Selling Real Estate to Generation Y

real-estate-tipsIn our last post we told you why you should be keeping a close tab on the Generation Y. Today we are going to share tips with you on how to close the deal with this gen. The to-do list to be followed by all Real Estate Consultants. Here we go!

  1. Be technologically strong. Gen Y lives, breathes and eats technology. Their love for technology can hardly be challenged and it the one thing that creates a lasting impression on them. So make sure that you are in line with all the technological advancements and have a good flare for it.
  2. Generation Y are not Generation X and before. Your communication strategy and channels need to appreciate this fact and work out a strategy accordingly.
  3. This generation has a strong dislike for heavy duty, obvious marketing attempts. Be subtle and do not pressurize.
  4. Generation Y likes to have the control and they know that they have the power. They can get all the information from the internet (and they do their research pretty well) and without anyone’s help.
  5. Spamming and Marketing calls can be your death. This generation is extremely defensive about their privacy. Do not abuse it.
  6. They are also extremely space conscious. If they have asked a query online, which is 90% of the case be for information purpose only do not badger them to buy. Let them chew the information, feel comfortable and trust you. It has to be a long-term relationship that you nurture and maintain. So talk without expectation and you will get more than expected.

Basically this generation likes to do things at their own pace, without pressure. They are very clear about what they want and how they want it. It is a generation that is driven and determined. Finance is not their problem as most are backed by their parents and a high paying job.



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