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Pincode of Sanathal Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Information about Sanathal Post Office & Pincode

  • Pincode 382210
  • Post Office Name Sanathal
  • District Ahmedabad
  • State Gujarat
  • Official Language Hindi,English
  • P.O. Address Postmaster, Sanathal (Sub Office), Sanathal, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India (IN), Pin Code- 382210

About Sanathal

Sanathal in Ahmedabad lies in residential zone Ahmedabad South.Average resale price in Sanathal is around 4146 per square feet, but people can enjoy higher luxury by paying some premium in projects like Gala Villa Lotus, HN Safal Aamrakunj and for those looking at more affordable options can consider Pacifica Marvela, HN Safal Aamrakunj. It offers around 4 projects by reputed builders such as Pacifica, Gala, HN Safal. Around 25% of projects in the zone are Early Stage and 25% of projects in the zone are Ready to Move. Dominant unit type in Sanathal is 4 BHK consisting of 60% of total supply while 3 BHK consisting of 30% of total supply.

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