How are RWAs Gearing up for the Vaccine Drive?


With the vaccine finally ready, the whole country is looking forward to how the government plans to roll out the vaccination drive. RWAs are expected to play a key role in the coming months to ensure proper distribution of the vaccine.

In order to ensure that the information about vaccines and vaccination process against COVID-19 reaches maximum people in the country, the government plans to also include RWAs (Resident Welfare Associations) and WhatsApp groups etc. in its Communication Strategy released recently. It, the government believes, will help to disseminate timely, accurate and transparent information about the vaccine so as to curb apprehensions about the vaccine, ensure its acceptance, and encourage consent.

Giving out the right information on COVID-19 vaccine, addressing questions and queries regarding the vaccine, building eagerness among people, and also maintaining COVID-appropriate behaviours – these are the four key areas that will be addressed as part of interventions under the strategy.

The ministry also aims to provide factual information on potential risks related to the vaccine and mitigate crisis at the time of introduction and rollout of the vaccine.

Communication Strategy Inclusions

Here’s how the Centre plans to communicate about the vaccination at a mass level:

-In order to do fact-checking related to vaccine-related news and information, the ministry is setting up a National Media Response Cell.

-Apart from pushing the news out in various forms of media, community groups like Gram Sabhas as well as celebs and Social Media influencers will also be roped in.

-The government also plans to make use of Community WhatsApp groups like that of schools and RWAs to share factual messages.

-They will also approach the Ministry of External Affairs so they can fetch relevant information on the vaccination campaign from Indian Missions abroad.

-The ministry has also prepared itself for the crises that will rise up during the vaccination drive, including protests followed by rumours, misinformation, and sudden AEFI (adverse event following immunization) deaths, and pressure from committees etc. for prioritisation, among others.

The above information regarding the role of RWAs and other influential groups during vaccination drives is based on the 88-page document named ‘COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Strategy’ issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – Government of India, that drills down the strategy flow from national to state, district, town, and ward level.

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