Smart City Indore: Mission, Objective, Projects & Current Status

Glimpses About Smart City Indore

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

-Albert Einstein

True to the above quote, Indore is one such place where you’ll have a perfect blend of monuments, forts to delicacies of older times. When, in 2016, PM Modi commissioned the Smart City Mission, he had a broad vision. The vision was to make cities more accessible yet have a model line of sustainable development. 

Indore was chosen among 19 other countries for the mission. The mission involved humongous funds to make the development area-based along with having a PAN-city solution. The mission to make Smart City Indore smart is that the citizens come together and join hands as a united front to make the city more beautiful than it already is. 

As the city has made its mark in delicious Poha across the country, it also earns the Best Smart City Award jointly with Surat in various sectors. 

The city was founded in the early 1800s, which gives the place irreplaceable value and is needed to engage it with modern suburban amenities. It became fully functional per the Smart City criteria making it stand out among others. The plan to form Smart City Indore came out truly well as the authorities planned it strategically by focusing on Area Based Development and a Pan-city solution.

Hope, you are more eager to jump into the detailed information about Smart City Indore, projects implemented, proposed, and still ongoing etc. Then, worry no more. Without further ado! Let’s dive right into it.

Objectives of Indore Smart City

The main objectives which are the motive behind making Smart City Indore are given below:-


This objective will directly affect the existing environment to be changed into a brand-new replacement. It will also help create a new layout with intensified infrastructure with the use of mixed land and an increase in density. It anticipates the area to be more than 50 acres and should get identified by the ULBs or Urban Local Bodies in deliberation with citizens.


This objective is focused on introducing more planning in the existing built area to make it enhanced into a more efficient and sustainable place. The place in retrofitting is identified in consultation with the i=citizens if it is more than 500 acres.

Pan City

It anticipates solutions of Smart City missions which are already applied to the existing infrastructure of the city. Smart solutions include using technology, data and information to make services and infrastructure more efficient. The solutions spread across the city, covering almost 276 square km with a population of approximately 25 Lakh.

Digital Payment

This is the current-new trend in today’s era. Everyone around is making the payment mode more feasible. People have adopted smart solutions because of fear of theft etc. It has increased the importance of digital payments. And so, one objective is fully based on making the city more accessible and well-versed with digital payments.

GIS or Geographical Information System

It is an online system designed to store, manipulates, capture, manage, analyse and present all the projects of Smart City Indore on a single map. It is done to make it more viable for citizens to look through the development and progress of the city. 

Indore Smart City Projects

Below is the compiled list of all the ongoing, completed and proposed projects. The table has various columns like project cost, current status, purpose, and the implementing agencies. 


Serial No. Name of the Project Cost according to order of work Progress made financially(in %) Status of Project Agency Implementing the Project
1 Gopal Mandir built under  Heritage Conservation 14.03 43.91 Ongoing M/s Rajputana Construction Ltd.
2 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 11KV  LT Underground Cabling System with Compact Substation on Biyabani and Subhash Marg, Indore  11.98 93.24 Ongoing Deepak Panchaity  Co.
3 Development of Riverfront– From Jawahar Bridge up to Chandrabhaga Bridge 2.18 6.88 Ongoing M/s Garden Paradise
4 Development of Riverfront– From Chandrabhaga Bridge up to Harsiddhi Park and Harsiddhi Bridge 4.42 100 Ongoing Govt Contractor, M/s Sanjay Vyas 
5 Implementation of Communications Centre and Command Control  33.24 17.6 Ongoing HP Enterprise India Ltd.
6 Redevelopment of Jinsi Haat Bazaar  Construction of AdditionalInfrastructure 10.12 78.26 Ongoing M/s VikashConstructions
7 Chhatri Bagh built under Heritage Conservation (in the memory of Hari Rao Holkar Chhatri) 4.42 94.34 Ongoing Knospe  Co LLP
8 Design, Development, Implementation and  M of Integrated SWM inc.Aadhar based Biometric attendance system. 9.34 53.85 Ongoing Yash Technologies Ltd
9 RF  Park development works between Krishnapura Bridge to Jawahar MargBridge, Construction of Parking Face Shops 21.32 41.98 Ongoing M/s S.K. SODANI
10 Restoration, Conservation, Redevelopment of Rajwada 17.22 15.45 Ongoing Knospe  Co LLP, Ranchi
11 Development of Public washrooms(100) inco  M and Management at various regions on PPP model 3.4 NA Ongoing Highway Infrastructure Ltd.
12 Development of Riverfront– From Harsiddhi Bridge up to Gangour Bridge 7.86 NA Ongoing M/s Brick Bond
13 Development of Riverfront– From Gangour Bridge up to Jairam Bridge 9.18 46.08 Ongoing M/s Vijay PratapSharma
14 Development of Riverfront– From Jairam Bridge up to Lal Bagh Bridge 9.75 15.69 Ongoing M/s Garden Paradise
15 Improvement in supply of Water  Systems of Sewerage in ABD areas M for 10 years 237.5 13.08 Ongoing M/s Vishnu Prakash RR Pungalia Ltd
16 Infrastructural  Works of Building Development of three Schools under Smart City Mission – Group 3 2.18 44.95 Ongoing M/s S.S. Intrastate India Pvt. Ltd.
17 Management of Traffic (RVT, Fleet Management System, PIS), AFCS and AVL 31.6 35.25 Ongoing Infinium Solutionz
18 U.G Cabling with Compact Type Sub-Stations for Silawat Pura Dargah up toChandrabhaga Bridge Package2 25.59 9.46 Ongoing AnubhaviConstruction
19 UG Cabling with Compact Type Sub-Stations for Jawahar Marg Raj Mohallasq. Sanjay setu Bridge Package3 24.67 10.01 Ongoing Prashant Builders
20 Selecting system integrator for Designing ,Implementation and Maintenance of City Enterprise GIS platform for ISCDL  12.83 5.22 Ongoing M/s AmnexInfotechnologies Pvt Ltd

Source: https://www[dot]smartcityindore[dot]org/ongoing-projects/


Serial No. Name of the Project Implementing Agency Cost as per Work Order Estimated Project Cost Progress of Projects Financially (in %) Status of Project
1 Riverfront development works between Rambag Bridge to Krishnapura Bridge  Vijay Pratap Sharma 3.57 4 83.75 Complete
2 Improvement of Roads (Raj Mohalla to Bada Ganpati) Som Projects Pvt Ltd 10.44 10.44 58.81 Complete
3 Supply, Installation, Implementation and Maintenance of GPS based Vehicle Tracking Solution (VTS) for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), CCTV Cameras at Community & Public Toilets and Integration of Weighbridge at Devguradia Landfill Site Bio-enable Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Pune 1.29 1.5 100 Complete
4 Construction of Chandrabhaga Bridge Parshwa Builders 5.03 3.56 100 Complete
5 Construction of Central Median and Erection ofElectrical Pole on Biyabani Road & Subhash Marg, Indore. HPL Electric & Power Pvt Ltd 3.29 2.5 72.34 Complete
6 Construction of Garbage Transfer Station at SangamNagar under Smart City Mission Vijay Pratap Sharma 1.07 1.34 100 Complete
7 Construction of Garbage Transfer Station at IT ParkIndore under Smart City Mission SS Infraestate IndiaPvt. Ltd. 1.36 1.7 83.82 Complete
8 Construction of Garbage Transfer Station at Star SquareMR-10 Indore under Smart City Mission Manish Tainguriya 1.12 1.45 100 Complete
9 Development of Garbage Transfer Station at LalbagIndore SS Infraestate IndiaPrivate Limited 0.99 1.23 100 Complete
10 Enhancement of Roads (Vyas Bridge up to Bada Ganpatiand Bada Ganpati up to Jinsi Bus Depot) Som Projects Private Limited 11.72 11.72 81.74 Complete
11 Implemented concept of Smart Classrooms in Government Schools in Indore Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited J/V IL&FS Education & Technology ServicesLimited 2.67 3 26.97 Complete
12 Improvement of Roads (Mhow Naka to Tori Corner) P D Agarwal 21.31 18.46 88.88 Complete
13 Solar Power plants on roofs or terraces of buildings (160KW) Ujaas Energy Limited 0.52 0.52 100 Complete
14 Supply and establishment of construction of demolition waste processing plant of 100TPD capacity at Devguradiya M/s DNP Infra 1.71 1.75 100 Complete
15 Biomining or Bioremediation of old dumped MSW atDevguradiya Dumping Ground M/s Etech Projects 1.5 1.5 100 Complete
16 Supply & Commissioning of 1.0TPD cap org machine for waste conversion with O&M-3yr for treat of MSW at Nehru Park 7FS RAVI RAMASWAMY 0.51 1 78.43 Complete
17 Supply & commissioning of 1.0TPD cap org machine for waste conversion with O&M-3yr for treatment ofMSW at ZOO. 7FS RAVI RAMASWAMY 0.51 1 74.51 Complete
18 Supply & commissioning of 2.5TPD cap. Drum wastecomposting mach with O&M-3yr for treat of MSW at Regional Park 7FS RAVI RAMASWAMY 0.85 1.5 78.82 Complete
19 Smart parking mang (sensors, hardware, software, App development, smart cards) for MLCP-3 LOC under PPP Mod Building Control Systems 2 2 NA Complete
20 Supply, installation & commissioning of 20 TDP cap Bio-metha Plantwith O&M for treat of org MSW at Choitram Mandi- VGF Mahindra & Mahindra Limited 7.2 7.5 100 Complete

Source: https://www[dot]smartcityindore[dot]org/ongoing-projects/

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Serial No. Name of the Project Project Cost (approx) Status of the PROJECT
1 Redevelopment of MOG Lines area – MOG BarracksLand Parcel under PPP model 400 Ongoing Tender Process 
2 Redevelopment of MOG Lines area – Kukkut PalanKendra Land Parcel under PPP model 400 Ongoing Tender Process 
3 Selection of Concessionaire to Design,Develop,Implement,Operate,Maintain and Transfer Smart Multi Level Parking for ISCDL at VeerSavarkar Market ,Indore 17.54 Ongoing Tender Process 
4 Selection of Concessionaire to Design,Develop,Implement,Operate,Maintain and Transfer Smart Multi Level Parking for ISCDL at MT ClothMarket-Site 1 10.17 Ongoing Tender Process 
5 Selection of Concessionaire to Design,Develop,Implement,Operate,Maintain and Transfer Smart Multi-level Parking for ISCDL AT MTCLOTH MARKET SITE 2 7.73 Ongoing Tender Process 
6 Selection of Concessionaire to Design ,Develop, Implement ,Operate, Maintain and Transfer Smart Multi- Level Parking for ISCDL at Govt.Unnat School nearMukeripura Masjid-Site 3 6.6 Ongoing Tender Process 
7 Selection of Concessionaire to Design ,Develop, Implement, Operate, Maintain and Transfer Smart Multi Level Parking for ISCDL at Jawahar Marg, Rajmohalla –Plot 1 5.15 Ongoing Tender Process 
8 Selection of Concessionaire to Design, Develop, Implement, Operate, Maintain and Transfer Smart Multi- Level Parking for ISCDL AT at KHAJURI BAZAR 9.5 Ongoing Tender Process 
9 Development of integrated smart road network in ABDarea under smart city mission-Package 2 35.82 Ongoing Tender Process 
10 Development of Integrated Smart Road Network including Construction of Central Median, laying of Electrical RCC duct, OFC duct, storm water duct, shifting of existing overhead electrical line and various miscellaneous work in ABD area in Indore under SmartCity Mission- Phase-VI 51.75 Ongoing Tender Process 
11 Development of Integrated Smart Road Network including Construction of Central Median, laying of Electrical RCC duct, OFC duct, storm water duct, shifting of existing overhead electrical line and various miscellaneous work in ABD area in Indore under SmartCity Mission- Phase-VII 46.65 Ongoing Tender Process 
12 Underground Cabling Works with Compact Type Sub- Stations for Bada Ganpati to KrishnapuraChatri (MG Road) and nearby major roads in ABD area under Indore Smart City Project (Package 4) 22.98 Ongoing Tender Process 
13 Underground Cabling Works with Compact Type Sub- Stations for Jincy Bus Depot to Rambagh Bridge(Subhash Marg)and nearby major roads in ABD area under the Project. (Package 5) 20.91 Ongoing Tender Process  
  TOTAL COST 1034.8  

Source: https://www[dot]smartcityindore[dot]org/ongoing-projects/

Indore Smart City Map

The map can simply not justify the beauty and antiquity Indore has in it. But, the revamped plan to make it Smart City Indore has given it a different look. It has now made it an emerging suburb with all amenities. The place has a different outlook. Many projects have been completed, like roads being improved in their formation and having better accommodative capacity. 

The place is lightened up with street lights, development of riverfront etc. Many ongoing projects include revamping old historical monuments and holy places like Gopal Mandir. And there is no end to it. Some projects are proposed and, in the tender process, getting improved. Soon after completion, the place will be settled and will be made smart like the demand of today’s time. The place will become more of a tourist-zone after the completion of smart city projects.

smart city indore map

Source: https://www[dot]smartcityindore[dot]org/

Indore Smart City: Citizen Services

The approach to developing the city into a Smart city, in this case, SMart city Indore is to make it more citizen-centric. It is the only criteria to judge the growth of a place if the development has made it an easy platter for their citizens to avail services with ease. Various kinds of services provide a wide array to citizens to use any service. It can range from better management of roads, street lights, sewage tanks, and historical monuments to managing data online. Many offline services are available for the citizens of Indore, like bus services, concrete roads, proper sewer lines, water drainage made with accurate measurements, etc. 

The services available online for Indore people are mentioned thoroughly below:

  1. You can easily avail Residence Certificate, Disability Certificate by applying it on the official website, https://indore[dot]nic[dot]in/en/services/.
  2. You can also avail of benefits of schemes like the Social Security Destitute Old Pension Scheme, Social Security Parityakta Pension Scheme, Social Security Disability Pension Scheme, Social Security Disabled Education PRomotion Pension Scheme etc., by visiting the same website mentioned above.
  3. You can apply for a New Tap Connection and Employment Exchange Registration and even push for an Online application for Indian citizenship. 
  4. If you are authorised to have ARMS, then you can apply via an application form on the above-mentioned website.

FAQ’s about Smart City Indore

Q1. Is Indore on the smart city list?

Yes, Indore is among the top 20 cities first chosen to be worked up according to the Smart City Mission, 2016, started by PM MODI.

Q2. Why is Indore called a smart city?

The Smart City Indore is an emerging suburb aiming to assimilate knowledge, technology and assets. These smart developments are made to make it more responsible towards its citizens, improve its citizen services and make it a more loveable place.

Q3. Is Indore a metro city?

Yes, Indore is a metro city and the sector of Metro, Indore, lies under Madhya Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited.

Q4. Why did Indore recently become the best Smart City in India?

It recently won a joint award of best Smart City with Surat after they performed well in some particular areas like sanitation, culture, urban environment, social aspects, urban and waste mobility etc. 

Vaishali Rustagi An exceptional writer obsessed with creating content, Vaishali is an engineer-turned-writer passionate about storytelling and targeted thoughts. She has a knack for reading blogs and believes in continuously improving herself to add magic to her writing.
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