There are specific meanings of Alkaline Soil or Alkali in a manner of speaking. This means a clay soil which has a higher pH level, along with a comparatively poorer structure of soil, in addition to a reduced capacity for infiltration. They also have harder and calcareous layers at times, which hover between 0.5-1 meters in terms of their depth.
Alkaline soil is a specific soil type with a higher pH value and this happens on account of higher amounts of soluble salts or sodium ions (which are exchangeable) and they create what is known as alkaline hydrolysis. This also means soil with a higher degree of alkalinity or a higher sodium percentage or even both these aspects combined.
If there are plans for growing plants, trees, and other greenery surrounding real estate projects, offices, and homes, then the soil type and quality should be carefully analyzed. This will ensure that there is no alkaline soil, which makes it difficult to grow plants or crops. There are specific plants which flourish in this soil. You should take expert help in identifying and obtaining the same. Most plants can do with alkaline levels of 7.5-8 as a maximum threshold.