Smart Cities Mission Deadline Extended until March 2025

The housing ministry in India has announced an extension of the Smart Cities Mission deadline till March 2025. This decision came after Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy appealed to the Central government for more time to complete the ambitious project.

Appeal for Extension: During his recent visit to the national capital, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy met with Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs, Manohar Lal Khattar, and requested an extension of the deadline for the Smart Cities Mission. He emphasized that it was in the larger interest of the public to have more time to ensure the completion of the works.

Positive Response from the Central Government: The Central government positively responded to Revanth Reddy’s appeal and granted an extension till March 31, 2025. In a letter to the states, the Union government announced the new deadline. This extension will provide a much-needed boost to Smart Cities Mission, allowing for more comprehensive planning and execution.

Progress So Far: Under the Smart Cities Mission in Telangana, significant progress has been made in cities like Warangal and Karimnagar. In Warangal, 45 works have already been completed, and another 66 are under progress at a total cost of Rs 518 crore. In Karimnagar, 25 works have been completed, and 22 are in progress, with an estimated cost of Rs 287 crore.

Focus on Ongoing Works: The official letter from the Centre stated that the approved works will be continued, and no new works will be sanctioned. The funds for ongoing works will be released on a first-come, first-served basis until September this year. It is recommended to complete the works at the earliest to ensure their timely implementation.

An Encouraging Sign: The extension of the Smart Cities Mission deadline is seen as a positive development for the urban development sector in India. It indicates the government’s commitment to providing the necessary resources and time for the successful implementation of the project.

The Impact and Benefits: The Smart Cities Mission aims to transform selected cities in India into vibrant and sustainable urban centers with enhanced liveability and economic opportunities. By extending the deadline, the government is ensuring that more cities can fulfill their ambitious goals and provide residents with better infrastructure, improved public services, and a higher quality of life.

Conclusion: The extension of the Smart Cities Mission deadline till March 2025 is a welcomed decision by the housing ministry in India. This will provide ample time for the completion of ongoing works and the realization of the mission’s objectives in a more comprehensive and efficient manner. With this extension, hopes are high that the Smart Cities in India will continue to be a shining example of urban development for years to come.

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