Unveil Exam Success: Vastu Tips For Success in Exams

vastu tips for success in exams

Parents and teachers often advise students to study harder when exams are approaching. When parents push their kids to study and warn them about failing and not achieving vastu tips for success in exams, they don’t motivate them. Instead, this approach leads to stress in students, which affects their exams. This can lead to exam anxiety or even a fear of studying. Students must stay calm during exam season and not feel overwhelmed by their workload.

Did you know that Vastu can help and impact a student’s mindset? Follow these Vastu tips for success in exams to enhance your performance and achieve better results.

A Brief About Vastu and its Significance on Students

Vastu Shastra is an old Indian system of building design and space layout that aims to create harmony between structures and nature’s energy. By setting up living areas in line with natural laws, vastu influences improving health, wealth, and achievement. Students preparing for exams can boost their concentration, memory, and results using vastu tips for success in exams.

Vastu Shastra influences students’ grades by improving their study areas. When things align with nature’s energy, it helps students focus and think. Setting up the study space using vastu tips for success in exams can reduce distractions and stress, creating a peaceful place to learn and do well. 

Aligning Study Room for Success in Exams

When a student’s study area has vastu issues, it can make it hard to focus. A tip for achieving success in exams, according to Vastu, is for students to pay attention to their study position and the direction they face while studying. Here are the things to consider:

  • Vastu recommends studying in the northeast direction, which is better than studying facing towards the north or east. If this does not work, the west direction is your last choice. Remember that studying in the southwest and southeast directions can create hurdles in your learning process.
  • When reading books, it is best to face the door. Do not turn your back against the door while studying.
  • Sunlight is required when studying; it keeps the student fresh and focused. A study room needs large windows to let in plenty of natural light.
  • Ensure your study table has strong lighting. Avoid lights that are too dark or too bright. When studying, there should be no mirror reflections on the books. 
  • Your study table should be square or rectangular and made of wood. You must avoid using metal tables.
  • Declutter your study table and have enough room for your books and study material.
  • Place bookshelves on the south or west walls. Don’t place them above the study table, as this can make you feel weighed down.
  • Pick a comfortable chair with a high backrest to support your back, preferably an ergonomic chair.
  • Paint the study room walls with soft, calming shades like pale green, blue, or cream. These colours help you stay calm and focused.
  • Stay away from dark colours because they can make the room feel depressing.
  • Put a picture or statue of Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, in the study room.
  • Keep TVs, gaming consoles, and phones out of the study area, as they might distract you.
  • Indoor plants, such as money plants or bamboo, should be added to the study room. They can boost positivity, bring in luck, and help you relax.

Optimal Study Desk Position

As per vastu tips for success in exams, the spot where your study desk is placed impacts how well a student can focus, pay attention, and do well in exams. Here’s a detailed look at what the position of your study desk should be:

  • Position the study desk in the northeast, east, or north direction of the room or house. These areas bring good luck and help with learning and thinking. The northeast is the best spot to study because it’s linked to knowledge and wisdom.
  • The study desk should be square or rectangular. These shapes help keep things stable and make it easier to focus. It’s better to use a wooden desk instead of a metal one. Wood is natural and works well with human energy.
  • Natural light is considered the best for studying, but do not place your desk right in front of a window. Things moving outside can distract you. If there’s a window nearby, it’s better to have it on the side of your desk. This way, you get light without getting sidetracked by what’s happening outside.

Vastu Tips for Enhanced Sleep Before Exams

Getting a good night’s sleep the night before the exam is essential for optimum performance. Vastu Shastra provides several recommendations for improving sleep quality. Harmonising the surroundings with natural energy cycles can establish a calm, relaxing atmosphere.

  • Place the bed in the south or west area of the room, with the head pointing east or south. This setup helps you sleep better and feel less stressed. Students benefit most from facing east, as it’s thought to boost memory and focus.
  • Ensure the bed is wooden; avoid using a metal bed. Choose a comfortable mattress that gives good support to prevent waking up during the night.
  • Use soft, gentle lights in the bedroom. Avoid bright lights at night. Pick calming colours like blues, greens, or soft pastels. These shades help your mind relax and get ready to sleep.
  • Big, bulky furniture above or near your bed can make you feel uneasy and weighed down. Choose smaller pieces, and ensure you have enough room to move around.

5 Common Vastu Mistakes Students Must Avoid 

When students prepare for exams, setting up a good study space matters. But many make vastu mistakes without knowing it, hurting their performance. Here are five common vastu mistakes students should stay away from.

Wrong Study Table Placement

Placing the study table in the wrong spot can negatively affect focus and learning. Don’t place it right before a window or a plain wall. The best place for the table is facing east or north, as these directions help with focus and clear thinking. Facing a wall can make you feel stuck, and facing a window might take your attention away from your studying.

Studying Under a Beam

Studying under a beam can put mental pressure on you, leading to excessive stress and difficulty focusing. People think beams block the flow of good energy. If you have no choice, consider using false ceilings or other design fixes to lessen how much the beams affect your study area.

Incorrect Bed Placement

Avoid positioning the bed to face north or northeast; this could disrupt your sleep and cause restlessness. For a deep sleep, position the head of your bed towards the south or east direction.

Use of Inappropriate Colours

Using dark and bold colours in your study area or bedroom can make the space heavy and overwhelming. These colours can make you feel anxious, leading to difficulty in studying. Instead, try light, calming colours like pastels, soft greens, and blues. These colours help you feel calm, positive, and focused.

Improper Lighting

Poor lighting can cause eye strain and fatigue, making it difficult to concentrate. Ensure your study area has adequate artificial light at night and plenty of natural light during the day. Avoid areas with overly bright or too dark lighting. Use a focused light on your desk to create the best setting for reading and writing.

Vastu Tips to Enhance Focus While Studying

It is crucial to create an environment that encourages clarity and focus in the journey of academic success. These vastu tips for success in exams match with natural energies and can turn an average study room into a productive zone of concentration.

  • TVs, gaming systems, and smartphones in the study room can distract your attention. These gadgets give off electromagnetic fields that mess with your focus and sleep. Remove all gadgets from your study area to eliminate distractions and increase concentration.
  • An untidy study area can clutter your mind, causing distractions and reducing productivity. Keep your study table and surrounding area clean and properly organise your books, writing tools, and other items.
  • Mirrors should not be placed in study areas as they reflect negative energy and cause restlessness.


Concentration issues pop up during exam durations, and they influence the results. Yet, using these strong Vastu tips for success in exams lets you shift your focus to get good grades. Besides following these tips, one key thing every student needs to do is do lots of revision. To perform well on your examinations, review as much as you can.


1. What are the Vastu tips for competitive exams?

Ans. When studying for a competitive exam, face east or north, choose calming colours, ensure adequate lighting and air, and surround yourself with positive energy-boosting objects and plants.

2. What should I wear for good luck in exams?

Ans. Wear light-coloured clothes like green, yellow, or white to attract good luck in exams. According to Vastu principles, these colours boost positivity, clarity, and calmness, enhancing focus and reducing stress.

3. What should be avoided during exams?

Ans. According to Vastu, studying facing the south must be avoided. Make sure your study area is free of dark or poorly lit corners.

4. What colour is for good luck in exams?

Ans. Choose light colours such as cream, white, light green or pale yellow. These colours reduce stress and encourage positivity and clarity.

Rahul Gautam Rahul is a seasoned content writer with 3 years of experience in various domains. He has an academic foundation in BSc Honors Computer Science from Delhi University, complemented by a post-graduation degree in Mass Communication from IIMC. Rahul equips him with a unique perspective on crafting engaging content. Rahul's love for travel and biking infuses his writing with vibrant and relatable stories.
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