The built-up area, super built-up area, and carpet area are three major concepts that are applicable or pertinent for the real estate sector.
The built-up area is inclusive of the carpet area, balcony, exclusive corridors, staircase, terrace, thickness of all the walls, and more. The super built-up area has an exclusive built-up area added to the common areas like elevators, staircases, common spaces and corridors, amenities, clubhouses, and more. This is called as the saleable area. The carpet area, as per RERA, is the net floor area (usable) of any house or apartment, with the exclusion of the common spaces, external zones, verandah zone, exclusive balconies, open terrace zones, and more. This also includes areas which are covered by partition walls (internal).
The difference should be understood between super built-up area, built-up area, and the carpet area. The carpet area includes the following:
• Living room
• Bedroom
• Dining room
• Kitchen
• Study room
• Bathroom
• Puja room
• Inner staircase
The built-up area includes all of these aspects, along with balconies, utility zones, outer staircases, terraces, verandahs, etc. The super built-up area encompasses all these aspects along with lobbies, elevators, gardens, and swimming pools.