Liters to Gallons (L to Gal) Conversion – 1 L is 0.264172 Gal

1 Liter is equal to 0.26 Gallon

  • Liter
  • Cubic Centimeter
  • Cubic Feet
  • Cubic Inch
  • Cubic Meter
  • Cup
  • Gallon
  • Milliliter
  • Ounce
  • Teaspoon

Knowing how to convert two units of measurement is a skill that you should have because it can be handy while using immersive calculations. We agree that it can get a little tough to understand at times. Especially if the units are not commonly used on regular basis. So, it’s high time to get over that fear of conversions and measurements. In this blog, we will look at the relationship between liters and gallons, the process for converting l to gallons, and many more such related factors. So, without any further delay, let’s begin!

What is Liter?

A liter is a widely accepted non-SI unit of measurement that is used all over the world. One liter can also be considered as being equivalent to 1,000 cubic centimeters, 1 cubic decimeter, or 1/1000th of a cubic meter. During the early 1900s, a liter was defined as the actual volume of one kilogram of water during maximum density at atmospheric pressure.

However, the mass-volume relationship of water depends on several external factors beyond human control. And as per the discovery that the kilogram prototype was slightly too large, the definition of liter was reinstated as the previous one. Which is still the current definition of a liter.

Current Use of Liter

The liter is a widely used unit of measurement, mainly used for measuring liquid volumes. This is also used for labelling containers holding liquids and used for non-liquid measurements like climbing packs, backpacks, car trunks, refrigerators, etc. The liter is also popularly used to express fuel prices all over the world.

Conversion of Liter to Other Units

Liter to Quarts  1 L is equal to 1.0566882094 qt
Liter to Ounces 1 L is equal to 33.8140227018 fl oz
Liter to Milliliters 1 L is equal to 1000 mL
Liter to Pints  1 L is equal to 2.1133764189 pt 
Liter to Barrel  1 L is equal to 0.0083864144 bbl
Liter to Microliter  1 L is equal to 1000000 µL
Liter to Teaspoon  1 L is equal to 202.8841362111 teaspoons
Liter to Cups 1 L is equal to 3.5195079728 cups
Liter to Deciliter  1 L is equal to 10 dL
Liter to Teraliter  1 L is equal to 1.0E-12 TL

What is a Gallon?

A gallon is a unit of volume that is specifically used to measure liquid volumes in the imperial system of measurement. The word gallon is derived from the Old Northern French word ‘gallon’. This was developed as a system for the measurement of beer and wine. The US gallon is roughly 3.785 liters, while the imperial system defines 1 gallon to be equivalent to 4.546 liters.

Both the systems divide the gallon into 4 quarts. Quarts are further divided into 2 pints, and pints are equal to 2 cups. A cup can be further broken down into 2 gills. This means that 1 gallon is equal to 4 quarts, 8 pints, or 32 gills. Further, a gill can be divided into 4 ounces, while the US gallon is divided into 5. Therefore, a fluid ounce is equal to 1/28th of the US gallon, while the imperial ounce is equal to 1/160th of the US gallon.

Current Use of Gallon

The gallon is currently used for measuring the volume of larger containers like ice cream containers or milk cartons. Further, this is also used in the United States for fuel price expressions. 

Conversion of Gallons to Other Units

Gallon to Quarts  1 gal is equal to 4 qt
Gallon to Ounces 1 L is equal to 128 oz
Gallon to Milliliters 1 gal is equal to 3785.411784 mL
Gallon to Pints  1 gal is equal to 8 pt  
Gallon to Barrel  1 gal is equal to 0.0238095238 bbl
Gallon to Microliter  1 gal is equal to 3785411.784 µL
Gallon to Teaspoon  1 gal is equal to 639.4937737951 teaspoons
Gallon to Cups 1 gal is equal to 16 cups
Gallon to Deciliter  1 gal is equal to 37.85411784  dL
Gallon to Teraliter  1 gal is equal to 3.785411784E-12 TL

Relationship of Liters to Gallons

The relationship between liters to gallons is simple to understand. The important thing to keep in mind is that there are 0.2641720524 US gallons in 1 liter. On the other hand, there are 3.785411784 liters in 1 gallon.

Liters to Gallons Conversion Process and Formula

Converting liters to gallons is a trick that might come in handy in your daily life. To convert liters to gallons, you need to multiply the value in liters by 0.264172. The formula for doing the same is as follows:  

Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Liters to Gallons Conversion Examples

Now that we know the relationship between liters and gallons, let’s look at some examples so that you can understand the process a little better:

Example 1: Convert 2 liters to gallons

Formula Used: Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Calculation: 2 * 0.264172 = 0.528344

Result: 2 liters is equal to 0.528344 gallons

Example 2: Convert 20 liters to gallons

Formula Used: Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Calculation: 20 * 0.264172 = 5.28344

Result: 20 liters is equal to 5.28344 gallons

Example 3: Convert 10 liters to gallons

Formula Used: Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Calculation: 10 * 0.264172 = 2.64172

Result: 10 liters is equal to 2.64172 gallons

Example 4: Convert 5 liters to gallons

Formula Used: Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Calculation: 5 * 0.264172 = 1.32086

Result: 5 liters is equal to 1.32086 gallons

Example 5: Convert 1000 liters to gallons

Formula Used: Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Calculation: 1000 * 0.264172 =  264.172

Result: 1000 liters is equal to 264.172 gallons

Example 6: Convert 60 liters to gallons

Formula Used: Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Calculation: 60 * 0.264172 = 15.8503

Result: 60 liters is equal to 15.8503 gallons

Example 7: Convert 50 liters to gallons

Formula Used: Gallons = Liters * 0.264172

Calculation: 50 * 0.264172 = 13.2086

Result: 50 liters is equal to 13.2086 gallons

Difference between Gallon and Liter

Find below a table that clearly differentiates the gallon and liter in their characteristics. 

Basis of Comparison Gallon Liter
Definition Gallon is an imperial unit of volume.  A liter is a metric unit of volume. 
Symbol gal L or l
Relation 1 gal  = 3.78541 L 1 L = 0.2641720524 gal
Size One gallon is bigger than a liter One liter is almost 4 times smaller than a gallon. 
Use A gallon is used as a standard unit of petrol.   A liter is used to measure the liquid elements which can be poured. Although, in certain cases, Non-liquid things can also be used. 
Applicability This measurement unit is used in countries like the US, Libera, Colombia, etc.  It is employed in the United States, Australia, Canada, and a few other countries. 

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Liters[l] Gallon(gal) Liters to Gallon (l to gal)
1 l 0.264172 gal 1 liter is equal to 0.264172 gallon
2 l 0.528344 gal 2 liter is equal to 0.528344 gallon
3 l 0.792516 gal 3 liter is equal to 0.792516 gallon
4 l 1.056688 gal 4 liter is equal to 1.056688 gallon
5 l 1.32086 gal 5 liter is equal to 1.32086 gallon
6 l 1.585032 gal 6 liter is equal to 1.585032 gallon
7 l 1.849204 gal 7 liter is equal to 1.849204 gallon
8 l 2.113376 gal 8 liter is equal to 2.113376 gallon
9 l 2.377548 gal 9 liter is equal to 2.377548 gallon
10 l 2.64172 gal 10 liter is equal to 2.64172 gallon
11 l 2.905892 gal 11 liter is equal to 2.905892 gallon
12 l 3.170064 gal 12 liter is equal to 3.170064 gallon
13 l 3.434236 gal 13 liter is equal to 3.434236 gallon
14 l 3.698408 gal 14 liter is equal to 3.698408 gallon
15 l 3.96258 gal 15 liter is equal to 3.96258 gallon
16 l 4.226752 gal 16 liter is equal to 4.226752 gallon
17 l 4.490924 gal 17 liter is equal to 4.490924 gallon
18 l 4.755096 gal 18 liter is equal to 4.755096 gallon
19 l 5.019268 gal 19 liter is equal to 5.019268 gallon
20 l 5.28344 gal 20 liter is equal to 5.28344 gallon
21 l 5.547612 gal 21 liter is equal to 5.547612 gallon
22 l 5.811784 gal 22 liter is equal to 5.811784 gallon
23 l 6.075956 gal 23 liter is equal to 6.075956 gallon
24 l 6.340128 gal 24 liter is equal to 6.340128 gallon
25 l 6.6043 gal 25 liter is equal to 6.6043 gallon
26 l 6.868472 gal 26 liter is equal to 6.868472 gallon
27 l 7.132644 gal 27 liter is equal to 7.132644 gallon
28 l 7.396816 gal 28 liter is equal to 7.396816 gallon
29 l 7.660988 gal 29 liter is equal to 7.660988 gallon
30 l 7.92516 gal 30 liter is equal to 7.92516 gallon
31 l 8.189332 gal 31 liter is equal to 8.189332 gallon
32 l 8.453504 gal 32 liter is equal to 8.453504 gallon
33 l 8.717676 gal 33 liter is equal to 8.717676 gallon
34 l 8.981848 gal 34 liter is equal to 8.981848 gallon
35 l 9.24602 gal 35 liter is equal to 9.24602 gallon
36 l 9.510192 gal 36 liter is equal to 9.510192 gallon
37 l 9.774364 gal 37 liter is equal to 9.774364 gallon
38 l 10.038536 gal 38 liter is equal to 10.038536 gallon
39 l 10.302708 gal 39 liter is equal to 10.302708 gallon
40 l 10.56688 gal 40 liter is equal to 10.56688 gallon
41 l 10.831052 gal 41 liter is equal to 10.831052 gallon
42 l 11.095224 gal 42 liter is equal to 11.095224 gallon
43 l 11.359396 gal 43 liter is equal to 11.359396 gallon
44 l 11.623568 gal 44 liter is equal to 11.623568 gallon
45 l 11.88774 gal 45 liter is equal to 11.88774 gallon
46 l 12.151912 gal 46 liter is equal to 12.151912 gallon
47 l 12.416084 gal 47 liter is equal to 12.416084 gallon
48 l 12.680256 gal 48 liter is equal to 12.680256 gallon
49 l 12.944428 gal 49 liter is equal to 12.944428 gallon
50 l 13.2086 gal 50 liter is equal to 13.2086 gallon
51 l 13.472772 gal 51 liter is equal to 13.472772 gallon
52 l 13.736944 gal 52 liter is equal to 13.736944 gallon
53 l 14.001116 gal 53 liter is equal to 14.001116 gallon
54 l 14.265288 gal 54 liter is equal to 14.265288 gallon
55 l 14.52946 gal 55 liter is equal to 14.52946 gallon
56 l 14.793632 gal 56 liter is equal to 14.793632 gallon
57 l 15.057804 gal 57 liter is equal to 15.057804 gallon
58 l 15.321976 gal 58 liter is equal to 15.321976 gallon
59 l 15.586148 gal 59 liter is equal to 15.586148 gallon
60 l 15.85032 gal 60 liter is equal to 15.85032 gallon
61 l 16.114492 gal 61 liter is equal to 16.114492 gallon
62 l 16.378664 gal 62 liter is equal to 16.378664 gallon
63 l 16.642836 gal 63 liter is equal to 16.642836 gallon
64 l 16.907008 gal 64 liter is equal to 16.907008 gallon
65 l 17.17118 gal 65 liter is equal to 17.17118 gallon
66 l 17.435352 gal 66 liter is equal to 17.435352 gallon
67 l 17.699524 gal 67 liter is equal to 17.699524 gallon
68 l 17.963696 gal 68 liter is equal to 17.963696 gallon
69 l 18.227868 gal 69 liter is equal to 18.227868 gallon
70 l 18.49204 gal 70 liter is equal to 18.49204 gallon
71 l 18.756212 gal 71 liter is equal to 18.756212 gallon
72 l 19.020384 gal 72 liter is equal to 19.020384 gallon
73 l 19.284556 gal 73 liter is equal to 19.284556 gallon
74 l 19.548728 gal 74 liter is equal to 19.548728 gallon
75 l 19.8129 gal 75 liter is equal to 19.8129 gallon
76 l 20.077072 gal 76 liter is equal to 20.077072 gallon
77 l 20.341244 gal 77 liter is equal to 20.341244 gallon
78 l 20.605416 gal 78 liter is equal to 20.605416 gallon
79 l 20.869588 gal 79 liter is equal to 20.869588 gallon
80 l 21.13376 gal 80 liter is equal to 21.13376 gallon
81 l 21.397932 gal 81 liter is equal to 21.397932 gallon
82 l 21.662104 gal 82 liter is equal to 21.662104 gallon
83 l 21.926276 gal 83 liter is equal to 21.926276 gallon
84 l 22.190448 gal 84 liter is equal to 22.190448 gallon
85 l 22.45462 gal 85 liter is equal to 22.45462 gallon
86 l 22.718792 gal 86 liter is equal to 22.718792 gallon
87 l 22.982964 gal 87 liter is equal to 22.982964 gallon
88 l 23.247136 gal 88 liter is equal to 23.247136 gallon
89 l 23.511308 gal 89 liter is equal to 23.511308 gallon
90 l 23.77548 gal 90 liter is equal to 23.77548 gallon
91 l 24.039652 gal 91 liter is equal to 24.039652 gallon
92 l 24.303824 gal 92 liter is equal to 24.303824 gallon
93 l 24.567996 gal 93 liter is equal to 24.567996 gallon
94 l 24.832168 gal 94 liter is equal to 24.832168 gallon
95 l 25.09634 gal 95 liter is equal to 25.09634 gallon
96 l 25.360512 gal 96 liter is equal to 25.360512 gallon
97 l 25.624684 gal 97 liter is equal to 25.624684 gallon
98 l 25.888856 gal 98 liter is equal to 25.888856 gallon
99 l 26.153028 gal 99 liter is equal to 26.153028 gallon
100 l 26.4172 gal 100 liter is equal to 26.4172 gallon

After going through the aforementioned information it is clear that conversion can be daunting at first sight. But if you are familiar with the conversion formula it will become easier. Additionally, you can eliminate the time-consuming process of manual conversion of liters to gallons by relying on Square Yards’ “l to gallon” conversion calculator. You can get the most accurate values in a fraction of a second. As we mentioned in the beginning, we have got you covered for real. Compute the values now with utmost ease.

FAQ’s about Liters to Gallons Conversion

Q1. How many gallons are there in one liter?

There are 0.2641720524 in one liter.

Q2. What is the formula for converting liters to gallons?

The formula for converting liters to gallons is Gallons = Liters * 0.264172.

Q3. What is the use of gallons?

The gallon is a measurement unit used to measure volumes of large containers. It is also used for fuel price representation in the United States of America.

Q4. Are 4 liters the same as 1 gallon?

Not exactly as 4 liters is more than a gallon. In mathematical terms, 4 liter is equivalent to 1.06 gallons, slightly more than 1 gallon.

Q5. How many Liters is 1 gallon in the Philippines?

There are 3.79 liters in 1 gallon in the Philippines.

Chitra Chaudhary A stellar writer with over 3 years of experience, Chitra loves to delve deep into all the nitty-gritty of finance, government and other technical topics people usually dread to attempt. With a masters in Computer Science, Chitra alchemises her analytical and creative prowess to manifest some of the most awesome articles for Square Yards.
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