Studio Apartments- An Optimized Space for Smart Living


Studio Apartments are presumed to be prevailing only in western countries, but the demand for studio apartments in India is also on the unprecedented rise in the real estate market, especially in metropolitan cities like Mumbai and Bengaluru due to the shortage of space and dense population. Youngsters who wish to live in these metropolitan cities look for bachelor pads that are economical and comfortable for living. When they compare a studio apartment vs. 1BHK, they often choose a studio apartment because of certain advantages and amenities. Studio apartments can be the answer to the space problems encountered in a densely populated country like India.

The basic setup and meaning of a studio apartment

A studio apartment is one room with optimized space allotted for multiple functions such as living room space, bedroom space, kitchen space, and dining space. Some studio apartments in India have partial walls for privacy when there are visits from guests or outsiders. But the bathroom is made separate. Studio apartments are bachelor pads with an open floor plan.

Available sizes of studio apartments

A studio apartment is an optimized space for smart living. They work on the principle of maximum space utilization and near-zero wastage of space. Wall separations are used at a bare minimum and sometimes not used at all. Normally these studio apartments in India have an open floor plan. This may differ in terms of locality and the city.

Sometimes a 1BHK house with fewer separations is rented as a studio apartment. The size of the studio apartments in India listed in the various online housing websites may vary based on the city, location, density of population, price, the brand of the developer, and several other factors. Generally, the size of these bachelor pads varies from 170-700 sq. m.

Different types of Studio apartments

There are three different types of studio apartments:

Regular studio apartment: As the name suggests, this is a common setup of a studio apartment. All the spaces like kitchen, dining, hall and bedroom are available with a separate bathroom.

Alcove Studio apartment: This is similar to a regular studio apartment but with an L-type partition in the living room. This creates a perception of more space availability and creates a comfortable sleeping area.

Convertible studio: It’s a studio built big enough to build a separation wall for the bedroom.

Cost variation in building studio apartments

 When a price comparison is made between studio apartments vs. 1BHK, the studio apartment is a clear winner when it comes to the building cost. The studio apartments are mostly built for renting purposes. These studio apartments come in a variety of price ranges and usually built-in cities with dense population and cities with a large number of companies that attract youngsters who are predominantly single and looking for low maintenance, low cost staying arrangements. If you wish to rent such studio apartments in India, the price may range from ₹5000-₹15000 based on the size, location, and tier-1 or tier-2 city.

Who prefers studio apartments in India?

Wall Color for Bedroom

 Studio apartments in India are preferred mostly by youngsters who have shifted to major cities from their hometown in search of a livelihood. These bachelor pads are popular among both tenants and buyers. Normally, single working professionals prefer studio apartments. Also, maybe a young family with a cash crunch might opt for a viable option like a studio apartment. The business-minded individuals who can see profit can purchase studio apartments and then rent them to others. These studio apartments in highly populated metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Chennai can create a fortune if the owners can create a lavish upscale environment through modern interiors and other facilities that can attract modern youths who prefer a high-class lifestyle.

Studio apartment vs. 1BHK

 Both studio apartments and 1BHK sound similar but are different.

  1. Studio apartments don’t have wall separations, whereas 1 BHK has wall separations between a bedroom, kitchen, and hall.
  2. Studio apartments are one large room with optimum space utilization, but 1 BHK has a clear distinction between each room separated by a wall. There will not be complete utilization of the space.
  3. Studio apartments are more suitable for a single person, whereas 1 BHK is suitable for single and small families.
  4. Studio apartments offer very little privacy due to minimum wall separation, whereas 1 BHK apartment is ideal for a couple who seeks privacy.
  5. Due to limited spacing, studio apartments cannot hold many belongings, whereas 1 BHK apartments have wardrobes and other spaces to accommodate personal belongings.
  6. Studio apartments cost less to build, whereas 1 BHK apartment will cost more for walls and additional doors.
  7. Studio apartments will have fewer rental returns when compared to 1 BHK apartment.

Advantages of a studio apartment in India

 Although the studio apartment concept is still developing in India, whereas it’s a norm in western countries, there are many benefits of studio apartments, both as buyers or tenants.

  1. They are best suited for single people who look to stay in bachelor pads.
  2. Suitable for young couples who are facing a cash crunch and looking to manage their family life.
  3. It is less expensive to build when compared to other housing configurations.
  4. Easy to clean as there is less gathering of dust due to the large open space.
  5. The less electric bill as separate lights and switchboards are not necessary.
  6. Less energy consumption.
  7. Plenty of space for doing home workouts.
  8. Very low maintenance cost.
  9. Less rent compared to 1 BHK apartment.
  10. Suitable for staying temporarily.
  11. They are usually built-in central locations and hence better travel links and facilities.

Disadvantages of studio apartments in India 

The studio apartments in India are filled with many benefits, but there are also some disadvantages of studio apartments.

  1. It is not suitable for bigger families with 4 to 5 members. At max, a young working couple can manage to live in a studio apartment.
  2. The space is limited, and there are no clear separation areas.
  3. If there are a lot of furniture and personal belongings, there is a requirement for additional storage spaces to accommodate them.
  4. Unable to invite guests due to lack of privacy.
  5. As these are part of apartment complexes, there are going to be mandatory costs on using communal features like a gym, swimming pool, sports club, etc. In these cases, studio apartments will feel expensive.
  6. The soundproofing may not be good enough in studio apartments. Hence if there are noisy neighbours who play loud music or watch TV with loud voices, it may create disturbance and restlessness.

The investment return for studio apartments in India

Building a studio apartment is relatively cheaper than building a 1 BHK or a 2 BHK apartment. However, as this is an economical choice, the rent will also be proportionately lower than 1 BHK or 2 BHK unless there are additional communal features like a gym, swimming pool, and sports club. Usually, the rent will vary based on the size, location, interiors, additional facilities, etc. It will be somewhere between ₹5000-₹15000 in tier-1 and tier-2 cities. Studio apartments are mostly a trend in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, and Chennai where the employment rate and population density are high. In less populated semi-urban cities, studio apartments might not have a significant market in real estate.

Although the margins are low, many builders feel studio apartment configuration can be an instant seller if the location is chosen right. Whenever the real estate market hits a downturn, the only configuration that can be a saviour in metropolitan cities are studio apartments that are cost-effective. As there is 75% youth in our country, studio apartments in India will always have an important place in the real estate market. Many IT companies such as Infosys, HCL, and Accenture have invested in the construction of studio apartments near to their office areas so that they can provide accommodation to their young techies at the start of their career so that it mitigates the travel time as the traffic in metropolitan cities is very high and congested.

Some significant real estate developing brands that specialize in studio apartments or bachelor pads are Lodha, Hiranandani, Supertech, Mahima Group, Shriram group, etc. They have built many studio apartments across metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and in cities like Jaipur, Noida, Ahmedabad, and so on. As these brands have the resources, they can build studio apartments like assembly manufacturing with standard size interiors and make upscale lifestyle studio apartments suitable for people who like to live in posh areas.

A note on Studio apartments in the rest of the world


Studio apartments in India are gaining popularity these days, but in some western countries, studio apartments have been set up a long time ago and have a stable market throughout the year. They have different names in other countries. Let’s see some examples.

Country Name of the studio apartment
Brazil Quitinete
Argentina Monoambiente
Canada Bachelor
Czech Republic Garsonka
Denmark 1 Vaerelses Lejelighed
Germany Einzimmerwohnungen
Italy Monolocale
Jamaica Quads
Japan One room mansion
Kenya Bed-sitter
New Zealand Studio rooms
Nigeria Room self-contains apartments
North Macedonia Garsonjera
Norway 1-romsleilighet
Portugal T-0(T-Zero)
Poland Kawalerka
Romania Garsonieră
Slovakia Garzónka
South Korea Officetel
Sweden Etta
United Kingdom Studio flat
United States Studio apartment/ alcove studio

Some tips to make the best out of living in studio apartments in India

Studio apartments in India or bachelor pads can have some disadvantages, therefore, use these tips to make the best of the studio apartments.

  1. Optimize storage space: It is one of the major disadvantages of studio apartments. To optimize storage space, make sure every piece of furniture added to the space is used. Remove them if they do not serve any useful purpose. Getting rid of unnecessary furniture will create more space that can be used for doing workouts and other kinds of stuff.
  2. Add layered linens: Adding more layers to the bedding will improve sleeping in the bed and create a cozy environment for a bachelor pad. Lay comfortably and watch your favorite sitcoms.
  3. Place mirrors: Studio apartments in India are generally located among big buildings, and hence direct sunlight intensity will be below. Place mirrors at suitable spaces in the studio apartment that will improve lighting by bouncing the reflected sunlight. It creates a perception of more space.
  4. Extra seating for guests: We cannot accommodate every guest on the bed during a party or a social gathering in a studio apartment. Place some chairs so that there is seating for the guests. It’s like hunting two birds with one pebble.
  5. Place baskets to store items: Always look for cute baskets that can be placed on the table to put books, phones, jewelry, etc.,
  6. Add more lighting resources: Don’t just add one tube light in the studio apartment as it has no partitions or separations like 1BHK. Create a layered lighting source. Use an overhead fixture, a couple of table lamps, and some accent lighting behind a table or chair. Lit up the room at night using these sources and it will make you feel cozy and happy.


Studio apartments in India can be the answer to solve space problems in densely populated cities. It is a better choice than 1 BHK for a single person or a young couple looking for an economical and comfortable stay. It can be a good idea to build lavish studio apartments and earn great returns as the cost of building studio apartments is comparatively lesser than a 1BHK or 2BHK apartment. With good design and space utilization ideas, a studio apartment can be a great staying place for working professionals who like to sit back and enjoy after working for long hours in their offices.


1.Is there a rental agreement for studio apartments in India?

Yes. It is like any other apartment but with a different configuration. A rental agreement is a must.

2.Is 1 Room and kitchen a studio apartment in India?

Sometimes, it is marketed as a studio apartment, but the space utilization is not as meticulous as a studio apartment

3.Are Studio apartments constructed as individual apartments?

It is not economically viable to build studio apartments individually. It is mostly constructed in apartment complexes.

4.Can any space be converted into a studio apartment?

As long as there are no separation walls, any large space can be designed as a studio apartment.

5.Do women prefer to stay in studio apartments in India?

Yes, studio apartments are opening up for women these days as they are being built more and more in metropolitan cities. As these studio apartments are located in densely populated areas, women feel safer because of the large neighbourhood.

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