Incepted in the year 2009, KanchHAL Group of Companies' corporate office is located in the Heart of the city of Nawabs, Lucknow and spread across the country having its operations in major cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kanpur etc. Kanchhal Group has a track record of over 5 years of Sustained growth, customer satisfaction and Innovation. Currently the company has over 10 planned projects with 3 projects in pipeline. Kanchhal Group of companies have always been committed to providing superior customer service and an unwavering dedication to the satisfaction of customers. Proactively seeking to improve quality, value, and service are hallmarks of these companies. Their commitment to personalized service, continuing innovation and overall expertise has brought annual recognition through numerous awards. The management team has enhanced the community and profession by serving in many local and regional capacities.
100% Service, 0% Brokerage. We charge our customers nothing. Not today, not ever.
Our sales personnel are accountable for every step - site visits, home loans & post-sales.
Highly unlikely, but if you find a lower price anywhere, tell us and we will match it.