Information about Virar east Post Office & Pincode
Post Office NameVirar East
Official LanguageHindi,English
Contact Number250
P.O. AddressPostmaster, Virar East (Sub Office),
Virar East, Thane, Maharashtra, India (IN), Pin Code- 401305
About Virar east
Virar East in Mumbai lies in residential zone Mira Road And Beyond. people can enjoy higher luxury by paying some premium in projects like Parikh Peninsula Park and for those looking at more affordable options can consider Parikh Peninsula Park. It offers around 10 projects by reputed builders such as Swastik, Puranik, Maitry Pooja. Around 10% of projects in the zone are Well Occupied. Dominant unit type in Virar East is 2 BHK consisting of 67% of total supply while 3 BHK consisting of 33% of total supply.
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