A buying agent or a purchasing agent is someone or an entity which offers to purchase any property/real estate or any items on the behalf of any other party. The term indenting or indent agent is also used to denote this kind of buying agent in the real estate sector.
This means a buying agent or purchasing agent who offers to purchase real estate/property or any other goods on the behalf of other parties. The buying agent will often represent any specific type of item in a particular region or several regions. The buying agent will have various responsibilities including price negotiation, payments, logistics, and legal aspects. Those purchasing real estate in this manner are also called buyers’ agents or property search agents in countries like the United States. Buying agents often check out properties on behalf of prospective buyers, accompanying them on site visits, while also offering assistance with payment negotiations, legal checks, and the completion of all the formalities for purchasing the property in question.
Buying agents are thus real estate professionals who offer guidance and help for buyers all throughout the home-buying system. They are representatives of buyers across real estate deals, with a legal responsibility to safeguard their interest, while making sure that they get the best possible option at all times as well.