Gavdevi Aruna Ulhas is an premium Project located in Badlapur East, Badlapur and well connected by major road(s) like Kalyan Badlapur Road. The total area in which Gavdevi Aruna Ulhas has been built is 0.12 acre. This project has been developed by Gavdevi Developers who are one of the reputed developers in the Thane. The Project current status is Ready to Move. It has 20 Units. The Apartment units are available in various configurations like 1 BHK Flats at a minimum price of...
Introducing Gavdevi Complex, a premium residential and commercial project located in Katrap, along the coveted Kalyan Badlapur Road. Residents will appreciate the convenience of living near a major commercial hub, yet enjoying a peaceful and serene environment. The project offers a mix of 1 BHK apartments, meticulously designed to provide the perfect blend of comfort, functionality, and style. With its strategic location, Gavdevi Complex is an ideal choice for those seeking a...