gandhi nagar, Bangalore, is a bustling neighborhood. it is located in the southern state of karnataka, bangalore. the pin code for gandhi nagar is 560009. the locality is currently a division in ward 94 of the bruhat bangalore mahanagara palike (bbmp). baner comes under the bangalore central parliamentary constituency and the gandhinagar assembly constituency.
the ward has a total area of about 1.93 km square. a 2011 census report shows us that the locality had around 6,599 homes with a population of 31,000. and that the wards population had declined by 11.6% in ten years from 2001. apart from that, gandhi nagar has several areas that are part of the locality. seshadripuram, nehru nagar, bangalore city, ramakrishna layout, vv giri colony, rk puram, kempegowda bus station, gandhinagar, okalipuram, srirampuram, ramachandrapuram, chikpete and upparpet, all of them fall under its jurisdiction.
the locality, got its name the bangalore race course, is also known for conducting horse-racing events. popular sites like freedom park have been part of the ward for decades now. it previously functioned as the central jail for the city. but now, it is considered a monument and resting place for many local people who live there. everything operates in the area well, from famous bookshops to commercial market shops. even their fine dining options can leave you speechless with hotels and restaurants found nearby for the locals convenience.
currently, there are seven properties available in the locality for sale. and an additional two properties that are only available for rent. the average price for buying a three bhk in this locality is about rs. 8,295 per square foot that falls under the price range between rs. 90 lakhs and 4.5 crores. for rent, the price starts from rs. 11,000 for a 1-bhk flat.
the localities near it are pillanna garden kadugondanahalli, Kaval Byrasandra kaval byrasandra, etc. the locality has been getting excellent reviews on how the area functions and works as a unit. they also mention the wide-area allotted for parking, saying it is spacious and nature-friendly. and above all, the locality has an excellent atmosphere and ambiance surrounding it.
gandhi nagar has a busy neighborhood that is well-maintained and clean.
the locality is also known for its horse-racing events that are held throughout the year.
many well-acclaimed travel sites and places are found within the area.
sufficient buses and taxis are available for the locals to take any time.
the environment for the locality is top-notch with clean surroundings and proper roads.
commuting to different places from the area has been made easy and stress-free with loads of travel options.
hotels and restaurants in the area are quite famous and well-known for their hospitality.
it also provides safe markets.
the locality is not gifted in providing the best schools. nonetheless, there are many available options to counter that situation.
as we all know, bangalore suffers from pollution and heavy traffic. it is no different for this locality too.
note that a handful of transgender people live in the area.
gandhi nagar is a well-developed and functional area that consists of mid-level educational institutions, high-end hotels and restaurants, and even famous hospitals. the site has well-connected roads that ensure proper maintenance and safety. many tourists have visited the area for its ambiance and hospitality. for example, we have freedom park.
gandhi nagar has several shopping malls and markets nearby. some of the shopping malls are grand majestic mall, aishwarya mall, shopping centre, etc. all of the above is located at a distance that is easily accessible for the locals. sn bazar and national market are the closest markets found here.
the hospitals found in gandhi nagar are well-known among the locals. here are some of the health care centers located in the area. maj health care service found in the grand majestic mall has excellent facilities. then, we have the bangalore university health center. besides, there are many other outlets.
the connectivity for the locality is worth mentioning because of how the electronic city works. it is quite tolerable for all the locals present in the area. bus commuters and taxis are readily available at any time of the day. the site also provides other travel services for the locals.
new oxford english school, shri nks. english high school and dvv high school are the popular schools found in gandhi nagar. the area has several banks available like icici bank, state bank of india and many more. core fitness station is one of the most famous gyms in the locality.
gandhi nagar is primarily known for attracting many tourists from different parts of the world. travel sites like freedom park, rajkumar statue, indira gandhi musical fountain park, etc., have gained popularity among tourists and the locals. many residents who live here also know the history and value behind freedom park.
Location | Current Price | 3 Months | 6 Months | 1 Year |
Binnipete | ₹ 14,178 | +3.56% | +9.26% | -1.62% |
Developer Name | Transactions |
RC Properties | 3 |
Embassy Group | 1 |