Considering House Number 3 – What You Need to Know?

House Number 3 Numerology

Purchasing real estate as per Indian numerology is a common practice in India. The direction of the house, location, and layout are designed and decided as per vastu or numerology. It is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to help individuals understand the significance of numbers in their lives. Every number has a meaning and represents specific characteristics that can shape an individual’s life. 

House Number 3 is considered an auspicious number in Indian Numerology. It represents creativity, self-expression, and socialising. Individuals living in House Number 3 are often outgoing and amiable. They are also creative and artistic and have a natural talent for expressing themselves through various art forms, such as writing, painting, or music. 

In terms of the Vastu Shastra, House Number 3 is associated with the planet Jupiter. Vastu Shastra states Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, knowledge, and spirituality. Individuals living in a House Number 3 can benefit significantly from the positive energy of Jupiter and can experience increased wisdom, knowledge, and spiritual growth.

It is important to note that the implications of House Number 3 can vary depending on the individual and their personal numerology chart. It is recommended that individuals consult with a professional numerologist to gain a more in-depth understanding of their personal numerology chart and the implications of their house number.

This article will discuss House Number 3 in Indian Numerology and its implications and benefits for individuals residing in a house with a particular number.

House Number 3 – Effects and Benefits

In numerology, the number 3 is considered a powerful and dynamic number with many positive effects and benefits, particularly regarding a house number. Some of the main effects and benefits of having house number 3 are –

  1. Creativity and self-expression – The number 3 is associated with creativity, self-expression, and communication. If you live in house number 3, you may find that your creativity is enhanced. It can manifest in many ways, such as through art, writing, or music. You may also have a talent for communication and may be particularly adept at public speaking, teaching, or writing.
  1. Positive Energy – It is believed to bring positive energy and good luck and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in your home, benefiting your overall well-being.
  1. Social Connections – The number 3 is associated with social connections and communication. Living in a house with this number can help to enhance your social life and promote positive relationships with your friends and family.
  1. Optimism and Joy – The number 3 can benefit your mental and emotional health and create a positive and happy environment in your home.
  1. Growth and Expansion – The number 3 is associated with growth and expansion regarding personal development and material success. Living in a house with this number can help promote personal growth and expansion and bring financial prosperity.  

Who Would Benefit Most from House Number 3?

House number 3 is ideal for creative, expressive, and outgoing people. If you are an artist, writer, musician, or performer, living in a house with the number 3 may help you to enhance your creative abilities and articulate more freely.

Since this number is associated with communication and networking, if you work in a field that requires these skills, such as sales or marketing, living in a house with the number 3 will be advantageous.

If you’re considering a house with the number 3 in its address, here are some factors to consider –

  1. People who work in creative fields such as art, music, writing, or acting may find the energy of house number 3 to be particularly inspiring and beneficial to their work.
  1. The number 3 is associated with socialisation, community, and networking. If you are a social butterfly and render it to entertain or connect with others, house number 3 is the address you need.
  1. Number 3 is considered optimistic, associated with joy and abundance. If you’re looking for a home that feels cheerful and uplifting, a house with a 3 in its address may be a good choice.
  1. The number 3 is associated with creativity and self-expression, which can benefit children in developing their sense of self. Additionally, the social energy of a 3 in the address may appeal to families who enjoy hosting gatherings or connecting with their neighbours.

House Number 3 – Who Should Avoid?

While house number 3 can benefit many, it may only be suitable for some. Living in house number 3 may not be ideal if you value solitude and privacy. This number is associated with socialising and communication, so if you prefer to keep to yourself, you may find the energy of this number overwhelming.

In addition, if you are not particularly creative or expressive, living in house number 3 may not benefit you. It might induce anxiety in an introverted occupant, especially if you do not resonate with the energy of this number.

In Indian numerology, house number 3 is associated with imagination, inventiveness, and self-expression. However, according to Indian numerology, people born under certain zodiac signs or with certain birthdates may experience adverse effects if they live in house number 3.

Here are some guidelines on who should avoid living in a house with the number 3 –

  1. People born under the zodiac sign Pisces or Gemini should avoid living in a house with the number 3. This is because the ruling planet of these signs, Jupiter, is incompatible with the number 3.
  1. People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month should avoid living in a house with the number 3. It is because their birthdate is associated with the number 3, and living in a house with this number may amplify their negative qualities.
  1. Business people, in general, should avoid living in a house with the number 3, as it may lead to financial instability and loss.

It is important to note that these are general guidelines, and there may be exceptions. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide whether or not to live in house number 3 or street number 3 as per vastu based on their beliefs and circumstances.

The Do’s and Don’ts for House Number 3

Indian numerology is an ancient science that uses numbers to determine the energy and vibrations that affect a person’s life. According to Indian numerology, each number has unique qualities that can impact an individual’s personality, career, relationships, and overall well-being.

House number 3 in Indian numerology is associated with good communicators who can express themselves through various mediums, such as writing, music, or art. However, living in house number 3 also has its challenges. Here are some do’s and don’ts that you should be aware of to maximise the benefits of this number and avoid any potential adverse effects –

Do’s –

  1. Use your creative talents – House number 3 is an excellent place for people who want to express themselves creatively. If you have artistic talents, this is the perfect place to hone your skills and pursue your passion.
  2. Keep the energy flowing – House number 3 is associated with movement and energy. To enhance your home’s positive energy, ensure enough light and ventilation. You can also incorporate elements of water or wind, such as fountains or wind chimes, to keep the energy flowing.
  3. Be positive – Positive energy is vital to living in house number 3. Try to stay positive and focus on the good things in life. This will help attract positive energy into your home.
  4. Express your creativity – Embracing your creativity is important. This could mean painting, writing, or any other form of artistic expression that you enjoy.
  5. Be Social – House number 3 is also associated with social interactions, so it is important to be outgoing and friendly. It could mean hosting parties, get-togethers, or simply spending time with friends and family.
  6. Keep the house clean and tidy – A cluttered and messy house can disrupt the positive energy associated with house number 3. Keep your home neat and tidy to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment.

Don’ts –

  1. Avoid clutter – Keep the house tidy and clean to allow energy flow.
  2. Avoid arguments – House number 3 is associated with communication but can lead to arguments and misunderstandings. Avoid getting into unnecessary arguments or disagreements with others, as this can disrupt the positive energy of the house.
  3. Don’t isolate yourself – House number 3 is associated with social interactions, so it is essential not to isolate yourself. Try to get to know your neighbours and build a sense of community.
  4. Avoid negative thoughts – Negative thoughts can disrupt the positive energy associated with house number 3. Focus on positive thoughts and surround yourself with positive people and experiences.
  5. Pay attention to your creative side – Make time for your hobbies and creative pursuits to maintain a positive and harmonious environment in your home.

Creative Decorating Ideas for House Number 3 in Numerology

If you are looking for decor suggestions for a house with the number 3 in numerology, here are some ideas –

  1. Use bright and bold colours – Since the number 3 is associated with creativity, using bright and bold colours in your decor can help to enhance these qualities. Consider using a bold statement piece of art or accent wall in your living or dining room.
  2. Display art and creative pieces – Displaying art, photographs, and other creative pieces around your home can help to enhance the energy of the number 3. Consider hanging a gallery wall of your favourite pieces in a prominent location in your home.
  3. Use plants and greenery – Plants can help to bring a sense of balance and harmony to your home. They also represent growth and vitality, which are important qualities of the number 3. Consider creatively incorporating plants throughout your home, such as hanging baskets or a living wall.
  4. Create social spaces – Social spaces in your home can help to enhance this energy. Consider creating a cosy seating area in your living room or gathering space in your backyard.
  5. Use multiples of 3 in your decor – Using multiples of 3 in your decor can help to reinforce the energy of the number 3. Consider grouping items in threes, such as candles or decorative objects, to create a cohesive and balanced look.

Overall, the key to decorating your house number 3 in Indian numerology is to embrace and enhance the energy of the number 3 and create a welcoming and harmonious home.


In conclusion, house number 3 is auspicious in Indian Numerology, but it is crucial to follow certain do’s and don’ts to maintain a positive and harmonious environment in your home. By embracing your creative side, being social, communicating effectively, and keeping your house clean and tidy, you can harness the positive energy of house number 3 and enjoy a happy and fulfilling life in your home.


Is number 3 a good house number?

The number three stands for expression, growth, passion, zeal, extroversion, enjoyment, and hope. House number 3 is a fantastic place to host parties and social gatherings. Its inhabitants can express themselves freely within and outside the home, giving off an extraordinary aura.

What does House number 3 mean in numerology?

Three has always held significant importance. The birth-life-death cycle, the connection between the mind, body, and soul, and the three acts of a traditional story are all examples of positive things that happen in sets of three. Whenever the number 3 appears, it usually portends well for your creativity, openness, hope, and passion.

What is house number 3, as per vastu?

Jupiter regulates the number 3, rendering it ideal for pleasant individuals to reside in homes with this number. As the occupants embrace happiness and joy, the house radiates with the same positive energy. It is a place to live for those who desire to try new things and escape the humdrum of everyday life.

Is Number 3 lucky or unlucky?

In India, the number 3 is considered a lucky number for houses. It is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the residents of the house. This belief is based on numerology, where the number 3 is associated with creativity, growth, and success.

Which colours are ideal for house number 3 as per numerology?

House number 3 is perfect for artists and creative individuals; its interior design should be imaginative and distinctive. In house number 3, select vivid pastel shades or natural hues. Decorate the rooms with striking, bright artwork and attractive yellow or purple decor. Keep dark blue and black hues out of your interior design.

Zilpha Rodrigues Baker by day and writer by night, Zilpha enjoys tackling the unknown and simplifying the complex. A voracious reader with keen attention to detail, she hopes to fulfil her dream of publishing a cookbook and meeting her idol, Shah Rukh Khan. With a heart of gold and the right amount of spice, she is a force to be reckoned with. Also, she makes bomb cheesecakes.
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