Replied by Pavitra Madan On 25/7/2024
Whether you downloaded your income tax intimation as a PDF or received it through the e-filing portal, opening it requires your PAN and date of birth. For downloaded PDFs, th...
Replied by Vishvas Zacharia On 25/7/2024
In Vastu, a honey bee nest in your home is generally lucky! Honey represents sweetness and wealth. Having them around is like having good luck charms that might bring mor...
Replied by Vibhooti Sharma On 1/8/2024
According to Vastu, placing your tulsi plant on the north or northeast side brings good luck! This area is supposed to be lucky for money because the god of wealth...
Replied by Ajmil Deshmukh On 25/7/2024
When it comes to measuring land, acres and square yards are two common units. An acre represents a specific area of land, often used in countries with British Imperial Syste...
Replied by Ravish/Ravit Haldar On 25/7/2024
Performing Kali Puja at home is a beautiful and spiritual experience. Start by cleaning the area where you will perform the puja, ensuring it is tidy and peaceful. Place a...
Replied by Tanya Chauhan On 25/7/2024
The conversion of bigha to biswa varies significantly depending on the region within India due to different local measurement standards. Generally, one bigha is equivalent to 20 biswa in man...