Lastly, explore the different combinations of available tortoises, coins, and Dragon tortoises. Combining these elements can have an even more significant impact on the Feng Shui of your home. Make sure you research the different combinations and find the one that flawlessly suits your needs.

Placement and Directions of Feng Shui Tortoise

Feng shui turtles and tortoises are considered to bring fortune, but it’s important to make sure they are placed in the right direction to maximise their power. Depending on the type of tortoise, the right direction may vary.

Have a look!

Kind of TortoisePlacement/Direction
Metal tortoiseNorth or north-west
Stone tortoiseWest
Glass/crystal tortoiseSouth-west or north-west
Wooden tortoiseEast or south-east

NOTE: Placing a tortoise in the wrong direction can lead to the opposite effects, so it’s important to pay close attention to the direction of the tortoise when placing it in your home.

10 Must-Know Tips About Feng Shui Tortoise

The top 10 must-know tips related to Feng Shui turtle and tortoise are as follows:

  1. Arrange the tortoise to face the right direction to welcome positivity in your home.
  2. According to Feng Shui, the tortoise is a great gift to bring good fortune.
  3. To reduce worries, set the tortoise near the head of the bed. It will also help in dealing with insomnia.
  4. Fill a material depth dish with the tortoise and add some coloured stones or water for peace, harmony, money, and longevity.
  5. To magnify the tortoise’s power, place it near an aquarium or artificial waterfall.
  6. For career-related issues, put the tortoise in the north direction for quick and positive results.
  7. Position the tortoise in Tien Yi or the health direction to protect your family from illnesses and to gain strength against severe diseases.
  8. Placement of the tortoise in the east will sharpen your focus and concentration.
  9. A mound-shaped turtle, kept in the backyard, is believed to bring safety and security to the household.
  10. Female turtle figurines are thought to bring harmony to the family by symbolising children and family.

Turtle for Office As per Feng Shui

Feng shui recommends that a turtle be placed in the office as a symbol of longevity and stability. The turtle should be placed in the back left corner of the room, which is known as the ‘wealth corner’. This will bring good luck and fortune to the office.

The feng shui turtle should be made of metal or crystal and should be facing the door. The turtle should be of moderate size, large enough to be noticed but not so large as to be overwhelming. Additionally, the turtle should have a coin or two placed in its mouth for luck.

Things to Keep in Mind

If you are looking for a home decor item that can bring stability to your relationships, a tortoise may be the perfect choice. A variety of tortoises are available in the market, and it is important to keep a few things in mind when selecting one.

  • It is recommended to keep a air of tortoises rather than only one, as this is believed to promote stability in relationships.
  • To strengthen the effect of stability in relationships, you can use a brass tortoise.
  • You could also opt for a ‘family’ of tortoises, such as a small and a big tortoise; in this case, keeping them in the south-west direction is best.

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The Feng Shui tortoise and turtle are potent symbols that are believed to bring good luck, protection, balance, and harmony to every abode. It is a meaningful and traditional way to attract positivity and ward off negative energy. So, whether you are looking to attract luck, peace, protection, or harmony into your house, the Feng Shui turtle or tortoise can be a great tool to help you achieve your goals. Also, make sure you place them in the right direction to avail of all its benefits.


Which way should a turtle face for good luck?

For optimal feng shui, tortoise idols should be placed facing east in the south-west corner. Wooden tortoise figurines should be placed in the southeast corner of the living room.

Which direction should turtles be in water feng shui?

Place the tortoise in a bowl of water towards the north.

Where should a turtle be placed in a house?

A feng shui turtle should be placed in the living room, a workspace, or an entryway to bring good luck and positive energy to the home. It can also be placed near a window or near a door to ward off negative energy.

Is a turtle pet good for feng shui?

A pet turtle can be considered a symbol of good luck, bringing along with it good health, employment, and wealth. It is the perfect pet for those who are looking to bring more fortune and abundance into their lives.

Does turtle attract money?

Yes, feng shui turtles are believed to attract money when placed in a bedroom. 

Which tortoise is good for money?

The most popular feng shui tortoise for money is the Golden turtle with a Chinese coin in its mouth. It is said to bring good luck and wealth into the home.

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