Pune’s Innovative Flyover Solution for Traffic Congestion

Pune Municipal Corporation Prepares for “Y-Shaped” Flyover to Tackle Traffic Congestion

Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) officials have announced that preparations for the construction of a ‘Y’ shaped flyover and grade separator at Shastrinagar Chowk are underway. This infrastructural project aims to alleviate the growing traffic congestion on Ahmednagar Road and provide smoother commute for the residents.

Scheduled Construction and Planning

According to representatives, the actual construction work on the flyover is projected to begin in September. However, significant groundwork has been initiated already. Current activities include planning, conducting traffic surveys, and performing soil testing in accordance with the Detailed Project Report (DPR).

Abhijit Ambekar, the executive engineer of the special projects department, shed some light on the project’s history. Originally conceived four years ago, the development of the flyover had faced delays due to evolving circumstances. As a result, consultants are now updating the old design to align it with the current requirements and conditions.

Ambekar also explained the initial need to widen the road due to the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route lane. However, with the BRT on this stretch being dismantled, a significant portion, approximately 7 meters of land, has become available. This renders the widening of the road unnecessary and further streamlines the flyover plans.

The PMC, in consultation with the project consultant, is presently contemplating a “Y-shaped” flyover and grade separator at Shastrinagar Chowk. Additional versions of the design will be proposed by the consultant for PMC’s final approval.

Navigating Bureaucracy to Proceed

Initially, the project for Shastrinagar Chowk included both a flyover and subway to enhance traffic flow in the area. However, before proceeding with construction, obtaining a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) was required. This was due to the proximity of the historical Aga Khan Palace.

To secure the necessary approvals, an audio-visual presentation was made to the National Monuments Authority in Delhi on April 5, 2024. Following their review, the central and state archaeology departments granted the NOC, giving the greenlight to move forward with the project.

Easing Traffic Woes in Pune

The anticipated ‘Y’ shaped flyover and grade separator at Shastrinagar Chowk represent a significant step in resolving the growing traffic congestion on Ahmednagar Road. With the consultations, planning, and surveys well underway, the project is set to address the long-standing issues faced by Pune residents.

The PMC’s efforts to improve roadway infrastructure and combat traffic challenges is commendable. As September approaches, the commencement of the actual construction work will mark the start of a new era of more efficient travel in the area.

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