Know more about the Automated House Allotment System-eAwas Software

Automated House Allotment System-eAwas Software

The eAwas system has been implemented countrywide and you will find several versions and questions floating around. Many people ask about eAwas Delhi, eAwas Kolkata and other cities in tandem with aspects like GPRA full form, GPRA NIC in Delhi and GPRA Delhi Govt since it is the National Capital. This basically stands for general pool residential accommodation and for the Capital, you will get more information at Delhi. eAwas is basically the electronic tool for governance deployed by the Central Government for ensuring a corruption-free and completely transparent home allotment procedure for Employees (G-2-E).

The key aim behind developing this software is to ensure hassle-free, convenient and simplified allotment which is also fully paperless. Under the GPRA (General Pool Residential Accommodation) in New Delhi, there are 65,000+ residential units under Government ownership. These units are allotted to Government employees such as via the DoE or Directorate of Estates. This is how the eAwas Delhi Govt procedure works for house allotment. You can check out the eAwas Delhi login or Delhi. The DoE will be taking applications for various kinds of residential units from all applicants who are eligible. A waiting list is made and later on, the residential units will be awarded under eAwas Delhi Central Govt upon the basis of the eligibility criteria as well. Applicants should meet various eligibility needs and satisfy the criteria before qualifying for affordable housing in this regard.

Eligibility Criteria for eAwas house allotment under GPRA

The eAwas house allotment criteria are given below:

  • Should be a Central Government staff member or staff member employed by NCT Government in Delhi.
  • The entire NCT region is GPRA allocation zone in Delhi. For other towns, allocation shall be considered within city limits for any particular area or town as proclaimed by CPWD or regional DoE (Directorate of Estates) offices.
  • Staff and officers with residential units given by the department will also have eligibility for general residential housing.
  • There are various types of residences based upon Grade/Basic Pay. These include the following:

-Type I- Rs. 1, 300, 1400, 1, 600, 1,650, 1, 800

-Type II- Rs. 1, 900, 2, 000, 2, 400, 2, 800

– Type III- Rs. 4, 200, 4, 600, 4, 800

-Type IV- Rs. 5, 400-6, 600

-Type IV (SPL) – Rs. 6, 600

-Type V-A (D-II) – Rs. 7, 600 and Rs. 8, 000

-Type V-B (D-I) – Rs. 8, 700 and Rs. 8, 900

-Type VI-A (C-II) – Rs. 10, 000

-Type VI-B (C-I) – Rs. 67, 000 to Rs. 74, 999

-Type VII- Rs. 75, 000 to Rs. 79, 999

-Type VIII- Rs. 80,000 and above


These are the criteria that are majorly followed. You should look up respective rules for eAwas Chennai and other major cities and towns in India.

Priority wise allotment of accommodation

  • Type 1-4- From date of joining service
  • Type IV-VI- Officers Grade Pay/Basic Pay(Seniority based upon waiting list of officers with higher salary), Service Joining Date, Date from which candidate draws current salary.

If all conditions are similar for more than one employee, higher priority will be given to those retiring earlier in this case. The Type V and Higher Officers will have the option of choosing accommodation that is lower but not lower than Type IV (Special). The Minister of Urban Development, post considering need and overall importance, will assign general allocation for Types VII and VIII.

How to apply for eAwas accommodation

  • Go to the GPRA portal and click on location that you wish to apply for.
  • Fill up the online form and create your login ID.
  • Fill up all necessary details in the DE-2 Form. Submit this post checking all details. Aadhar Card number is vital in this regard.
  • You will require a printed copy of this form for forwarding the same to the DoE.

The account will be activated instantly and the name will be included within the waiting list. The requests given prior to the last day of the month will come in the waiting list for the following month. Applicants can apply for their preferred type of accommodation online and make all required changes.

The proposal for changing accommodation is considered in the same category with only a single modification being allowed in this scenario. Allottees desirous of changing should present their Online application in the prescribed format and get the eAwas to review online changes in the form. The ASA is regularly updated and applicants may choose Online areas at the time of appointment for any particular type of accommodation.


How do I apply for e-Awas?

You have to go to the official GPRA portal, choose your region, fill up the form and create your login ID and password. Use this to fill out the DE-2 form.

What is e-Awas?

eAwas is the electronic governance system of the Government for ensuring corruption-free and completely transparent allotment of homes for Employee (G-2-E). The units are allotted through the DoE (Directorate of Estates).

How do I apply for central government quarters?

You can apply via eAwas and also by visiting the GPRA portal, choosing your preferred region and then creating your login ID and password. Use these details for filling out the DE-2 form.

How can I get government quarter in Chandigarh?

You can apply for Government quarters in Chandigarh if you are serving the Union Government and based in the city, under GPRA through the eAwas Chandigarh portal.

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