Inches to Feet(inch to ft) Conversion – 1 inch is 0.0833 ft

1 Inch is equal to 0.08 Feet

  • Centimeter
  • Decimeter
  • Feet
  • Inch
  • Kilometer
  • Meter
  • Micrometer
  • Millimeter
  • Yard
  • Nanometer

If you find mathematics involving unit conversions challenging, particularly if you’re involved in real estate where unit conversion is crucial, this article might be just what you need. Converting units, such as inches to feet, can seem tricky. However, this blog is here to simplify these processes for you. It focuses on making such mathematical tasks more accessible and less intimidating, with practical advice on converting inches to feet.

What is an Inch?

An inch is a unit used to measure length, based on the traditional idea of measuring with the width of a person’s thumb. Interestingly, the term inch comes from a Latin word, ‘uncia’, that means ‘one-twelfth’ because an inch is one-twelfth of a foot or one-thirty-sixth of a yard. When noting measurements in inches, you can either write “in” or use the double prime symbol (“).

For example, 4 inches long can be written as 4 in or 4″. Countries like the USA, UK, and Canada often use inches to measure the length of a table or the size of a TV screen.

History of Inch 

The unit ‘inch’ is derived from ‘ince’ or ‘ynce’. However, this Old English word dates back to ‘uncia’ a Latin word that means one-twelfth of a Roman foot. 

King David I of Scotland defined ‘ynce’ about 1150 as the breadth of the man’s thumb at the base of the nail. The measure was typically calculated by adding the thumb breadths of three men one little, one medium, and one large and then dividing the result by three to ensure uniformity in the unit. 

Inch was defined as “three dry, spherical grains of barley set end to end lengthwise” during the early 14th century under the rule of King Edward II. The lengths of 12 poppyseeds combined have also been used at times to be the measurement of an inch. Since 1959, 2.54 cm has been the official definition of an inch.

What is a Foot?

Foot measurement is a way to measure length used in the United States and Britain. People often write it as ‘ft’ or use the apostrophe symbol. It’s a common unit for measuring the size of a house or land. Centuries ago, the exact length of a foot could change depending on where you were or what job you did, usually between about 9.8 inches and 13.1 inches. British and American systems now agree that one foot is the same as 12 inches, and three feet comprise one yard.

Like most other countries, the United States still uses feet for many measurements, like building things or everyday use, instead of meters. Canada also uses feet to measure length sometimes.

History of Foot

The singular of feet-foot, in any of diverse ancient, medieval, and modern linear often measures 25 to 34 cm based on the length of the human foot that is solely used in English-speaking nations, where they typically consist of 12 inches or one-third yard. The meter, the fundamental linear unit in the metric system, has replaced the foot, with its multiples and subdivisions, in the majority of nations and in all scientific uses. The definition of a foot in the United States as exactly 30.48 cm went into force in 1959.

Relationship Between Inches to Feet

To convert inches to feet, remember that one foot equals 12 inches. So, to find out how many feet are in a certain number of inches, divide those inches by 12. It’s easy to switch between the two measurements.

Inches to Feet Conversion Formula and Examples

As discussed above, there are 12 inches in 1 foot. Keeping this in mind, the formula for converting inches to feet is

Feet = Inches / 12

Example 1 – Convert 5 inches to feet.

Formula Used: Feet = Inches/ 12

5 inches/12 = 0.4166 feet

Thus, 5 inches is equal to 0.4166 feet.

Example 2 – Convert 10 inches to feet.

Formula Used: Feet = Inches/ 12

10 inches/12 = 0.8333 feet

Thus, 10 inches is equal to 0.8333 feet.

Example 3 – Convert 15 inches to feet.

Formula Used: Feet = Inches/ 12

15 inches/12 = 1.25 feet

Thus, 15 inches is equal to 1.25 feet.

Example 4 – Convert 20 inches to feet.

Formula Used: Feet = Inches/ 12

20 inches/12 = 1.666 feet

Thus, 20 inches is equal to 1.666 feet.

Example 5 – Convert 22 inches to feet.

Formula Used: Feet = Inches/ 12

22 inches/12 = 1.833 feet

Thus, 22 inches is equal to 1.833 feet.

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Convert Feet to Km Feet to Km
Convert Dm to m Dm to m
Convert miles to Nautical Miles Miles to Nautical Miles
Convert Meters to Miles Meters to Miles
Convert Meter to Decimeter Meter to Dm
Convert Kg to Ounces Kg to Ounces

Inches to Feet Conversion Table

The following table shows the conversion value of inches to feet for values upto 200:

Inches Feet
1 inch Is equal to 0.0833333 feet
2 inches Is equal to 0.1666666 feet
3 inches Is equal to 0.2499999 feet
4 inches Is equal to 0.3333332 feet
5 inches Is equal to 0.4166665 feet
6 inches Is equal to 0.4999998 feet
7 inches Is equal to 0.5833331 feet
8 inches Is equal to 0.6666664 feet
9 inches Is equal to 0.7499997 feet
10 inches Is equal to 0.833333 feet
11 inches Is equal to 0.9166663 feet
12 inches Is equal to 0.9999996 feet
13 inches Is equal to 1.0833329 feet
14 inches Is equal to 1.1666662 feet
15 inches Is equal to 1.2499995 feet
16 inches Is equal to 1.3333328 feet
17 inches Is equal to 1.4166661 feet
18 inches Is equal to 1.4999994 feet
19 inches Is equal to 1.5833327 feet
20 inches Is equal to 1.666666 feet
21 inches Is equal to 1.7499993 feet
22 inches Is equal to 1.8333326 feet
23 inches Is equal to 1.9166659 feet
24 inches Is equal to 1.9999992 feet
25 inches Is equal to 2.0833325 feet
26 inches Is equal to 2.1666658 feet
27 inches Is equal to 2.2499991 feet
28 inches Is equal to 2.3333324 feet
29 inches Is equal to 2.4166657 feet
30 inches Is equal to 2.499999 feet
31 inches Is equal to 2.5833323 feet
32 inches Is equal to 2.6666656 feet
33 inches Is equal to 2.7499989 feet
34 inches Is equal to 2.8333322 feet
35 inches Is equal to 2.9166655 feet
36 inches Is equal to 2.9999988 feet
37 inches Is equal to 3.0833321 feet
38 inches Is equal to 3.1666654 feet
39 inches Is equal to 3.2499987 feet
40 inches Is equal to 3.333332 feet
41 inches Is equal to 3.4166653 feet
42 inches Is equal to 3.4999986 feet
43 inches Is equal to 3.5833319 feet
44 inches Is equal to 3.6666652 feet
45 inches Is equal to 3.7499985 feet
46 inches Is equal to 3.8333318 feet
47 inches Is equal to 3.9166651 feet
48 inches Is equal to 3.9999984 feet
49 inches Is equal to 4.0833317 feet
50 inches Is equal to 4.166665 feet
51 inches Is equal to 4.2499983 feet
52 inches Is equal to 4.3333316 feet
53 inches Is equal to 4.4166649 feet
54 inches Is equal to 4.4999982 feet
55 inches Is equal to 4.5833315 feet
56 inches Is equal to 4.6666648 feet
57 inches Is equal to 4.7499981 feet
58 inches Is equal to 4.8333314 feet
59 inches Is equal to 4.9166647 feet
60 inches Is equal to 4.999998 feet
61 inches Is equal to 5.0833313 feet
62 inches Is equal to 5.1666646 feet
63 inches Is equal to 5.2499979 feet
64 inches Is equal to 5.3333312 feet
65 inches Is equal to 5.4166645 feet
66 inches Is equal to 5.4999978 feet
67 inches Is equal to 5.5833311 feet
68 inches Is equal to 5.6666644 feet
69 inches Is equal to 5.7499977 feet
70 inches Is equal to 5.833331 feet
71 inches Is equal to 5.9166643 feet
72 inches Is equal to 5.9999976 feet
73 inches Is equal to 6.0833309 feet
74 inches Is equal to 6.1666642 feet
75 inches Is equal to 6.2499975 feet
76 inches Is equal to 6.3333308 feet
77 inches Is equal to 6.4166641 feet
78 inches Is equal to 6.4999974 feet
79 inches Is equal to 6.5833307 feet
80 inches Is equal to 6.666664 feet
81 inches Is equal to 6.7499973 feet
82 inches Is equal to 6.8333306 feet
83 inches Is equal to 6.9166639 feet
84 inches Is equal to 6.9999972 feet
85 inches Is equal to 7.0833305 feet
86 inches Is equal to 7.1666638 feet
87 inches Is equal to 7.2499971 feet
88 inches Is equal to 7.3333304 feet
89 inches Is equal to 7.4166637 feet
90 inches Is equal to 7.499997 feet
91 inches Is equal to 7.5833303 feet
92 inches Is equal to 7.6666636 feet
93 inches Is equal to 7.7499969 feet
94 inches Is equal to 7.8333302 feet
95 inches Is equal to 7.9166635 feet
96 inches Is equal to 7.9999968 feet
97 inches Is equal to 8.0833301 feet
98 inches Is equal to 8.1666634 feet
99 inches Is equal to 8.2499967 feet
100 inches Is equal to 8.33333 feet
101 inches Is equal to 8.4166633 feet
102 inches Is equal to 8.4999966 feet
103 inches Is equal to 8.5833299 feet
104 inches Is equal to 8.6666632 feet
105 inches Is equal to 8.7499965 feet
106 inches Is equal to 8.8333298 feet
107 inches Is equal to 8.9166631 feet
108 inches Is equal to 8.9999964 feet
109 inches Is equal to 9.0833297 feet
110 inches Is equal to 9.166663 feet
111 inches Is equal to 9.2499963 feet
112 inches Is equal to 9.3333296 feet
113 inches Is equal to 9.4166629 feet
114 inches Is equal to 9.4999962 feet
115 inches Is equal to 9.5833295 feet
116 inches Is equal to 9.6666628 feet
117 inches Is equal to 9.7499961 feet
118 inches Is equal to 9.8333294 feet
119 inches Is equal to 9.9166627 feet
120 inches Is equal to 9.999996 feet
121 inches Is equal to 10.0833293 feet
122 inches Is equal to 10.1666626 feet
123 inches Is equal to 10.2499959 feet
124 inches Is equal to 10.3333292 feet
125 inches Is equal to 10.4166625 feet
126 inches Is equal to 10.4999958 feet
127 inches Is equal to 10.5833291 feet
128 inches Is equal to 10.6666624 feet
129 inches Is equal to 10.7499957 feet
130 inches Is equal to 10.833329 feet
131 inches Is equal to 10.9166623 feet
132 inches Is equal to 10.9999956 feet
133 inches Is equal to 11.0833289 feet
134 inches Is equal to 11.1666622 feet
135 inches Is equal to 11.2499955 feet
136 inches Is equal to 11.3333288 feet
137 inches Is equal to 11.4166621 feet
138 inches Is equal to 11.4999954 feet
139 inches Is equal to 11.5833287 feet
140 inches Is equal to 11.666662 feet
141 inches Is equal to 11.7499953 feet
142 inches Is equal to 11.8333286 feet
143 inches Is equal to 11.9166619 feet
144 inches Is equal to 11.9999952 feet
145 inches Is equal to 12.0833285 feet
146 inches Is equal to 12.1666618 feet
147 inches Is equal to 12.2499951 feet
148 inches Is equal to 12.3333284 feet
149 inches Is equal to 12.4166617 feet
150 inches Is equal to 12.499995 feet
151 inches Is equal to 12.5833283 feet
152 inches Is equal to 12.6666616 feet
153 inches Is equal to 12.7499949 feet
154 inches Is equal to 12.8333282 feet
155 inches Is equal to 12.9166615 feet
156 inches Is equal to 12.9999948 feet
157 inches Is equal to 13.0833281 feet
158 inches Is equal to 13.1666614 feet
159 inches Is equal to 13.2499947 feet
160 inches Is equal to 13.333328 feet
161 inches Is equal to 13.4166613 feet
162 inches Is equal to 13.4999946 feet
163 inches Is equal to 13.5833279 feet
164 inches Is equal to 13.6666612 feet
165 inches Is equal to 13.7499945 feet
166 inches Is equal to 13.8333278 feet
167 inches Is equal to 13.9166611 feet
168 inches Is equal to 13.9999944 feet
169 inches Is equal to 14.0833277 feet
170 inches Is equal to 14.166661 feet
171 inches Is equal to 14.2499943 feet
172 inches Is equal to 14.3333276 feet
173 inches Is equal to 14.4166609 feet
174 inches Is equal to 14.4999942 feet
175 inches Is equal to 14.5833275 feet
176 inches Is equal to 14.6666608 feet
177 inches Is equal to 14.7499941 feet
178 inches Is equal to 14.8333274 feet
179 inches Is equal to 14.9166607 feet
180 inches Is equal to 14.999994 feet
181 inches Is equal to 15.0833273 feet
182 inches Is equal to 15.1666606 feet
183 inches Is equal to 15.2499939 feet
184 inches Is equal to 15.3333272 feet
185 inches Is equal to 15.4166605 feet
186 inches Is equal to 15.4999938 feet
187 inches Is equal to 15.5833271 feet
188 inches Is equal to 15.6666604 feet
189 inches Is equal to 15.7499937 feet
190 inches Is equal to 15.833327 feet
191 inches Is equal to 15.9166603 feet
192 inches Is equal to 15.9999936 feet
193 inches Is equal to 16.0833269 feet
194 inches Is equal to 16.1666602 feet
195 inches Is equal to 16.2499935 feet
196 inches Is equal to 16.3333268 feet
197 inches Is equal to 16.4166601 feet
198 inches Is equal to 16.4999934 feet
199 inches Is equal to 16.5833267 feet
200 inches Is equal to 16.66666 feet

Difference Between Inches and Feet

The below table difference between Inch and Foot are as follows:

Basis Comparison           Inches Feet
Conversion 12 inches equals 1 foot 1 foot equals 12 inches
Industry Usage Used in electronic parts Industry Used to measure alleviation (eg. how tall a mountain is)
Working Used to measure smaller objects and materials Used to measure larger objects and materials
Abbreviation inch ft
Conversion (in cm) 1 inch equals 2.54 centimeters 1 foot equals 30.48 centimeters

Current Use of Inches

The inch is primarily used in the USA, UK, and Canada for the measurement of length. This unit is also widely used in Japan for measuring electronic components and display screens. Further, it is also used in the automotive industry for measuring the wheel diameter of cars and trucks.

Current Use of Feet

The foot is used in Britain most commonly for the measurement of height. This is mainly used in the aviation sector all over the world for the measurement of altitude.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to calculate inches to feet?

 To calculate inches to feet, you just need to divide the value in inches by 12.

How many inches are there in 1 foot?

There are 12 inches in 1 foot.

How many feet are there in 1 inch?

There are 0.0833333 feet in 1 inch.

Akhil Pillai A quick and constant learner, Akhil can bring off any niche in demand with his expertise in simplifying the complex. He believes in focusing on what's missing, rather than adoring what's in his bag.When he is not busy typing away, he likes to spend his time watching his favourite football team; Arsenal! Being a lifelong Michael Jordan fan, he hopes to achieve the dream of meeting his idol one day.
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