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Legal Services for
Real Estate

  • Inhouse & Experienced Team of Experts
  • Simple to complex property issues
  • Cost-Efficient Services at your doorstep
Most Utilized Services
Top Property Services
  • Litigation Services
  • Monitoring and Valuation
Documents Review
Documents Review
  • Recommended for property buyers 
  • Legal documents are reviewed by an in -house expert 
  • Analyses property documents and compliance issues
Sample Report
FREE ₹ 2,500
Legal Power of Attorney
Legal Power of Attorney
  • Gives an attorney-in-charge the authority to act for specific rights 
  • Issued for consideration or interest for a fixed period of time.
  • Incompetent to eliminate the lack of payment capacity
Sample Report
₹ 5,500 ₹ 9,000
Lease Agreement
Lease Agreement
  • A legal contract between a lessor and lessee
  • Constitutes all requisites when a lessor engages with a lessee
  • Allows the lessee to rent a property for a certain period
Sample Report
₹ 2,750 ₹ 10,000
Sale Agreement
Sale Agreement
  • Includes all the regulations about the sale of a property
  • Executed by a developer or a seller
  • Constitutes all financial terms
Sample Report
₹ 5,500 ₹ 15,000
Comprehensive Due Diligence
Comprehensive Due Diligence
  • Analyses the property documents and compliance issues
  • Verifies title search and mortgage checks
  • Used for property valuation reports and verifying documents
Sample Report
₹ 11,000 ₹ 20,000
Property Complaints
Property Complaints
  • Includes assessment of the complaint and the best route to take
  • Sends legal letter to the Developer / Seller for refunds / Settlement
  • Files case in appropriate courts - RERA, Consumer, NCLT, Arbitration
Sample Report
₹ 27,500 ₹ 75,000
Title Search
Title Search
  • Determines Various facets of a property history
  • Helps In assessing the present titleholder
  • Examines public records to confirm ownership of property
Sample Report
₹ 5,500 ₹ 10,000
Litigation Search
Litigation Search
  • Refers to actions contested in court
  • Investigates charges levied on property sellers
  • Deals with active, pending and disposed off cases
Sample Report
₹ 1,650 ₹ 3,000
The Platform

One-Stop-Destination for Real Estate Asset Management & Diligence

Inhouse Experts

Legal exparts with 3-6 years' experience in real estate, worked in leading law firm to deliver issues

Simple to Complex Issues

From vetting - drafting - complaints - notice - wills all under one roof including support with establish firms

Cost Efficient

We are sure to deliver the best services in cheapest cost, while many things are standardised, we ensure to deliver service in a personalised manner

Improve your experience in Management, Property Insights & Marketing

A structured and centralized single-source-of-the-truth for your real estate portfolio.
