Residents urge Noida CEO: Fix civic issues

Residents’ Association Meets Noida Authority CEO Demanding Action on Civic Issues

In a meeting with a delegation from the Federation of Noida Residents Welfare Association (FONRWA), Noida Authority CEO Lokesh M addressed various concerns raised by the residents. The meeting discussed issues ranging from vendor zones to city bus services, parking and commercial activities in residential areas, stray dogs, and water supply. ACEOs Sanjay Kumar Khatri, Vandana Tripathi, OSDs Mahendra Prasad, Satish Pal, Devendra Pratap Singh, GM Water, RP Singh, DGMs Vijay Rawal, and SP Singh were among the attendees.

Need for City Bus Services

FONRWA president Yogendra Sharma emphasized the urgent need for city bus services to provide connectivity between metro stations and residential, industrial, and other sectors of the city. The residents expressed concerns about the decision to set up vending zones in residential sectors without consulting the residents or RWAs of those sectors, as it could lead to traffic congestion and security issues related to encroachments.

CEO Lokesh M assured the delegation that no new hawkers would be added to the vending zones and that illegal vendors and shopkeepers would be removed. There is a need to balance the convenience of vending zones with the concerns of the residents.

Addressing Stray Dog Menace

The residents also brought up the problem of stray dogs biting people in the city. FONRWA secretary general KK Jain highlighted the need for deploying multiple agencies to tackle this problem effectively. CEO Lokesh M acknowledged the issue and mentioned that two new dog shelters have been opened in sectors 34 and 135, where dog bites will be treated. The Authority has also amended its pet policy to address the issue of dog bites, but it needs to be implemented promptly.

Water Supply Concerns

The delegation raised concerns about the quality and quantity of water supply in several sectors. They urged the CEO to increase the supply of Ganga water to improve the overall water supply. CEO Lokesh M informed them that water supply has already started from four Ranney wells, and as a result, water pressure and supply to the sectors have been restored. He assured the residents that efforts will be made to increase the supply of Ganga water. Additionally, measures to maintain water quality, such as installing a filter on one of the tanks, will be taken.

Fighting Illegal Encroachments

FONRWA secretary general KK Jain raised concerns about unauthorised shopkeepers, vendors, hawkers, and handcarts occupying roads and footpaths in residential sectors. He urged the authority to conduct regular checks to monitor and address the issue of encroachment. CEO Lokesh M instructed the concerned officials to take strict action against illegal encroachments and run regular campaigns to curb such activities.

Plaster and Upkeep of Flats Built by the Authority

The residents demanded attention to the maintenance and upkeep of flats constructed by the Noida Authority. They raised concerns about incidents of plaster collapse and grit wash on the walls, stairs, and balconies of these flats. The residents requested for re-plastering and repair of these structures. CEO Lokesh M assured them that necessary action would be taken to address these concerns.

Miscellaneous Issues

Other issues discussed during the meeting included clogged sewers and the operation of guest houses, offices, hostels, warehouses, and playschools in residential areas. The CEO requested the RWAs to submit a written petition regarding these concerns so that the Noida Authority can appropriately assess and address them.

Overall, the meeting between the Federation of Noida Residents Welfare Association (FONRWA) and Noida Authority CEO Lokesh M proved to be a productive platform for residents to raise their concerns and for the authority to take note of them. The discussions touched upon necessary improvements in civic services, issues of encroachment, and the need for effective management and maintenance of public infrastructure. The residents expressed confidence in the CEO’s assurances that action would be taken to address their grievances.

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