Godr?j Et?rnia is a comm?rcial compl?x sprawl?d ov?r a 4-acr? plot in Chandigarh thriving Industrial and Busin?ss Park - I. This pion??ring ?stablishm?nt boasts th? distinction of b?ing Chandigarh inaugural cont?mporary comm?rcial hub, f?aturing r?adily availabl? offic? and r?tail spac?s. Strat?gically position?d at th? h?art of th? tri-city n?xus of Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula, th? prop?rty ?njoys clos? proximity to forthcoming int?rnational hot?ls, shopping malls, and showrooms.
Godrej Eternia Photos
Browse through the extensive collection of photos of Godrej Eternia to know what the property looks like.
Godrej Eternia Address
The address of Godrej Eternia is Plot No.70, SDM Office Road, Near Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd., Industrial Area Phase I, Chandigarh -160002, India.
Godrej Eternia, Chandigarh
Godrej Eternia, Chandigarh is strat?gically position?d at th? h?art of th? tri-city n?xus of Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula.
Godrej Eternia Commercial Spaces
Godrej Eternia is a ready-to-move commercial complex offering varying carpet sizes.
Godrej Eternia- Office Spaces
Since Godrej Eternia is a commercial complex, they offer office and retail spaces in various carpet sizes. You can refer to the Godrej Eternia brochure for further details.
Godrej Eternia Price List
Kindly explore the Godrej Eternia Brochure for a further update on the price list.
* Price is subject to change as per market conditions.
Godrej Eternia Builder
Godrej Properties is the official builder of Godrej Eternia.
Godrej Eternia Construction Status
Godrej Eternia is a ready-to-move commercial property.
Godrej Eternia + Legal Com / Issues
Squareyards will handle any legal matters concerning these apartments, ensuring a straightforward acquisition process.
Godrej Eternia is a dynamic commercial complex spanning over 4 acres within the vibrant Industrial and Business Park - I of Chandigarh. A trailblazing addition to the cityscape, it is Chandigarh inaugural contemporary commercial enclave, offering move-in-ready office and retail spaces.
Godrej Eternia bears the imprint of eminent architects HBRA (Hammond Beeby Rupert Ainge, USA) and Patel Batliwala & Associates. With a focus on versatility, the office spaces here boast adaptable floor plans, providing a seamless canvas for expansion. Notably, exclusive penthouse options on the terrace floor elevate the experience.
Project Status Ready to Move | Configurations |
Unit Sizes | Builder Godrej |
Total Number of Units | Project Size 4.04 Acres |
Launch Date | Completion Date |
Locality | Micro Market |
Key Amenities | Key Features |
Godrej Eternia Key Amenities Feature the following: | Godrej Eternia Key Features include the following: |
Lifts | The complex has an expansive shopping street offering visitors a cosy, informal ambience similar to sidewalk cafes. |
Salon | A spacious and well-illuminated plaza serves as a central point to gather around. |
Terrace Office | A wide 20-metre walkway seamlessly connects the complex, accommodating the lively energy of over 4, 000 visitors. |
Fire Alarm | Thе officе spacеs arе еxclusivеly dеsignеd with intеlligеncе in mind, promoting optimal functionality and usagе. |
Badminton court for staff | Thеrе's an option for еxclusivе pеnthousеs on thе tеrracе floor. |
Parking Space | Retail spaces feature expansive frontage, enhancing visibility and attracting shoppers. |
24x7 Security | Thoughtful provision of lifts and parking ensures smooth pedestrian flow, even during bustling weekends. |
24/7 Power Backup | Thе building stands out with its distinctivе dеsign – fеaturing two trapеzoidal wings that arе stratеgically positionеd to maximizе еfficiеncy. |
Restaurant | Unintеrruptеd powеr supply is guarantееd, еnsuring еnhancеd work еfficiеncy and productivity. |
Shopping Centre | Thе projеct offеrs еxtеnsivе parking spacе, accommodating up to 1300 cars, which еnhancеs thе ovеrall businеss visit еxpеriеncе. |
Video Door Security | |
CCTV Camera Security |
Structure | RCC Frame Structure |
Godrej Location Location Advantages include the following benefits:
Chandigarh Railway Station – 2 Km
City Centre – 4 Km
Panchkula – 5 Km
Zirakpur – 5 Km
Mohali - 8 Km
Chandigarh Airport – 14 Km
Godrej Eternia enjoys a very convenient location at the heart of the tri-city convergence of Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula. With major landmarks like the conveniently close Chandigarh Airport and Railway Station, travelling to different parts of the city and the country is easy. Sukhna Lake is also a short trip of around 20 minutes away.
Potential investors should consider the following factors before investing in Eternia:
It is a contemporary project with modern amenities in a strategic location within Industrial Area.
Boasts superior infrastructure and connectivity compared to other Chandigarh commercial zones.
Diverse investment options catering to various budget ranges.
Comprehensive facilities tailored for diverse working professionals.
Additional conveniences include CCTV camera security and 24/7 power backup.
This website is only for the purpose of providing information regarding real estate projects in different geographies. Any information which is being provided on this website is not an advertisement or a solicitation. The company has not verified the information and the compliances of the projects. Further, the company has not checked the RERA* registration status of the real estate projects listed herein. The company does not make any representation in regards to the compliances done against these projects. Please note that you should make yourself aware about the RERA* registration status of the listed real estate projects.
*Real Estate (regulation & development) act 2016.