Kirsali Gaon is a village located in Sahaspur Block of Dehradun district in Uttarakhand. Placed in the rural region of Uttarakhand, it is one of the 112 villages of Sahaspur Block of Dehradun District. The village has 70 families. According to Census 2011, Kirsali Gaon’s population is 440. The literacy ratio of the village is 83%. The local languages include Hindi and Garhwali. There are many real estate properties in Kirsali Gaon for sale. According to the Constitution of India and Panchayati Raj Act, Kirsali Gaon village is administered by Sarpanch (Head of Villlage) who is the elected representative of the village. If you are looking for property in Dehradun, keep an eye for Kirsali Gaon.