Credit gives the word to pay either by repaying it or returning those resources later. In other words, this credit is the method of making the reciprocity formal, legally enforceable, and of course, extensible to a vast group of people who are not related.
However, the resources provided may be financial or have goods or services, like consumer credit. The credit covers any form of deferred payment. Credit generally gets extended by the creditor, the debtor or lender, and sometimes the borrower.
Discrimination means any unfair or biased treatment of someone over grounds such as origins, ethnicity, race, age, sex, gender, disabilities, and even financial capabilities or economic conditions. It means to be prejudiced in terms of outlook towards an individual. It also means treating someone differently on account of biases or prejudices.
In the real estate sector, there is sometimes a practice known as housing discrimination. This is the illegal and unethical treatment against renters/buyers of homes on the basis of their nationality, origins, ethnicity, color, religion, race, sex, gender, family circumstances, and disabilities. The U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling on these practices or methods being completely illegal and unconstitutional back in 1917. The same practice applies for the property market in almost all other nations as well. Simply put, developers, owners, sellers, and landlords cannot discriminate against buyers/renters on the basis of these factors and other biases.