Venkatesh Bhoomi Spring Town Phase II, Pune South, is a luxurious residential project launched by Venkatesh Bhoomi Developers. Spread over an area of 4 acres, the project offers luxurious homes ranging from 2BHK to 3BHK. The residences come with 892 sqft to 1600 sqft sizes and are strategically located in close proximity to all the major points of the city. The project is well connected with all the major points of the city and offers convenient shopping centres for daily nee...
Venkatesh Bliss is a luxurious residential project located in Pune South,Pune. The project offers 176 units spread over 10 acres with sizes ranging from 1000 sqft to 1622 sqft. The project offers a luxurious lifestyle with all the modern amenities. The project is located close to Undri city center, which offers seamless connectivity to Pune Mumbai Expressway. The project is also closed proximity to Pune city center....
Venkatesh Bhoomi Spring Town Phase I is a perfect place to live in modern and futuristic style. Situated in Pune South,Pune, the project offers a wide range of 1BHK-4BHK apartments, each with a size ranging from 640 sqft to 2000 sqft. The project is designed in a contemporary and futuristic style, with sleek and modern designs that will make you feel at home. The project is also well-connected, with various schools, hospitals, and other amenities close by. Venkatesh Bhoomi Sp...