Square Yards Bags an Award for ‘The Best Digital Campaign’

Square Yards Digital Campaign Award

At its 12th Realty+ Conclave & Excellence Awards, PUNE: A Virtual Series, Realty+ awarded Square Yards under the category ‘Digital Marketing Campaign of the Year’ for the tremendous performance we showcased under ‘The Lockdown Phenomenon’ campaign.

Crafted with passion, precision, and perseverance, Real Estate digital campaigns run by Square Yards during the lockdown are earning us accolades, appreciation, and rewards.

In the 12th Realty+ Conclave & Excellence Awards, PUNE: A Virtual Series, Square Yards was nominated – and got awarded – under the category ‘Digital Marketing Campaign of the Year’ for the tremendous performance showcased under the campaign named ‘The Lockdown Phenomenon’.

The yearly edition of Realty+ Excellence Awards by Realty+, an exchange4media & BW BusinessWorld Group publication, recognizes and rewards excellence in Real Estate sector under various categories. The Excellence Awards have earned a reputation for being the standard for innovation and achievement in real estate for the winners. These awards serve as a tribute to their outstanding performance across numerous real estate categories.

The campaign by Square Yards resulted in 3700+ transactions valued at Rs 2200 Crore and helped Square Yards gain almost 20% market share during the period for which the campaign was run. Timing of the innovative digital campaign made it an instant hit as people were looking for ways to overcome the unprecedented times. The major highlight of the campaign was the end-to-end online buying cycle facilitated by Square Yards.

Square Yards’ success rate with digital campaigns had helped us land an exclusive campaign with Godrej Properties – one of India’s most prestigious real estate developers- in the second quarter of year 2020. Run during the times when the entire country was under lockdown, the campaign ‘Hope has a Plan’ brought the idea of a safe and secure future to reality. This formed the fulcrum for the digital marketing efforts undertaken in ‘The Lockdown Phenomenon’ campaign. The highlight of this was the now-or-never 10:90 payment plan.

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