Vastu VS Feng Shui: Difference Between Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui

vastu shastra and feng shui
The debate between Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui is endless. The choice of choosing either Vastu Shastra or Feng Shui will only lead to pain in the head. Also, many people often get confused between the two about how to reap the benefits of their principles. Even though the similarity between Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui, there are still a lot of factors for differentiation.  The principles of Vastu Shastra need to be applied when you are building a house from scratch but for Feng Shui principles, are quite simpler and can be applied at any phase of the house. In this article, we will get to know about Vastu Shastra and Chinese Feng Shui and how they can bring positive energy into your personal space and your life.

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra means ‘Dwelling Science’ in which Vastu meaning ‘dwelling’ and shastra refers to ‘science’. Vastu Shastra is quite an old Hindu modus for the architectural, layouts, and designing factor rules for good luck and positive energy. It demonstrates the different marshals of an area and other places for creating a healthy living as well as attracting prosperity and luck.   The theory of Vastu Shastra defines how the science behind dwelling and all how to develop your lifestyle in a congenial way. It is done through architectural science for exuding the good feelings offered by nature. Thousands of years ago, the Indian ‘Saints and ‘Rishis’ put the rules of Vastu for the construction of any place forward and it has been in practice for centuries ever since. Vastu, in general means ‘House’ or any other dwelling place by human beings. Below are the components that are included in these dwelling places:
  •   Bhoomi – The piece of land or another extent where the human wants to build their place.
  •   Prasada– It is the walls and the building compounds that are built on the Bhoomi or land that the human decides.
  •   Yaana– It refers to all the vehicles or chariots that are parked on the Bhoomi.
  •   Shayana– It refers to all the utensils and furniture in the Prasada.
If you ever find yourself wondering ‘Is Vastu real?’ or ‘Does Vastu matter?’, then here is your answer. Yes, the Indian Vastu Shastra is real. According to the Vastu Shastra, if a building or place is in tune with the Vastu principles, then the place becomes a part of the universe’s basic structure that vibrates harmony for the place and the people living in it. Vastu Shastra itself defines it as a Shastra that means the principles are based upon research, facts, and observations. This shastra is taken in nature’s laws which are also governed by a set of principles. The shastra was formulated and put forward 5000 years ago. With time more principles are being added and the Vastu Shastra is evolving. The proof that it is based on practical facts makes the Shastra science instead of superstition.

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a 3000-year-old art and science that was developed in China; hence, it is also known as Chinese Feng Shui. The meaning of Feng is ‘wind’ and Shui refers to ‘water’. The Chinese believed that both water and wind are related to the goodness of health.   Feng Shui refers to the interaction between the environment and human beings. With the Chinese Feng Shui, human beings can influence the environment for achieving the right life improvements. These life improvements will be easy to achieve after designing or positioning the surroundings in tune with the harmony principles as per the flow of nature’s energy. With the help of Feng Shui, you can balance the energies of the spaces to promote good health and prosperity for the ones residing in them. The system of Feng Shui laws for the perceptual arrangement as well as orientation is considered by the humans while building their spaces, furniture placements, possessions as well as bodies. This science and art of Chinese culture offers a unique look of the elements for adding comfort, harmony, and balance in the environment that you are living in.   

What are the similarities between Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui?

Both Vastu and Feng Shui are the results of scientific observations. Both scientific observations believe in adding harmony, prosperity, and happiness to one’s home and life. Hence, there are some similarities between Vastu and Feng Shui that you should know. Below are the similarities between Vastu and feng shui:

Ancestral Disciplines for the creation of spaces with well-being

Both Vastu and Feng Shui have their roots dated back to thousand years back. So, Vastu Shastra is more than 5000 years old, while Feng Shui is about 3000 years old. 

Metaphysics related to art principles

Both scientific beliefs are the arts related to the principles of metaphysics. The two have most of their principles based on the same stances. Both have combined tangible, visible, and material parts that connect with an intangible and invisible part that can neither be seen nor can be touched.

Organizing the space with certain energies

Both Vastu and Feng Shui organize space by maintaining the flow of certain energies. The energies that flow in space are known as ‘Qi’ or ‘Chi’ in the Chinese Feng Shui and ‘Prana’ in Vastu Shastra. In the Christian society, these energies are called ‘spirit’ and in the terms of quantum physics, it is called ‘energy’. 

Cures for harmony in space

Two systems offer a range of cures for bringing harmony in space. Vastu and Feng Shui provide ways to correct the energy flow problems in space. Also, the two systems recommend the way a space should be decorated along with a better distribution inside and outside of the place.  

Comprehensive knowledge of interdisciplinarity

The two systems represent a comprehensive range of interdisciplinary knowledge. This knowledge requires years of studies and practice for mastering. Hence, nobody can become a master of Vastu and Feng Shui with just a year of the crash course.  

What are the differences between Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui?

Despite the common factors, it will always be Vastu vs Feng Shui. It is also important to know about the difference between Vastu and Feng Shui both two systems follow distinct methodologies and have many differences.  Below is the list of differences between Vastu and Feng Shui:
Vastu Shastra Feng Shui
Vastu refers to dwelling or building and Shastra refers to teachings or science. Hence, Vastu meaning is dwelling in science or building teachings. Feng refers to air and Shui refers to water. Hence, Feng Shui refers to air water.
Vastu Shastra was formulated more than 5000 years ago in India. The first evidence was found in the textual form in the Rig Veda (around 1500 – 1000 BC). Feng Shui was formulated more than 3000 years ago in China. The first evidence in textual form of Feng Shui was found in the Burial Book (around 276 – 324 CE).
The purpose of Vastu shastra is to build spaces in tune with the harmony of the environment. Feng Shui has the main purpose of finding and influencing harmony for achieving life improvements.
Vastu Shastra is based on scientific facts and observations. Feng shui is more of a geographical connection.
Vastu believes that the north is the most auspicious direction as it is the main source of magnetic energy. Feng Shui believes the south is the most auspicious direction as it can take the benefit of the sun moving from East to West.
Vastu Shastra believes that water should be placed in the northeast direction. Feng Shui believes that earthen materials should be in the north-east direction. 
Vastu Shastra put emphasis on using Tulsi Plants, adding Ganesh idols, etc. in the right direction.   Feng Shui focuses on adding the bamboo, laughing Buddha, and wind chimes in the right direction. 

Application of Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui in Home

In this section, take a quick look at the placement of the applications in the different directions and differences between Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra placements. 

Centre of the House

Vastu Shastra Tip: According to Vastu, the center of the house has the main purpose of receiving a high quality of energy. Hence, it suggests making it an open space or making the center a courtyard. Feng Shui Tip: Feng Shui calls the center of a house its heart. It is a place of the house where all the energies come and combine. Therefore, Feng Shui suggests keeping this place clean so that the happy energies can come to the house. 

Entrance of House

Vastu Shastra Tip: As per the Vastu experts, the entrance door should be in the north direction or the east direction as they consider them as the most auspicious directions. For finding the best direction of the entrance door, divide the house into 4 parts. Make the entrance door in the fourth section of the house.  Feng Shui Tip: Feng Shui believes that the perfect direction for the door is south. Also, Feng Shui is a color governed system, so color the door with red paint as the south is the direction of the fire element. 


Vastu Shastra Tip: Vastu says the master bedroom should be on the southwest side of the house. Avoid making it on the southeast side as it is the direction of Agni (fire) and can lead to quarrels and misunderstandings in the house.  Feng Shui Tip: According to this system, pearl white color and dark shades of brown are the right choices for bedroom colors. Position of the bed, decorating items, and decoration is important for bedrooms. A rule of thumb as per Feng Shui is keeping the bed diagonally from the door.

Children’s Room

Vastu Shastra Tip: The children’s room should be in the north-east, east, or the north direction of the house. Choosing the east side is suggested by Vastu as this is the direction of the rising sun. Also, make sure that the children’s room faces towards the open spaces. Feng Shui Tip: Feng Shui has some other principles for children’s rooms. It says to keep the room clutter-free. It should also have an ample amount of airflow. Avoid placing the child’s bed under a window or aligning it directly with the mirror. Feng Shui also advises to not use any war scenes or wild animal photographs in the room.

Pooja Room

Vastu Shastra Tip: Vastu suggests making the pooja room in the northeast direction of the house so that it can harness the maximum of the sun’s energy. Keep the idols away from the wall for the continuous airflow towards the idols. The storage in this room should be facing towards the southeast direction. It will ensure that there is nothing in the room obstructing the light of the sun. Feng Shui Tip: Feng Shui also suggests making the pooja room in the northeast direction of the house. It is because cosmic positivity flows in this direction. Try Using marbles and wood for the pooja room.


Vastu Shastra Tip: Make sure the kitchen is neither above nor under the pooja room, bedroom, or bathroom. Reserve the southeast side of the house for the construction of the kitchen. Do not add black color to the kitchen as it is considered inauspicious and instead of the color black, use colors like orange, green, red, and other bright colors. Feng Shui Tip: Feng Shui advises not to make the kitchen above the bathroom. Try to make a kitchen near or in front of the entrance door of the house. Feng Shui experts say that warm colors are the best for the kitchen.     

Common Home Decoration according to Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra

Below are a few tips for your home according to Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui for the continuous flow of positive energy, happiness, and prosperity in your home.
  • Make your dining room in such a way that it faces the west direction. West is the direction ruled by Saturn. Hence, it symbolizes and represents the path of Baksura, the portrayal of the hungry.
  • Avoid keeping plants with thorns at home, such as cactus. Also, avoid keeping the plants beside the east or the north walls. 
  • Make sure that the main gate of your house has two panels. Also, the door that opens on the outer side of the house should not open on the inner side of the house. The doors of the house should not creak. 

Feng Shui Decoration Tips for Home

If you have not followed the principles of Feng Shui and Vastu, then these might seem unusual to you. But both principles bring a variety of choices that you can experiment with and embrace your home in your way. Earlier, there was just one kind of idol of a laughing Buddha that people gifted to each other. But now, you will find tons of idols in different poses for decorating your space. According to the Chinese Feng Shui, there are many other items for decorating your space, such as a small water fountain, or a water-flowing system that will recycle the water as the water will keep flowing inside instead of the outside of the system and make your space beautiful. The significance of the water decorating item is immense. It signifies the flow of good health, happiness, and wealth just like the water and will always keep flowing for a good life. A few Feng Shui tips that you need to keep in mind are not buying Buddha or bamboo for your place on your own. These two things are supposed to be a gift by anyone on auspicious events. Keeping the idol of Buddha facing the entrance door is said to bring happiness to your family. Placing wind chimes on the bedroom window will minimize the fights and problems in your home among the members of the family.

What is Bad Feng Shui for a home?

There are tons of Feng Shui flaws in a house that makes a bad Feng Shui for a home. From the entrance door to the bathroom, learn the difference between a Feng Shui compliant home and bad Feng Shui. Also, learn hope you can challenge these bad energies and create a good balance in your house. 
  • Avoid a directly aligned entrance door with the back door of the house because all the good energy that comes as per the Chinese Feng Shui will exit from the back door and will not get a chance to either nourish or circulate in your space. 
  • Avoid the staircase that faces the front door. It is because the energy will enter your house from the front door and will rush to the floor to which the staircase is taking them. It will leave the main floor of the house energy deprived.
  • Avoid the bathroom that faces the entrance door. In such situations, the good energy will escape using the route of the bathroom, which will leave a little or no good Feng Shui energy in your space.
  • Placement of the staircase in the middle of the house. A staircase in the center of the home is not a good sign for good Feng Shui. It also needs a lot of attention and care.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

There is not really a ground upon which it can be stated that one is better than the other. Both Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui offer harmony, peace and help yan individual cultivate a happy way of living. It is best to go through the similarities and differences they have in between and go for the one which you find most ideal to your lifestyle. Vastu Shastra is, typically, understood as Indian Feng Shui. However, it is important to acknowledge that Vastu Shastra is a much older concept than Feng Shui and its principles are different from Feng Shui on many parameters. Feng Shui is practised by a huge number of people across the globe and is believed to be beneficial in order to welcome good luck. However, there are no scientific reasons to back the advantages of Feng Shui principles and practices. The debate whether Vastu is real or fake has never been able to reach any conclusion. You can incorporate Vastu guidelines if you are getting a new house constructed. What matters is whether you wish to invest in a Vastu-friendly home. If yes then you can go ahead. The answer is Yes. Due to Vastu, one can have a well-ordered home that brings positivity and peace, and who would not want these. Hence, using Vastu can keep your place happy and abundant in every good aspect. Vastu Shastra is not a precise science but a pseudoscience, as stated by the head of the Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations – Narendra Nayak. According to the astronomer Jayant Narlikar, Vastu Shastra is all about integrating the ambiance and architecture without any relevant or logical connection to the environment. The best Vastu for the house is placing the pooja room in the northeast direction of your house. If not northeast, then choose the east or west side of the house. Vastu is not necessary, but good for sustaining a peaceful and healthier life There is as such no evidence which states that Chi exists or that natural elements lead to an effect on an individual’s body and mind. Whereas, if we keep spirituality aside, some Feng Shui is quite active. In Hong Kong and Taiwan, Feng Shui is still very popular. But in the People’s Republic in China, it is illegal to register as a feng shui consultant or open a business related to it. Moreover, the advertising practice of feng shui is also banned in PRC (People’s Republic in China). Most people think that believing and using Feng Shui will create a conflict between their religious beliefs. However, the truth is Feng Shuis is not a religion whereas it is universal, neutral, and unbiased. The main motive is to support people in creating a balanced life in every term. People believe that to harness a positive vibe and establish money they need Feng Shui. Whereas Feng Shui is more like a practice of arranging different pieces in your living space together to make some balance with the natural environment.
Bhavya Mishra Bhavya is a content writer who adores every aspect of writing. She aims to reach her creative goals one day at a time. She is a writer in the day and a reader in the night.
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