Tenant Police Verification: Why it is essential and the whole process behind it.

Tenant Police Verification
Tenant Police Verification
Tenant Police Verification

Wondering why tenant police verification is important? Apart from your own peace of mind and safety, there are several legal reasons why this should be done at the earliest.

Thinking about tenant police verification and its importance? This is indeed vital for every landlord. Renting out a second property or multiple properties is a lucrative income source for owners/landlords. Yet, choosing tenants is a process that must be carried out very carefully. Getting the police verification done is a key part of the process towards ensuring that the tenant is clean and also ensuring your own security and mental peace likewise.

Legally, it is mandatory for all landlords to undertake police verification for renting out their properties. Under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and its Section 188, which covers order violations as declared by any public servant, convicts are punishable with simple imprisonment for a tenor which may go up to a month or Rs. 200 as the monetary fine. If something goes wrong with the tenant or any illegal activity takes place, the landlord will be the one facing the music. As a result, finding out about online police verification for rent is something that you should never ignore.

Tenant police verification- Key things worth knowing

You can obtain the online form for online police verification. Every landlord is required to get this form downloaded and provide the same to their tenants for verification purposes. This should be done before you handover the keys of your apartment/home. The tenant is required to fill in his/her original name, name of father, permanent address and other vital information. This will help in verifying the identity and antecedents of the tenant while making it easier for landlords to get assistance from the police in case of any disputes/legal muddles.

Tenant police verification forms can be obtained from the nearest police station in your locality/neighborhood. The documents and form will have all information pertaining to your tenant and yourself. This can be submitted and kept with the police. The police station website will have the form available for downloading as well. Getting the tenant verified is mandatory as per law and negligence in this case may lead to monetary fines or imprisonment.

The applicant/tenant will be signing the rental verification form for providing permission to his/her landlord for conducting a background check. This will also cover permission to contact the present employer, landlord or previous landlord. When you are opting for online police verification, you can download the form, complete it with information about yourself and your tenant and then affix the present photograph of your tenant accordingly. Sign at the requisite area, confirming that all details are true and that you are in agreement with the same. Submit this form to the nearest police station and get the acknowledgement receipt for future reference.

Why is tenant police verification essential?

Apart from the basic concerns like your own safety and peace of mind, here are some compelling reasons to get this done:

  • This helps prevent any unlawful/illegal activities in the house/apartment including consumption of drugs, rave parties, etc. If police verification is done, tenants will naturally be wary of indulging in such activities.
  • Post verification and submission of proof of identity, fears of a trial by police keeps chances of any crime or heinous incident at a lower level. It becomes easier to track absconding offenders from rented apartments/housing units.
  • Identity proof is important to weed out potential terrorists or threats to national security.
  • Several foreigners may overstay in the country post expiration of contracts and venture into smaller cities as a result. With police verification, they can be found out easily.
  • The landlord will naturally enjoy greater mental peace if his/her property has been rented out to a person with a proper background, free from any criminal activity. This helps even more if the landlord stays in another city or country altogether.
  • Verification by the police will always build a fear of punitive action by the law in case things go wrong. Tenants will naturally fear that police will have access to their workplaces as well.
  • Police verification for rent also helps in instilling a fear of the police in tenants who make sure that they do not damage their rental units. They will always be aware that their documents are with the police and that their records will have black marks if there is a complaint made by the landlord accordingly. Tenants will usually pay their rent in a timely manner as well, owing to this factor.

As can be seen, getting tenant police verification done is really important before renting out your property to any individual, groups of individuals or families. Remember the age-old proverb- It is better to be safe than sorry.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Is it mandatory to check the police records of tenants?

Your safety depends on the correct understanding of this screening process, which includes police verification of your tenants. According to the law, landlords are required to verify tenants’ identities with the help of the police. A monetary penalty or jail term may result if this concern is not handled properly.

What is the process for getting police verification for tenants?

You can obtain tenant verification forms by visiting a local police station near your area. Police need to have all the information about both you and your tenants listed in the properly filled out documents. Several police stations have downloadable forms available on their websites.

What documentation do I need for the police to verify the address of a rented house?

The tenant police verification form for rent pdf can be downloaded online or obtained from the police station. On the form, you must fill in all the required details. You will need to attach a passport-size photo and proof of identity including a passport or driver’s license. Keep a copy of the acknowledgement receipt after you submit the form.

How can tenants verify their police records online?

The following methods should be followed:
● You must first download and complete the tenant police verification form online.
● Provide both landlord and tenant information on the form.
● Your tenant’s photo should be attached.
● The bottom of the form needs to be signed by you confirming the details stated there are true and you agree.
● Your nearest police station should receive the filled-out form.
● Keep a copy of the acknowledgement receipt for future reference.

An application for tenant verification is what?

When a landlord verifies the past rental history of a potential tenant, he or she utilizes a tenant verification form. To gather details about the tenant’s past or current tenancy, the landlord should send the form to the individual’s previous or current landlord.

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