Top 7 Tips for Vastu for Commercial Building

Vastu for Commercial Building

Did you know that the layout of your commercial building can influence its success? Vastu for commercial building provides essential guidance for creating a space filled with positive energy and prosperity. It’s important to position the main entrance facing north, east, or northeast for south-facing commercial buildings, which are considered auspicious. Ensure the building is square or rectangular to avoid the negativity of irregular shapes.

Locate the reception in the northeast or east to welcome prosperity. Orient workspaces towards the north or east to enhance productivity and positivity. The pantry or eating areas should be in the southeast, while heavy equipment is best placed in the southwest to maintain energetic balance. Staircases should ideally be positioned in the south or southwest. These simple Vastu tips for commercial buildings can pave the way for a thriving business environment.

Right Direction for Commercial Office

The direction the building faces is crucial when planning a commercial office, according to Vastu Shastra. Ensuring that these Vastu principles are followed in your commercial building plans can contribute to a more productive and prosperous business environment. Let’s see what each direction means for your office space!

Read More: Vastu for Office

1. South-Facing Commercial Building Vastu

Vastu for commercial buildings that face south can bring prosperity if planned correctly. The main entrance for a south-facing commercial building should ideally be in the south-east or south-west. This placement attracts positive energy. Ensure the building is higher in the south and lower in the north to promote success. Heavy objects should be placed in the southwest part of the building, and the centre area should be open and lit. This helps with a better flow of energy. It’s also good to have a water source like a fountain on the north or east side to boost financial growth. Avoid clutter and ensure the building gets plenty of natural light. 

2. West Facing Commercial Building Vastu

According to Vastu, the main entrance should ideally be in the northwest direction to attract positive energy. Keep the reception area in the northeast to maintain a welcoming vibe. It is good to place heavy storage or machinery in the southwest part of the building, as this provides stability. Proper placement of water elements, like a fountain, should be in the northeast to enhance financial growth. Adhering to these Vastu tips for west-facing commercial building plans can significantly benefit the business’s overall atmosphere and success.

3. Vastu for East-facing Commercial Building

According to Vastu Shastra, designing an east-facing commercial building can attract prosperity and success. The sun governs the east direction, which is perfect for business growth because it brings in light and energy. Ensuring the main entrance is in the east can harness positive energy and create a welcoming atmosphere for clients and employees.

Main Door Direction as per Vastu

When considering vastu for commercial buildings, the direction of the main door is very important. As per vastu, the best directions for the entrance are north, east, or north-east. A business’s north- or east-facing entrance can attract prosperity and opportunities. Keeping the area around the main door clean and unblocked allows good energy to flow freely. This approach to door placement can help create a harmonious and prosperous business environment.

1. Staircase Vastu for Commercial Building

When considering vastu for commercial buildings, particularly staircase vastu, it’s important to follow specific guidelines to promote positive energy and success. Staircases in commercial buildings should be located in the southwest, south, or west directions. Avoid placing them in the northeast corner, which can lead to financial losses. The stairs should ascend clockwise, which means the centre should be to the left when one climbs the stairs. Ensure the number of steps is odd and does not end with a zero, as this is more auspicious. Additionally, the stairwell should be well-lit and clutter-free to maintain a positive energy flow. Following these staircase vastu tips for commercial buildings can help bring prosperity and diminish negative influences.

2. Toilets in Commercial Buildings

Toilets in commercial buildings must be well-planned for the comfort and convenience of everyone. They should be located in easily accessible areas but not near dining spaces or main entrances, as per vastu for commercial buildings. The toilets should be clean and equipped with hand dryers, soap, and sufficient lighting. It is also important to have separate toilets for men and women. Toilets should not be situated under staircases, as this is considered inauspicious and may affect positive energy flow. Ensuring these vastu tips can help maintain a good balance and atmosphere in a commercial building.

3. Reception Location for Commercial Building

The reception area of a commercial building is important for creating a good first impression. It should be located near the main entrance for easy access. According to vastu, the reception should face northeast for commercial buildings to attract positive energy. For a staircase  in a commercial building, the stairs should start from the northeast and go towards the southwest. This setup helps maintain a smooth flow of energy and can contribute to the business’s success. Make sure the area is well-lit and welcoming to all visitors.

4. Seating Direction for Commercial Building

When designing a commercial building, it’s important to consider vastu for commercial buildings, especially regarding seating direction and the placement of staircases. Ideally, the main seating area in a commercial space should face north or east to attract positive energy and ensure productivity. For staircase vastu for commercial buildings, the staircase should not be in the northeast corner as it may lead to financial losses. Instead, placing staircases in the southwest, northwest, or southeast part of the building is preferable. These vastu tips can contribute to a more harmonious and successful business environment.

5. Seating Layout for Employees 

A seating layout for employees in a commercial building should consider vastu principles to create a positive and productive work environment. Vastu for commercial buildings suggests placing employee seats facing north or east to enhance focus and efficiency. Ideally, the boss’s or manager’s office is located in the southwest to maintain authority and control. Ensure that the central part of the office remains open and clutter-free to allow a free energy flow. Workstations should not be directly under a beam as it is believed to cause stress and health issues, according to vastu. Proper electrical equipment placement in the southeast corner, like computers and servers, can prevent vastu defects related to fire elements. By following these vastu tips, the layout can contribute to better concentration, improved health, and overall success of the business.

6.Mandir Placement for Commercial Building

According to Vastu for commercial buildings, choosing the right spot to bring positivity and prosperity when placing a Mandir in a commercial building is important. Ideally, the Mandir should be in the northeast corner of the building. This direction is considered the most auspicious according to Vastu principles. Ensure the area is clean and quiet, which helps maintain a peaceful atmosphere for prayer or meditation. The Mandir should not be directly below a toilet or near the building’s main trash disposal area, as these locations can bring negative energy.

Summing Up

Vastu for commercial buildings is about arranging office space to boost success and positivity. Following these Vastu tips can help create a positive and productive work environment!

Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is Vastu applicable to commercial buildings? 

Ans. Yes, Vastu applies to commercial buildings. It is used to improve energy flow and success in business environments.

Q2. Which type of commercial property is best? 

Ans. According to Vastu Shastra, the best commercial property faces north or east to attract prosperity and success.

Q3. Is west-facing commercial property good?

Ans. Yes, west-facing commercial properties are considered good in Vastu Shastra, especially for businesses involving metal or technology. 

Q4. Which direction should the shop face?

Ans. For a commercial, the best direction to face, according to Vastu, is northeast.                                                                                                                     

Q5. How do you attract customers to your shop, Vastu?

Ans. According to Vastu Shastra, ensure the entrance faces north or east for optimal energy flow to attract customers to your shop. Keep the interior clutter-free and well-lit to invite positive energy and customer interest.

Q6. How to increase cash flow in business Vastu?

Ans. According to Vastu, to increase cash flow in a business, ensure the northeast corner of the business premises is clean and uncluttered, as it is considered the zone of wealth. Also, the main entrance should be clear of obstacles to allow positive energy to flow freely.

Aishvrya Kataria Aishvrya investigates novel concepts and adaptable content as she has just started her work as a content writer. She is concerned with the user's readability and is skilled at evoking the feelings of the readers. She thinks you can do anything you set your mind to, but what's more important is to learn and not complain. When she is cherished, she is a playwright; when she is distracted, she is a painter.
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