Market Analysis : When it Comes to Selling!

Market Analysis 2023

Understanding the Dynamics of Real Estate Selling in Today’s Market

Have you been thinking about selling your property for years? Well, 2023 is definitely a profitable year to sell your property. Since several key factors influence the real estate market, it is best to stay in tune with the trends and changes before you proceed. Cracking a deal on your house is daunting, but it can yield fruitful outcomes.

This guide aims to assist you in getting ready to sell your property. It will help you plan ahead and be prepared to overcome any potential challenges that may arise or even prevent them altogether.

Real Estate Market – 2023 

Real estate prices go up and down depending on how well the big cities’ economy, politics, and society are doing. In 2022, things were getting better after the global pandemic, so the prices went up, but not many people were buying or selling properties.

But in 2023, things have changed. There have been a lot of new technologies, fancy buildings, and better infrastructure. The economy is stable, interest rates are affordable, and more people are interested in buying properties. This means the real estate market might become more favourable for sellers than buyers. Different regions of the country will experience varying trends. In some areas, there will be increased demand for properties, leading to higher prices. However, in other areas, prices may decrease.

By the end of 2023, India will have over 50 million square feet of co-working areas. This represents a 15% growth compared to the previous year. A new study suggests that India’s real estate market will likely expand by 9.2% in the next five years (2023-2028).

What to Consider While Selling Your Property in 2023?

Here are some basic things every seller should consider while selling real estate property in 2023:

Reason You may want to sell your property based on several reasons. Whether it is to move to a better place, acquire a quick lump sum of money, or you want to get rid of the space, ensure that your reason is rational.
Financial condition If you’re selling this property to make a home out of a bigger place, go about it by creating the least financial crunch. Do your calculations to understand the total cost, and talk about instalments and mortgages with your loan officer.
Property evaluation Real estate agents will try to strike a deal in the buyer’s favour. You must evaluate your property to get reliable figures and settle for no less. Use online valuation calculators to set a benchmark. 
Management There are many responsibilities involved in selling a house. If you can find a valid buyer, take care of the formalities, and get the paperwork done, you’re good to go. 
Presentation Keep your place well-maintained. Eliminate leakages, seepage issues, and cracks. Repaint your house with light undertones to make it look spacious and appealing.
Due payments To ensure everything is in order with the property, you must take care of a few important things. First, pay any remaining power bills, maintenance charges, and property tax. This is important to pass the legal inspection. You can the entire sum you are given to settle any outstanding mortgage payments.
Background check Having the right credentials and documents doesn’t guarantee a buyer is trustworthy. It’s important to do extensive research and consider hiring a professional to check their background thoroughly.
Necessary documents Ensure that you keep your important documents easily accessible. These may include receipts for property taxes, papers confirming property sales, proofs of previous ownership, and lease agreements. Gather all these papers and organise them in a file or folder.

Technical Factors of Selling Real Estate in 2023

Local Market Status

The market in your area can be either favourable for buyers or sellers. The main contrast is that in a buyer’s market, people who want to purchase a house have more control and benefits than the sellers. Conversely, in a seller’s market, the sellers have the advantage and hold more power than the buyers. In India, globalisation shifted the real estate market towards favouring buyers, creating a buyer’s market.


Real estate markets go through ups and downs, but in our country, we see a lot of interest in property listings throughout the year, except during the rainy season. Our country has many important events and festivals in spring, summer, and winter, attracting significant real estate investments for auspicious reasons.


Every real estate market, including India, has many agents. However, only a few genuinely work in the sellers’ best interests. Hiring a trustworthy and skilled real estate agent who can represent your needs and help you achieve a fair agreement is important. Agents become better through their experience and practice.

Market Pricing

The price at which a house enters the market is significant. A common mistake is overpricing a property in hopes of striking a beneficial deal. If your place doesn’t sell in the first few months, the buyer suspects something is wrong with the house. A rightly priced home will generate high activity in the first few weeks and sell shortly.

Challenges to Overcome While Selling Property in Market

Unrealistic buyer expectations

Never underestimate the unrealistic demands and conditions homebuyers can create. Most of it is directed toward the offering price. The price at which the buyers are negotiating may seem an unfair bargain. Another issue tied to this is the up-to-date condition of the house. Buyers will give their best shot at achieving a flawless place at a significantly low price. You must stand your ground and drive the argument to a mutually beneficial point.

Clearing Market Level Inspections

Buyers may want to conduct inspections of the house to see if the claimed condition of the property matches the results. They would want to inspect for pest infestations, home inspections, and radon tests. Usually, sellers struggle to pass these. A complicating factor is that the test does not determine whether or not you pass; the buyer does, so it’s the expectations you’re pitching against.

Satisfactory Bank Appraisal

The buyer’s chosen financing options determine who takes responsibility for the house. If the buyer pays in cash, this doesn’t apply. But if a mortgage is involved, a bank appraisal is needed to confirm if the agreed price matches the property’s market value. If there’s a mismatch, the seller will encounter issues. That’s why accurate pricing is crucial.

Handling Emotions

Selling your house is an emotional ordeal, especially if you’ve spent a long time there. Although it may appear to be a simple task, it is full of emotions. If you feel overwhelmed, taking things slowly and allowing time to understand your feelings is crucial. Ignoring these emotions will only make things more difficult later on.


2023 is a great time to sell your property. There is a high demand for properties, interest rates have decreased, and improved projects are happening. These conditions make it a good opportunity to sell and profit. The real estate market in India is currently favourable for sellers. If you have hesitated to sell before, now is the perfect time in 2023.

If you are certain about selling, it’s advisable to collaborate with a trustworthy real estate agent or broker in India. Working together with them will help you increase your profits.


When should you sell a property?

The typical condition to list your property is high demand and market value. 2023 marks a profitable time to relocate to a better space and upgrade your lifestyle. Usually, spring and summer receive plenty of housing listings. You should look out for low mortgage rates and supply shortages. Also, spot festivities to shoot your best shot at timing, as that is when Indians invest most.

How can sellers negotiate a higher offer?

Firstly, work with the best realtor in town. Proceed to maintain the house well and stay true to the market value to avoid creating problems. Declutter your house, and if you have a yard or a street right upfront, clean that too. The more maintained your place looks, the harder it will be for homebuyers to bargain and pull the price down. Consider hiring a real estate agent to look out for your best interest.

What does the 2023 real estate market say about sellers?

The sellers can engage in the real estate market and rely on the current conditions to strike a great deal. Since the demand and price are high, they can expect to enjoy fair returns. Research declares that the estimated growth rate of the Indian real estate market from 2023 to the next five years will experience a rise of 9.2%. This promises profits to the sellers and high returns on your homes.

Zilpha Rodrigues Baker by day and writer by night, Zilpha enjoys tackling the unknown and simplifying the complex. A voracious reader with keen attention to detail, she hopes to fulfil her dream of publishing a cookbook and meeting her idol, Shah Rukh Khan. With a heart of gold and the right amount of spice, she is a force to be reckoned with. Also, she makes bomb cheesecakes.
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