Kerala Government offers financial boost, encouraging infrastructure growth.

Kerala Government Waives GST Share and Royalty Charges for Highway Projects

The Kerala government has taken a substantial step towards promoting infrastructure development and economic growth by announcing a financial relief package for two major national highway projects in the state. By waiving ?7.41 billion in GST share and royalty charges, the government aims to accelerate the progress of these crucial infrastructure projects.

Boosting Connectivity and Regional Development

The two key projects that will benefit from this waiver are the widening of NH-66 and the NH-66 bypass project. These highways play a significant role in improving transportation infrastructure, reducing travel time, and enhancing road safety. By supporting the development of these projects, the government intends to boost connectivity within the state and stimulate regional economic growth.

Addressing Financial Constraints

The decision to waive GST share and royalty charges reflects the Kerala government’s commitment to removing financial barriers faced by project developers. By alleviating the burden of these charges, the government hopes to ensure smooth progress and adherence to the projected timelines. This relief will encourage private investors to continue investing in infrastructure projects, fostering a conducive environment for development.

Ensuring Timely Completion

With the financial burden lifted, the Kerala government anticipates faster completion of these national highway projects. The timely execution not only benefits commuters but also contributes to overall regional development. Smoother, wider roads will enhance commuting experiences, encourage tourism, and facilitate commerce between different regions within the state.

Promoting Infrastructure and Economic Growth

State officials have stressed the significance of this decision as part of a broader strategy to improve infrastructure and enhance the overall quality of roads in Kerala. They believe that investing in road infrastructure will significantly impact the state’s economy by boosting connectivity and supporting local businesses. The waiving of charges for vital national highway projects demonstrates the government’s commitment to fostering infrastructural growth and addressing the challenges faced by key development initiatives.


The Kerala government’s announcement of waiving ?7.41 billion in GST share and royalty charges for the NH-66 widening and NH-66 bypass project confirms its dedication to promoting infrastructure development and economic prosperity. By addressing financial constraints and ensuring timely completion of these projects, the state government aims to enhance connectivity, improve road safety, facilitate trade, and pave the way for overall regional advancement.

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